.NET Compact framework数据访问技术杂谈讲稿
标签: framework Compact NET 数据访问
上传时间: 2013-11-28
可在系统引导时工作的RootKit,较简单 1) It s very small.The basic framework is just about 100 lines of assembly code.It supports 2000,XP,2003 2) It patches the kernel at runtime(no files are patched on disk).(basic version has this code removed , so as others could understand it easily). 3) BOOT KIT is PXE-compatible. 4) It can even lead to first ever PXE virus 5)It also enables you to load other root kits if you have physical access(Normally root kits can only be loaded by the administrator)
标签: framework assembly RootKit small
上传时间: 2014-01-02
Spring framework 开发参考手册,为所有用spring框架进行开发的开发人员提供了良好的帮助,适合初学者和开发人员使用
标签: framework Spring spring 参考手册
上传时间: 2014-01-13
驱动开发向导 I came across an article QuickSYS which implements an NT driver framework. That article demonstrates a MFC application that gets a project name as a parameter and creates Visual C++ workspace with NT driver framework. I decided to copy the NT driver framework source and to put it in the Visual Studio project wizard as seen above. This is simpler rather than running an external executable application that generates the code for you.
标签: article implements framework QuickSYS
上传时间: 2014-01-07
XPASP验证码控件(ASP.NET DLL).NET源码运行环境: .Net framework 1.1,IIS 5.0+,IE6.0 (WinXP/IIS6.0/IE6.0调试) 版本说明: 当前版本 XPASP V 1.1,ASP.NET验证码类
上传时间: 2013-12-06
Spring framework 开发参考手册
上传时间: 2014-12-05
上传时间: 2013-12-21
居于.net framework 2.0的windows窗体控件 直接应用,无须原版 声明: 破解软件仅用于学习研究,不要用于商业目的 对于破解软件出现的问题,请自行处理。
上传时间: 2015-08-26
.net framework的精髓对了解.net frame的工作原理非常有帮助
上传时间: 2015-08-27
具体功能, A Free introduction on spring framework. 简单地说,Spring 是一个以控制倒置(Inversion of Control)原则为基础的轻量级框架。控制倒置是一个用于“基于组件的体系结构”的设计模式,它将“判断依赖关系”的职责移交给容器,而不是由组件本身来判断彼此之间的依赖关系。当在Spring内实现组件时, 容器“轻量级”的方面就展现出来了:针对Spring开发的组件不需要任何外部库;而且, 容器是轻量级的,它避免了像EJB容器那样的重量级方案的主要缺点,例如启动时间长、测试复杂、部署和配置困难,等等。
标签: introduction framework spring Free
上传时间: 2015-08-27