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  • This example streams input from a ADC source to a DAC. An analog signal is acquired block-by-block

    This example streams input from a ADC source to a DAC. An analog signal is acquired block-by-block into SDRAM from the ADC (an AD9244 in this example). The frames are then output with a one-frame delay to the DAC (an AD9744 in this example). In this example, no processing is done on the frames. They are passed unaltered.

    标签: block-by-block acquired example streams

    上传时间: 2015-12-29


  • 查找并替换所有文本中的文字

    查找并替换所有文本中的文字,可清除frame病毒影响的各种文本文件。暂缺多线程操作. www.euwx.cn


    上传时间: 2016-03-20


  • 定时中断程序

    定时中断程序,源码的注释十分详细,具体功能如下: 1.frame 实现能有效降低VxWorks 内存管理内部/外部碎片的机制。 2. frame 实现为系统提供软定时器功能的机制,定时器timeout 信息以message 或其他快捷有效方式通知定时器申请者(Task)。 3. 参考实验一要求,系统中每个Task 拥有自己的Message Queue,以此方式作为系统的消息驱动基础。 4. 系统中各Task 应使用同一类型框架,即统一的Task 框架。 5. 系统内实体(Task/ISR)间传递的消息应有统一格式(消息头+消息体),可分短消息和长消息,但消息头须至少包含消息ID。系统内所有消息均有其唯一ID 标识。

    标签: 定时中断 程序

    上传时间: 2016-04-02


  • Dark Horde 黑暗游牧部落游戏 这是个经典的j2me游戏

    Dark Horde 黑暗游牧部落游戏 这是个经典的j2me游戏,试用MIDP2开发,使用了独到的game frame,适合j2me开发人员阅读学习,并且作者鼓励大家免费修改和扩展该游戏,有兴趣的朋友可以加入。

    标签: Horde Dark j2me

    上传时间: 2016-04-20


  • This example provides a description of how to set a communication with the bxCAN in loopback mode:

    This example provides a description of how to set a communication with the bxCAN in loopback mode: - transmit and receive a standard data frame by polling at 100Kbit/S - transmit and receive an extended data frame with interrupt at 500Kbit/S - lit some LEDs depending of the program succeed or not

    标签: communication description provides loopback

    上传时间: 2016-04-24


  • First of all we would like to thank God Almighty for giving us the strength and confidence in pursi

    First of all we would like to thank God Almighty for giving us the strength and confidence in pursing the ambitions. We would like to thank our Examiner Professor Axel Jantsch for allowing us to do this under his guidance and encouragement. At the same time we would like to mention our sincere thanks to Mr. Said Zainali, Manager of frame ACCESS AB for giving all the required equipment and the technical support which helped us to finish this thesis. We would like to mention our gratitude to our fellow VACS team members who helped us a lot during difficult times.

    标签: confidence Almighty strength giving

    上传时间: 2013-12-01


  • 运行环境: JDK1.4以上 程序编写软件:JCreator Application1.java为主类

    运行环境: JDK1.4以上 程序编写软件:JCreator Application1.java为主类,如果装有JCreator,直接用JCreator打开Application1.java 程序就可以运行。 点击‘八皇后演示’ 会跳出个frame,可以输入第一行起点的坐标比如‘3’的话,第一行会从第三个开始演示。 点击‘快速排序’会把TARRAY.DAT文件里面的数据用快速排序的方法进行排序 注意:在程序编写时候 TARRAY.DAT 是放在 D:\\Aglogic\\QCKSRT\\TARRAY.DAT 当更换路径时候,也要在Sortframe.java里面 做 相应的更换

    标签: Application JCreator java JDK

    上传时间: 2014-01-18


  • DirectFB,linux下直接访问显卡的

    DirectFB,linux下直接访问显卡的,直接对frame buffer进行操作

    标签: DirectFB linux 访问 显卡

    上传时间: 2013-11-29


  • sourceforge历史版本完整下载: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=202044 提供了基于b树索引算法的文件数据数据

    sourceforge历史版本完整下载: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=202044 提供了基于b树索引算法的文件数据数据库模块详见storage/目录下面的 btree.c与pager.c container目录为常用的容器实现,如果rbtree avltree map heap list vector hashtable deque T树 B树, test目录为测试程序代码经过初步测试,比较稳定。 os_api:装一些操作系统相关的接口函数。已完成event mutex sem thread pipe相关的封装 advance_container:提供优先级消息队列,普通消息队列,定时器容器。 frame:目前提供了listerner(linux下版本,模仿ace的反应器)定时器 algorithm:补充了堆排序 与快速排序 所有代码均已在windows linux与uclinux + arm44b0平台下测试 欢迎交流 msn:lsccsl@163.net mail:lsccsl@tom.com

    标签: sourceforge showfiles group_id project

    上传时间: 2016-07-16


  • ofdm信道特性 Channel transmission simulator Channel transmission simulator % % inputs: % sig2 - noi

    ofdm信道特性 Channel transmission simulator Channel transmission simulator % % inputs: % sig2 - noise variance % Mt - number of Tx antennas % Mr - number of Rx antennas % x - vector of complex input symbols (for MIMO, this is a matrix, where each column % is the value of the antenna outputs at a single time instance) % H - frequency selective channel - represented in block-Toeplitz form for MIMO transmission % N - number of symbols transmitted in OFDM frame % % outputs: % y - vector of channel outputs (matrix for MIMO again, just like x matrix) % create noise vector sequence (each row is a different antenna, each column is a % different time index) note: noise is spatially and temporally white

    标签: transmission simulator Channel inputs

    上传时间: 2016-07-22
