用匿名方式登陆一个FTP服务器,下载FTP服务器里的文件到本地。在FTP服务器里应该有一个list.ini文件,里面记录一些相关的信息(版本号,需要下载的文件等)。 程序第一次执行,如果本地没有list.ini文件,则先下载服务器的list.ini文件到本地,然后从本地的list文件中拿到需要升级的文件清单,下载服务器里的相应文件.最后结束自己。以后运行程序,先读取本地文件中的list文件的版本号,再下载服务器的list.ini文件到本地。然后比较版本号,如果有新版本,就从list文件中拿到需要升级的文件清单,下载服务器里的相应文件,最后结束自己。 apple3.exe 是被升级的主程序例子,在程序代码中可选择是否对被升级的主程序进行启动和关闭。 代码中有较详细的中文说明, FTP和读INI文件的类都是用的别人做好的。
上传时间: 2014-01-07
This manual describes the Call Library Function Node and the Code Interface Node (CIN). The Call Library Function Node and the CIN are the LabVIEW programming objects you use to call compiled code from text-based programming languages. This manual includes reference information about libraries of functions, memory and file manipulation routines, and diagnostic routines that you can use with calls to external code.
标签: Call Node Interface describes
上传时间: 2014-12-08
Linux.tar.gz //gz压缩格式源代码 linux0.0.1comment.zip //Linux 0.01核心源代码的注释 Linux0.01.zip //ZIP压缩格式源代码 Linux0.01虽然是Linux的第一个发行版本,但是却基本具备了操作系统中最重要的组成部分,同时Linux0.01只有8500行左右的代码,对操作系统的理解和实践就非常简单,轻松了。
上传时间: 2014-01-20
我所设计开发的这款人事档案管理系统,它的开发平台是Microsoft公司出品的 Visual Fox Pro 6.0软件,是典型的管理信息系统软件——MIS(Management Information System)。其功能包括:系统管理、档案管理、档案查询、档案统计、档案输出、花名册;为了使程序显得更具有专业风格,我还在其中加入了一个关于系统的功能表单,以介绍此系统的相关信息,如系统版本、开发日期等。
上传时间: 2016-01-18
Uniform random number generators by Agner Fog, 2001 - 2007 randomc.zip contains a C++ class library of uniform random number generators of good quality. The random number generators found in standard libraries are often of a poor quality, insufficient for large Monte Carlo calculations. This C++ implementation provides random number generators of a much better quality: Better randomness, higher resolution, and longer cycle lengths. The same random number generators are available as libraries coded in assembly language for higher speed. These libraries can be linked into projects coded in other programming languages under Windows, Linux, BSD, etc. The library files are available in the archive asmlib.zip. Non-uniform random number generators are provided in stocc.zip.
标签: generators contains Uniform randomc
上传时间: 2014-12-01
Fast and transparent file system and swap encryption package for linux. No source code changes to linux kernel. Works with 2.6, 2.4, 2.2 and 2.0 kernels.
标签: transparent encryption and changes
上传时间: 2013-12-27
ZLG7290例程*ZLG7290汇编例程*读EEPROM并显示例程* 16×2LCD模块例程*128×64点阵LCD模块例程* 直连KEY和LED例程 直连LED例程* lin模块的原码及例程。LIN总线例程 RS232例程(包括PC端和书上了串口例程) USB1.1例程(包括PC端)RS485例程 USB2.0例程(有3个,包括PC端) 基于ETHERNET的TCPIP例程自发自收例程 外中断CAN例程USB2.0PC例程
上传时间: 2014-12-22
# This resource site for "Grid Computing: Making the Global Infrastructure a Reality " edited by Fran Berman, Geoffrey Fox and Tony Hey. This is a book (over 1000 pages) published March 2003 by Wiley and (for those papers not published elsewhere) a special issue of Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience
标签: Infrastructure Computing resource Reality
上传时间: 2013-11-28
嵌入式linux经典教程Embedded Linux Primer A Practical Real-World Approach (Original Edition) 由monta vista linux的开发者写的.
标签: Real-World Practical Embedded Approach
上传时间: 2014-12-04
Proceedings of Practice of Interesting Algorithms 2007 The editor assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the information disclosed in this volume. Unauthorized use might infringe on privately owned patents of publication right. Please contact the individual authors for permission to reprint or otherwise use information from their papers. First edition 2007 Publication Planned by Prof. Wenxin Li Edited by Yili Zhao All rights reserved by Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Peking University June 26, 2007
标签: responsibility Proceedings Interesting Algorithms
上传时间: 2016-06-28