书籍Agile java crafting code with test-driven development 作者jeff langr 的源代码
标签: development test-driven crafting Agile
上传时间: 2015-12-13
基于测试驱动的JAVA编程书 书籍名Agile java crafting code with test-driven development 作者jeff langr 的源代码
标签: development test-driven crafting Agile
上传时间: 2014-01-15
C Sharp Windows Forms 程序设计(中文版),绝对的学习经典
上传时间: 2015-12-22
Windows Forms Programming with C#,英文入门经典,带源代码
标签: Programming Windows Forms with
上传时间: 2013-12-09
《C++Builder数据库开发实用教程》光盘使用说明: 一、本光盘包括如下文件: (1)Forms.rar,这是本书要做的工程的可重用窗体文件。 (2)Band4.rar,这是本书所做的窗体应用程序的全部代码。 (3)cert.rar,这是测试证书制作包。 (4)Addition.rar,这是控制扫描设备的DLL文件。 (5)Exam.rar,这是移植后的Active Form工程。 (6)ExamSite.rar,这是部署后的工程。 (7)SampleBMPs.rar,五幅BMP图片,供学习中使用。 (8)VFWForBCB.rar,这是附录五“VFW视频实时捕获技术”的工程文件。 (9)ssqyScore.rar,C++Builder 6 + Access数据库开发的软件《浙江师范大学信息学院研究生成绩管理系统》的源代码,
上传时间: 2016-01-05
Microsoft.NET测试驱动开发 Test-Driven Development in Microsoft .NET by James W. Newkirk and Alexei A. Vorontsov ISBN:0735619484 Microsoft Press © 2004 Using a wealth of pragmatic examples in C# and other .NET development tools, the two authors of this text demonstrate how to use automated tests to drive lean, efficient coding and better design.
标签: Microsoft A. W. Development
上传时间: 2014-01-07
Windows Forms Programming with C#
标签: Programming Windows Forms with
上传时间: 2013-12-30
hanks for downloading this code. This VB Project shows you how to make forms with "rounded rectangle" shape. It also shows you how you can reduce the size of your programs with a GUI by using blocks of images and absolutely positioning and stretching them to create a dialog box, rather than making the whole dialog box in a graphics program and setting it as the Picture property of the Form. Another advantage of using image blocks is that you can resize this form to virtually any size and the effect will still be the same.
标签: downloading rectangle Project rounded
上传时间: 2013-12-13
标签: Data with Applications Programming
上传时间: 2014-12-02
UsingNotification控件用来向用户显示一个“气球提示”。该控件位于 microsoft.windowsce.forms命名空间(vs2005)。
标签: UsingNotification microsoft windowsce forms
上传时间: 2013-12-26