This program shows how to configure the watchdog timer for the folloWing chips: Atmel 80C51RA2 Atmel 80C51RD2 Atmel 80C54X2 Atmel 80C58X2 Atmel 83/87C51RB2 Atmel 83/87C51RC2 Atmel 83/87C51RD2 Atmel T87C5111 Atmel T87C5112 Atmel T89C51AC2 Atmel T89C51CC01 Atmel T89C51CC02 Atmel T89C51IB2 Atmel T89C51IC2 Atmel T89C51RB2 Atmel T89C51RC2 Atmel T89C51RD2
标签: configure folloWing the watchdog
上传时间: 2015-09-26
The Hardware folder contains the folloWing files:- 1) Sram_Interface.bit -----------------> Bitstream File 2) Sram_Interface.ucf -----------------> UCF File 3) Sram_Interface.vhd -----------------> Main Entity 4) Sram_Interface_tb.vhd ------------> Test Bench 5) SRAM_RD_WR.vhd ------------> Sub Module
标签: Sram_Interface folloWing Hardware contains
上传时间: 2014-11-11
he Software folder contains the folloWing files :- 1) Sram_Interface.exe ----------> EXE File 2) Sram_Interface.c ----------> C Source File
标签: Sram_Interface folloWing Software contains
上传时间: 2015-09-28
This book describes the folloWing communications applications: Mail, Message Handler( MH), Transmission ControlProtocol/ Internet Protocol(TCP/ IP), Basic Networking Utilities( BNU), and Asynchronous Terminal Emulation( ATE). It provides overviews, concepts, and procedures on receiving and sending mail and messages, transferring files( ftp command), printing files from and to a remote system, running commands on other systems, communicating between local and remote systems, and customizing the communications environment.
标签: communications applications Transmiss describes
上传时间: 2013-12-18
- Convert file (plain text) or clipboard content among the folloWing encodings: big5, gbk, hz, shift-jis, jis, euc-jp, unicode big-endian, unicode little-endian, and utf-8. - Batch files conversion - Preview file content and converted result before actual conversion.
标签: clipboard encodings folloWing Convert
上传时间: 2015-10-13
Verilog HDL: Magnitude For a vector (a,b), the magnitude representation is the folloWing: A common approach to implementing these arithmetic functions is to use the Coordinate Rotation Digital Computer (CORDIC) algorithm. The CORDIC algorithm calculates the trigonometric functions of sine, cosine, magnitude, and phase using an iterative process. It is made up of a series of micro-rotations of the vector by a set of predetermined constants, which are powers of two. Using binary arithmetic, this algorithm essentially replaces multipliers with shift and add operations. In a Stratix™ device, it is possible to calculate some of these arithmetic functions directly, without having to implement the CORDIC algorithm.
标签: representation Magnitude the magnitude
上传时间: 2013-12-24
Did anyone ask for an integer version of sqrt? folloWing is an implementation I found and adapted. Hope it is useful for somebody.
标签: implementation folloWing adapted integer
上传时间: 2013-12-24
smsc911x 网卡驱动 This the users/programmers guide for the LAN911x Linux Driver The folloWing sections can be found below * Revision History * Files * Features * Driver Parameters * Rx Performance Tuning * Tested Platforms * Rx Code Path * Tx Code Path * Platform Interface Descriptions
标签: 911x programmers 911 folloWing
上传时间: 2014-12-02
To estimate the input-output mapping with inputs x % and outputs y generated by the folloWing nonlinear, % nonstationary state space model: % x(t+1) = 0.5x(t) + [25x(t)]/[(1+x(t))^(2)] % + 8cos(1.2t) + process noise % y(t) = x(t)^(2) / 20 + 6 squareWave(0.05(t-1)) + 3 % + time varying measurement noise % using a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) and both the EKF and % the hybrid importance-samping resampling (SIR) algorithm.
标签: input-output the generated folloWing
上传时间: 2014-01-05
% PURPOSE : Demonstrate the differences between the folloWing % filters on a simple DBN. % % 3) Particle Filter (PF) % 4) PF with Rao Blackwellisation (RBPF)
标签: Demonstrate differences the folloWing
上传时间: 2016-01-07