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  • 基于硅堆的猝发高压脉冲源初步实验研究

    为了产生驱动多幅闪光照相的高重频猝发高压电脉冲,开展了基于硅堆隔离的猝发高压脉冲发生装置的可行性研究。对普通整流硅堆脉冲条件的导通电流,反向关断时间进行了实验研究;采用脉冲形成线产生矩形脉冲,利用不同长度传输线的传输时延产生多脉冲,以硅堆隔离的方式实现多脉冲在负载的输出。研究表明:硅堆在500 ns脉宽条件下,其电流过载至少736倍,关断时间约200 ns,硅堆的绝缘恢复时间决定产生脉冲的最高重复频率。

    标签: 实验 高压脉冲源

    上传时间: 2013-11-20


  • 飞思卡尔杯竞赛:智能汽车电源设计

    飞思卡尔智能车电源设计见本资料 赛后总结: “飞思卡尔”杯智能汽车大赛的总结  

    标签: 飞思卡尔 竞赛 智能汽车 电源设计

    上传时间: 2013-10-24


  • 太阳能光伏发电解决方案


    标签: 太阳能光伏发电 方案

    上传时间: 2013-11-17


  • ADI能源解决方案-适用于配电系统的继电保护平台


    标签: ADI 能源 方案 继电保护

    上传时间: 2014-01-07


  • 用于汽车无线电和信息娱乐系统的8V开关电源

    Abstract: This application note illustrates an intermediate 8V switching power supply for an automotive radio and infotainment system.The design withstands the complete automotive input voltage range (including cold crank and load dump conditions), assuring a stable8V supply for common subsystems such as a CD driver, LCDs, and a radio module in modern infotainment systems. To avoiddisturbance in the AM and FM bands, the switching power supply runs at a fixed frequency of 2MHz, enabling an ideal solution forradio systems.

    标签: 汽车无线电 信息娱乐系统 开关电源

    上传时间: 2013-11-20


  • 基于TOP243Y的单片反激开关电源设计


    标签: 243Y TOP 243 反激

    上传时间: 2013-10-27


  • 电源工程师-电路设计中的英雄

    Abstract: We don't expect manufacturers to produce clothes that in one size that fits everyone. In thesame way, one ESD component can't solve all issues—each application has different ESD requirements.Knowing that "one size fits all" cannot apply to power design, the power designer, or the engineering"super hero," must consider all the potential disruptions to a steady flow of power and thenvarious waysto mitigate them. This tutorial describes voltage- and current-limiting devices and risetime reducers tomanage the power. It also points to free and low-cost software tools to help design lowpass filters, checkcapacitor self-resonance, and simulate circuits.

    标签: 电源工程师 电路设计

    上传时间: 2013-11-18


  • 智能电网安全保护

    Abstract: Stuxnet, a sophisticated virus that damaged Iran's nuclear capability, should be an eye openerfor the world. We can choose to learn something very narrow (how to combat the Stuxnet virus) or wecan choose to focus on the larger goal of thwarting the next type of creative cyber attack. Unfortunately,critical industrial infrastructure is not currently designed with security as a key goal, leaving open multipleavenues for an educated and funded attacker to create massive problems. This tutorial outlines somebasic concepts that engineers and product definers should consider to make sure their new projects stayahead of future threats.

    标签: 智能电网 安全保护

    上传时间: 2013-11-17


  • 基于脉冲变压器的总线式RS485隔离器


    标签: 485 RS 脉冲变压器 总线式

    上传时间: 2013-10-07


  • 电力系统谐波检测全相位频谱分析研究


    标签: 电力系统 谐波检测 相位 频谱分析

    上传时间: 2014-12-24
