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  • Functions are mappings from one Manifold to another. Discrete Functions are functions which can be r

    Functions are mappings from one Manifold to another. Discrete Functions are functions which can be represented using a finite number of values. Given the finite extent of computer memory, algorithms which compute a function that satisfies some special properties are computing a discrete function which approximates a continuous function. Computing the function involves writing a set of equations that may be solved for the values representing the function.

    标签: Functions are functions Discrete

    上传时间: 2017-08-05


  • The algorithm ID3 (Quinlan) uses the method top-down induction of decision trees. Given a set of cla

    The algorithm ID3 (Quinlan) uses the method top-down induction of decision trees. Given a set of classified examples a decision tree is induced, biased by the information gain measure, which heuristically leads to small trees. The examples are given in attribute-value representation. The set of possible classes is finite. Only tests, that split the set of instances of the underlying example languages depending on the value of a single attribute are supported.

    标签: algorithm induction decision top-down

    上传时间: 2017-08-20


  • C programming is a craft that takes years to perfect. A reasonably sharp person can learn the basics

    C programming is a craft that takes years to perfect. A reasonably sharp person can learn the basics of C quite quickly. But it takes much longer to master the nuances of the language and to write enough programs, and enough different programs, to become an expert. In natural language terms, this is the difference between being able to order a cup of coffee in Paris, and (on the Metro) being able to tell anative Parisienne where to get off. This book is an advanced text on the ANSI C programming language. It is intended for people who are already writing C programs, and who want to quickly pick up some of the insights and techniques of experts.

    标签: programming reasonably perfect basics

    上传时间: 2013-12-20


  • 自动导引小车调度(外文)

    Guided vehicles (GVs) are commonly used for the internal transportation of loads in warehouses, production plants and terminals. These guided vehicles can be routed with a variety of vehicle dispatching rules in an attempt to meet performance criteria such as minimizing the average load waiting times. In this research, we use simulation models of three companies to evaluate the performance of several real-time vehicle dispatching rules, in part described in the literature. It appears that there is a clear difference in average load waiting time between the different dispatching rules in the different environments. Simple rules, based on load and vehicle proximity (distance-based) perform best for all cases. The penalty for this is a relatively high maximum load waiting time. A distance-based rule with time truncation, giving more priority to loads that have to wait longer than a time threshold, appears to yield the best possible overall performance. A rule that particularly considers load-waiting time performs poor overall. We also show that using little pre-arrival information of loads leads to a significant improvement in the performance of the dispatching rules without changing their performance ranking.

    标签: Testing and classifying vehicle dispatching rules in three real-world settings

    上传时间: 2016-04-01


  • 传感器网络中基于到达时间差有效的凸松弛方法的稳健定位

    We consider the problem of target localization by a network of passive sensors. When an unknown target emits an acoustic or a radio signal, its position can be localized with multiple sensors using the time difference of arrival (TDOA) information. In this paper, we consider the maximum likelihood formulation of this target localization problem and provide efficient convex relaxations for this nonconvex optimization problem.We also propose a formulation for robust target localization in the presence of sensor location errors. Two Cramer-Rao bounds are derived corresponding to situations with and without sensor node location errors. Simulation results confirm the efficiency and superior performance of the convex relaxation approach as compared to the existing least squares based approach when large sensor node location errors are present.

    标签: 传感器网络

    上传时间: 2016-11-27


  • MPO与MTP接插件的定义与区别

    The CommScope InstaPATCH® 360 and ReadyPATCH® solutions utilize a standards-compliant multi-fiber connector to provide high density termination capability. The connector is called an MPO (Multi-fiber Push On) connector by the standards. In many cases, multi-fiber connector products are referred to as MTP connectors. This document is intended to clarify the difference between the two terms – MPO and MTP.

    标签: MPO MTP 插件 定义

    上传时间: 2017-04-12


  • 3G+Evolution

    During the past years, there has been a quickly rising interest in radio access tech- nologies for providing mobile as well as nomadic and fixed services for voice, video, and data. The difference in design, implementation, and use between telecom and datacom technologies is also getting more blurred. One example is cellular technologies from the telecom world being used for broadband data and wireless LAN from the datacom world being used for voice over IP.

    标签: Evolution 3G

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • 4G LTELTE-Advanced

    Duringthe past years, there has been a quickly rising interest in radio access technologies for providing mobile as well as nomadic and fixed services for voice, video, and data. This proves that the difference in design, implementation, and use between telecom and datacom technologies is also becoming more blurred. What used to be a mobile phone used for voice communication is today increasingly becoming the main data communication device for end-users, providing web browsing, social networking, and many other services.

    标签: LTELTE-Advanced 4G

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • Understanding_the_Basics_of_MIMO

    An acronym for Multiple-In, Multiple-Out, MIMO communication sends the same data as several signals simultaneously through multiple antennas, while still utilizing a single radio channel. This is a form of antenna diversity, which uses multiple antennas to improve signal quality and strength of an RF link. The data is split into multiple data streams at the transmission point and recombined on the receive side by another MIMO radio configured with the same number of antennas. The receiver is designed to take into account the slight time difference between receptions of each signal, any additional noise or interference, and even lost signals.

    标签: Understanding_the_Basics_of_MIMO

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Electrostatic Discharge Protection

    Electrostatic discharge (ESD) is one of the most prevalent threats to the reliability of electronic components. It is an event in which a finite amount of charge is trans- ferred from one object (i.e., human body) to another (i.e., microchip). This process can result in a very high current passing through the microchip within a very short period of time, and, hence, more than 35% of chip damages can be attributed to an ESD-related event. As such, designing on-chip ESD structures to protect integrated circuits against the ESD stresses is a high priority in the semiconductor industry.

    标签: Electrostatic Protection Discharge

    上传时间: 2020-06-05
