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  • Light+Propagation+in+Gain+Media

    An optical fiber amplifier is a key component for enabling efficient transmission of wavelength-divisionmultiplexed(WDM)signalsoverlongdistances.Eventhough many alternative technologies were available, erbium-doped fiber amplifiers won theraceduringtheearly1990sandbecameastandardcomponentforlong-haulopti- caltelecommunicationssystems.However,owingtotherecentsuccessinproducing low-cost, high-power, semiconductor lasers operating near 1450 nm, the Raman amplifiertechnologyhasalsogainedprominenceinthedeploymentofmodernlight- wavesystems.Moreover,becauseofthepushforintegratedoptoelectroniccircuits, semiconductor optical amplifiers, rare-earth-doped planar waveguide amplifiers, and silicon optical amplifiers are also gaining much interest these days.

    标签: Propagation Light Media Gain in

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Optical+Access+Networks

    The roots of this book were planted about a decade ago. At that time, I became increasingly convinced that wide-area and metropolitan-area networks, where much of my group’s research has been centered at that time, were in good shape. Although research in these fields was (and still is) needed, that’s not where the networking bottleneck seemed to be. Rather, the bottleneck was (and still is in many places) in the access networks, which choked users’ access to information and services. It was clear to me that the long-term solution to that problem has to involve optical fiber access networks.

    标签: Networks Optical Access

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Optical+Communication+Theory+and+Techniques

    Since the advent of optical communications, a great technological effort has been devoted to the exploitation of the huge bandwidth of optical fibers. Start- ing from a few Mb/s single channel systems, a fast and constant technological development has led to the actual 10 Gb/s per channel dense wavelength di- vision multiplexing (DWDM) systems, with dozens of channels on a single fiber. Transmitters and receivers are now ready for 40 Gb/s, whereas hundreds of channels can be simultaneously amplified by optical amplifiers.

    标签: Communication Techniques Optical Theory and

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Wireless Networks Multiusers Detection

    Wireless networking is undergoing a transformation from what has been primarily a medium for supporting voice traffic between telephones, into what is increasingly becoming a medium for supporting traffic among a variety of digital devices transmitting media of many types (voice, data, images, video. etc.) Wireline networking underwent a similar transformation in the 1990s, which led to an enormous build-up in the capacity of such networks, primarily through the addition of new optical fiber, switches and other infrastructure. 

    标签: Multiusers Detection Wireless Networks

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Wireless Optical Communication Systems

    The use of optical free-space emissions to provide indoor wireless commu- nications has been studied extensively since the pioneering work of Gfeller and Bapst in 1979 [1]. These studies have been invariably interdisciplinary in- volving such far flung areas such as optics design‚ indoor propagation studies‚ electronics design‚ communications systems design among others. The focus of this text is on the design of communications systems for indoor wireless optical channels. Signalling techniques developed for wired fibre optic net- works are seldom efficient since they do not consider the bandwidth restricted nature of the wireless optical channel. 

    标签: Communication Wireless Optical Systems

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(156)

    VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(156)资源包含以下内容:1. 《嵌入式应用程序开发综合试验9例》含有9个嵌入式应用实践源程序。.2. NiosII NiosII!! SOPC CRC32 SOPC SOPC 自定义外设.3. 一个电话本的程序.4. 嵌入式minigui 中自定义控件的应用实例。不下后悔!.5. minigui 时间控件的使用方法.6. 嵌入式linux 设备驱动程序.7. uart-I2C, working on PIC18F2420.8. 基于mips cpu,在u-boot系统下磁盘驱动程序。.9. 可以应用到IAR EWARM-EV V5.20破解 使用方法: 1:首先用iarid.exe产生ID 2:使用iarkg.exe产生lic文件.10. 嵌入式开发前景和趋势.11. 嵌入式视频有下载器下载方法及一些基本的调试技巧。.12. 同济大学嵌入式学习文档.13. 转载其他网站的资料与大家分享.14. LED点阵显示屏扫描程序.15. altera公司开发销售的DE2开发平台原理图.16. 基于飞斯卡尔MC9S08QG8的基本程序开发代码.17. 本程序中用到DS1302以及液晶等模块.18. 一个垃圾压缩车的PLC程序。采用X端口作为模拟量转换后的数据量输入口。这种方法不需要买模拟量模块.19. 这是一个信号发生器得程序.20. 这个程序可以用作寄存器的使用.21. FAT32文件应用.22. 电源管理代码 基于linux2.6.10!apm方式的电源管理!很好的资料!做arm平台使用.23. I2C zongxian 总线 亲自编译.24. 用Verilog 实现将比特流数据转化为SPI协议数据的适配器.25. 最新F2系列的部分外围模块中文PDF,来自USER GUIDE的翻译.26. 单词计算器,可以统计你输入的单词的字母数有多少个等多个程序.27. FIBER AND wire product designed guider..28. xilin,ise_9.01的使用.29. ISE、Keil_C.30. 一本不错的数字图像处理书(冈萨雷斯中文版)总共有三个压缩文件需要放在一起解压缩.31. miniARM嵌入式web主程序,需要在运行miniarm.32. 单片机操作ocmj12232c-1屏的源代码.33. ISP1582 原理图.34. x-wrt is the GUI config tool for openwrt,which is a open project about wireless Router.35. 首先介绍了合成孔径雷达(SAR)的特点.36. tms320vc5509a usb boot.37. 基于Altera fpga 的软核 nios2的串口调试代码.38. cip51 i2c.39. 此源码为ocm12864系列字符液晶显示模块KEIL uVision3 for ARM.40. 此源码为KEIL uVision3 for ARM 的ocm12864系列字符液晶显示模块。.

    标签: 工业接口 通讯

    上传时间: 2013-06-27
