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  • 1.left.aspx下部分实现了读取RDF(RDF format feeds

    1.left.aspx下部分实现了读取RDF(RDF format feeds,是描述web资源的W3C XML格式)格式的feeds,可点击第三条“RDF Test”进行对比。 RDF与普通XML的主要区别是它的根节点下是<items>,而不是<channel>。 2.运行时,需要根据自己的机子改变RssReader.cs中的 String connStr = @"Data Source=6998D47256954C1\SQLEXPRESS Initial Catalog=rss Integrated Security=True"

    标签: RDF format feeds left

    上传时间: 2014-01-17


  • Liferea is an abbreviation for Linux Feed Reader. It is a news aggregator for online news feeds. It

    Liferea is an abbreviation for Linux Feed Reader. It is a news aggregator for online news feeds. It supports a number of different feed formats including RSS/RDF, CDF and Atom. There are many other news readers available, but these others are not available for Linux or require many extra libraries to be installed. Liferea tries to fill this gap by creating a fast, easy to use, easy to install news aggregator for GTK/GNOME. It was last updated for Liferea version 1.4.

    标签: news abbreviation aggregator for

    上传时间: 2016-12-05


  • Read web RSS feeds to break it into simple tags elements

    Read web RSS feeds to break it into simple tags elements

    标签: elements simple feeds break

    上传时间: 2013-12-20


  • 基于STM32单片机控制的智能水杯设计

    本设计介绍了一种基于STM32单片机控制的智能水杯,可利用插口式电源或无线充电底座为加热器提供能量,并在达到某种饮品所需温度时进行保温。水杯内置充电电池,可选用USB接口或无线充电。在水杯内部设置无线模块,用户利用手机App与水杯进行匹配进行加热操作,加热完后水杯会通过手机App和液晶显示屏实时反馈液体温度,通过指示灯显示电量情况等,给用户进行提醒。该智能水杯设计创新,实用价值较高。This paper introduces an intelligent water cup based by STM32 microcontroller,it can provide energy for the heater by socket type power supply or wireless charging base,and hold temperature needed for some kind of drink.Builtedin rechargeable battery,water cup can use USB or wireless charging.The wireless module is set up inside it,and customers can use mobile App to match and heat.After heating,water cup feeds back liquid temperature through the mobile App,and then displays on LCD,reminds users through the indicator light.The intelligent water cup is designed innovatively and has high practical value.

    标签: stm32 单片机

    上传时间: 2022-03-28


  • OpenWRT编译与其Makefile

    简介QpenWrt是一个基于Linux的开源嵌入式操作系统,其在linux上进行深入的定制,加入大量网络应用和管理界面,使其广泛应用于路由器中。我们的项目是基于QpenWrt开发的,故其系统框架是相同的。二、OpenWrt编译编译流程a)安装Linux系统)安装编译所需的各种工具;通过Subversion版本库获得源代码;更新并安装package feeds:创建一个默认配置以检查编译环境是否搭建好了;)用menuconfig来配置要加入固件中的软件包;)最后开始编译固件和清理工作。a)首先要安装一个Linux系统,建议使用Ubuntu(以下以Ubuntu为例),安装教程,可看官方wiki:http://wiki.ubuntu.orq.cn/%E9%A6%06%%A1%B5b)需安装如下工具:·升级Ubuntu软件包sudo apt-get update安装所需的工具

    标签: openwrt makefile

    上传时间: 2022-06-20
