Radio frequency identification (RFID) and Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are the two key wireless technologies that have diversified applications in the present and the upcoming systems in this area. RFID is a wireless automated recognition technology which is primarily used to recognize objects or to follow their posi- tion without providing any sign about the physical form of the substance. On the other hand, WSN not only offers information about the state of the substance and environment but also enables multi-hop wireless communications.
标签: Architecture Integrated RFID-WSN
上传时间: 2020-06-08
General paradigm in solving a computer vision problem is to represent a raw image using a more informative vector called feature vector and train a classifier on top of feature vectors collected from training set. From classification perspective, there are several off-the-shelf methods such as gradient boosting, random forest and support vector machines that are able to accurately model nonlinear decision boundaries. Hence, solving a computer vision problem mainly depends on the feature extraction algorithm
标签: Convolutional Networks Neural Guide to
上传时间: 2020-06-10
HRVAS is a complete and self-contained heart rate variability analysis software (HRVAS) package. HRVAS offers several preprocessing options. HRVAS offers time-domeain, freq-domain, time-frequency, and nonlinear HRV analysis. All results can be exported to an Excel file. For processing many files HRVAS offers a bach processing feature. All settings/options can be saved to a .mat file and reloaded for future HRV analysis. Upon starting HRVAS all previously used settings/options are loaded.
标签: HRVAS时频分析
上传时间: 2021-09-19
Precision, Low Noise, CMOS, Rail-to-Rail, Input/Output Operational Amplifiers Data Sheet AD8605/AD8606/AD8608The AD8605, AD8606, and AD86081 are single, dual, and quad rail-to-rail input and output, single-supply amplifiers. They feature very low offset voltage, low input voltage and current noise, and wide signal bandwidth. They use the Analog Devices, Inc. patented DigiTrim® trimming technique, which achieves
标签: 运算放大器
上传时间: 2022-02-02
首先下载软件,解压软件,安装在程序中找到SEGGER,选里面的J-FLASH,进入界面,刚开始的那个界面可以忽略,不用建project也可以;单击菜单栏的“Options---Project settings”打开设置,进行jlink配置;正在General选项,选择“USB”,一般都是默认配置,确认一下即可;然后在CPU选项,选择芯片型号,先选择“Device”才能选择芯片型号,芯片型号,要根据你使用的芯片进行选择;在Target interface选项 里面选择SWD模式;首先Target里面选“Connection”连接目标芯片,然后 Target--Auto进行程序烧写;首先Target里面选择“Connection”连接目标芯片,然后 Target--Auto进行程序烧写.SEGGER J-Links are the most widely used line of debug probes available today. They've proven their value for more than 10 years in embedded development. This popularity stems from the unparalleled performance, extensive feature set, large number of supported CPUs, and compatibility with all popular development environments.
上传时间: 2022-03-22
S32K1xx Series Reference Manual 用户手册--2029页 Supports S32K116, S32K118, S32K142, S32K144, S32K146, and S32K148S32K是一款符合AEC-Q100规范、基于32位ARM Cortex-M4F和Cortex-M0+内核的MCU,适用于通用汽车和高可靠性工业应用。The S32K1xx product series further extends the highly scalable portfolio of Arm® Cortex®-M0+/M4F MCUs in the automotive industry. It builds on the legacy of the KEA series, while introducing higher memory options alongside a richer peripheral set extending capability into a variety of automotive applications. With a 2.70–5.5 V supply and focus on automotive environment robustness, the S32K product series devices are well suited to a wide range of applications in electrically harsh environments, and are optimized for cost-sensitive applications offering low pin-count options. The S32K product series offers a broad range of memory, peripherals, and package options. It shares common peripherals and pin counts, allowing developers to migrate easily within an MCU family or among the MCU families to take advantage of more memory or feature integration. This scalability allows developers to use the S32K product series as the standard for their end product platforms, maximizing hardware and software reuse and reducing time to market
标签: S32K116 S32K118 S32K142 S32K144
上传时间: 2022-04-16
射频识别(即RFID,Radio Frequency Identification)技术是一种利用无线射频信号进行自动识别并进行信息传输的技术。随着社会的进步和科技的发展,它已经广泛应用于公安、金融、交通、医疗等社会生活的各个方面。伴随着各种射频卡应用的越来越普及,与之相关的射频卡读卡器也取得了飞速的发展,越来越多的公司、科研机构纷纷投入到智能射频卡读卡器以及相关应用系统的研究和开发当中。 目前我国流行最广泛的非接IC卡基本都是基于ISO/IEC14443协议的Mifare卡、TYPEA CPU卡、TYPEB CPU卡等,伴随着这些卡的应用,相应读卡器也有很多种,这些读卡器所采用的核心设计都是利用微处理器控制相应射频处理芯片来实现。目前国际上射频处理芯片设计基本被恩智浦(NXP,Philips前身)、德州仪器(TI)等几大半导体公司所控制,其高昂的费用不但影响了RFID技术在诸多领域的大面积推广,也造成了大量外汇流失。 为响应国家关于半导体产业国产化的号召,加快国产射频芯片在RFID领域的推广应用,本文结合RFID技术以及嵌入式系统设计要求,采用上海复旦徼电子集团股份有限公司设计的FM17550射频芯片结合意法半导体公司的CortexM0核的单片机设计了一款支持Mifare卡、TYPEA CPU卡、TYPEB CPU卡以及NFC功能的通用读卡器。本设计最大的特点在于支持多类型射频卡片且成本低廉。 本文首先阐述了射频识别技术的研究应用现状及相关的智能射频卡应用的相关标准,接着从硬件方面介绍该射频读卡器所包含的主要模块的相关设计,然后讲述了射频读卡器在天线调试过程中的一些方法,软件方面主要讲述该读卡器各种射频卡片的功能实现以及在不同行业应用当中带来的积极的社会和经济价值。
上传时间: 2022-06-09
射频识别(Radiofrequency identification,RFID),又称电子标签(E-Tag),是一种利用射频信号自动识别目标对象并获取相关信息的技术。随着技术的进步,RFID应用领域日益扩大,现已涉及到人们日常生活的各个方面,并将成为未来信息社会建设的一项基础技术。因此,研究、设计和开发RFID系统具有十分重要的理论意义和实际意义。论文系统地论述了射频识别系统和读卡器的理论分析,研究了射频识别系统中的许多关键技术,并提出了射频识别读卡器的设计方案。本文首先分析了射频识别技术的基本原理、研究方向和应用情况。在充分研究了射频卡的基本原理、技术特点、国际相关标准后,进而提出了基于STC11F32单片机的射频读卡器系统设计的方法。设计采用MFRC522射频读写模块在STC11F32单片机的控制下实现对Mifare卡的读写访问操作。硬件部分设计主要包括单片机控制电路设计,射频模块设计,天线电路设计,串行通信电路设计,声音提示及显示电路设计等,其中详细讨论了读卡器的软件设计方法。软件设计包括单片机处理程序,射频基站芯片RC522的基本操作、Mifare卡操作程序设计、声音提示及显示部分程序等。论文中系统地讨论了软件实现读卡器与Mifare卡之间通信所要求的请求应答、防冲撞、选卡片、认证、读写等功能模块的实现原理。
上传时间: 2022-06-19
第一章 RFID基础知识简介1.1 RFID的定义RFID是什么?RFID是Radio Frequency Identification的缩写,即射频识别,俗称电子标签。RFID其主要核心部件是一个电子标签,直径仅为2毫米不到,通过相距几厘米到几米距离内传感器发射的无线电波,可以读取电子标签内储存的信息,识别电子标签代表的物品、人和器具的身份。1.2 RFID射频识别技术的概念RFID射频识别是一种非接触式的自动识别技术,它通过射频信号自动识别目标对象并获取相关数据,识别工作无须人工干预,可工作于各种恶劣环境。RFID技术可识别高速运动物体并可同时识别多个标签,操作快捷方便。埃森哲实验室首席科学家弗格森认为RFID是一种突破性的技术:"第一,可以识别单个的非常具体的物体,而不是像条形码那样只能识别一类物体;第二,其采用无线电射频,可以透过外部材料读取数据,而条形码必须靠激光来读取信息;第三,可以同时对多个物体进行识读,而条形码只能一个一个地读。此外,储存的信息量也非常大。
上传时间: 2022-06-22
German universities and scientists have repeatedly set the intermational standard in drive technology. Identification and active compensation of natural frequencies in oscillatory mechanics, status controls with monitoring structures incorporating acceleration sensors, adaptive compensation of measurement system deficiencies, self-adjusting detent torque compensation… everything invented with only a single aim in mind: to continue improv-ing the motion control, dynamics, precision and processing speed of your machines. For the industrial applicabability of this technology scientific publications in proceedings and laboratory test rigs are not enough. These features consequenty need to be converted into cost-efficient and easily manageable products. That 's exactly what we have done.So in future, if you should need more than today ' smarket can offer you, now everything isgoing to be alright. With our new high-performance ServoOne drive series you will experi-ence
标签: servoone
上传时间: 2022-06-24