This books attempts to provide an extensive overview on Long-Term Evolution (LTE) networks. Understanding LTE and its Performance is purposely written to appeal to a broad audience and to be of value to anyone who is interested in 3GPP LTE or wireless broadband networks more generally. The aim of this book is to offer comprehensive coverage of current state-of-the-art theoretical and techno- logical aspects of broadband mobile and wireless networks focusing on LTE. The presentation starts from basic principles and proceeds smoothly to most advanced topics. Provided schemes are developed and oriented in the context of very actual closed standards, the 3 GPPP LTE.
标签: Performance LTE and its
上传时间: 2020-05-27
Before I can present design concepts or tactical wireless communications and network challenges, I feel the need to mention the challenges of writing for a field where some information is not available for public domain and cannot be included in this book’s context. Another challenge is the use of military jargon and the extensive number of abbreviations (and abbreviations of abbreviations!) in the field. Engineering books are naturally dry, and I have attempted to make it light by presenting the concepts in layman’s terms before diving into the technical details. I am structuring this book in such a way as to make it useful for a specialized graduate course in tactical communications and networking, or as a reference book in the field.
标签: Communications Tactical Networks Wireless and
上传时间: 2020-06-01
Digital radios have undergone an astonishing evolution in the last century. Born as a set of simple and power-hungry electrical and electromechanical devices for low data rate transmission of telegraph data in the Marconi age, they have transformed, thanks to substantial advances in electronic technology, into a set of small, reliable and sophisticated integrated devices supporting broadband multimedia communications. This, however, would not have been possible unless significant progress had been made in recent decades in the field of signal processing algorithms for baseband and passband signals. In fact, the core of any modern digital radio consists of a set of algorithms running over programmable electronic hardware. This book stems from the research and teaching activities of its co-authors in the field of algorithmic techniques for wireless communications. A huge body of technical literature has accumulated in the last four decades in this area, and an extensive coverage of all its important aspects in a single textbook is impossible. For this reason, we have selected a few important topics and, for ease of reading, organized them into two parts.
标签: Communications Algorithmic Techniques Wireless
上传时间: 2020-06-01
This chapter provides extensive coverage of existing mobile wireless technologies. Much of the emphasis is on the highly anticipated 3G cellular networks and widely deployed wireless local area networks (LANs), as the next-generation smart phones are likely to offer at least these two types of connectivity. Other wireless technologies that either have already been commercialized or are undergoing active research and standardization are introduced as well. Because standardization plays a crucial role in developing a new technology and a market, throughout the discussion standards organizations and industry forums or consortiums of some technologies are introduced. In addition, the last section of this chapter presents a list of standards in the wireless arena.
标签: Networking Wireless Complete
上传时间: 2020-06-01
首先下载软件,解压软件,安装在程序中找到SEGGER,选里面的J-FLASH,进入界面,刚开始的那个界面可以忽略,不用建project也可以;单击菜单栏的“Options---Project settings”打开设置,进行jlink配置;正在General选项,选择“USB”,一般都是默认配置,确认一下即可;然后在CPU选项,选择芯片型号,先选择“Device”才能选择芯片型号,芯片型号,要根据你使用的芯片进行选择;在Target interface选项 里面选择SWD模式;首先Target里面选“Connection”连接目标芯片,然后 Target--Auto进行程序烧写;首先Target里面选择“Connection”连接目标芯片,然后 Target--Auto进行程序烧写.SEGGER J-Links are the most widely used line of debug probes available today. They've proven their value for more than 10 years in embedded development. This popularity stems from the unparalleled performance, extensive feature set, large number of supported CPUs, and compatibility with all popular development environments.
上传时间: 2022-03-22
The GD32F103xx device is a 32-bit general-purpose microcontroller based on the ARM?Cortex?-M3 RISC core with best ratio in terms of processing power, reduced power consumption and peripheral set. The Cortex?-M3 is a next generation processor core whichis tightly coupled with a Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC), SysTick timer and advanced debug support.The GD32F103xx device incorporates the ARM ' Cortex?-M3 32-bit processor core operating at 108 MHz frequency with Flash accesses zero wait states to obtain maximumefficiency. It provides up to 3 MB on-chip Flash memory and up to 96 KB SRAM memory. An extensive range of enhanced I/Os and peripherals connected to two APB buses. The devices offer up to three 12-bit ADCs, up to two 12-bit DACs, up to ten general-purpose
标签: gd32f103
上传时间: 2022-07-23
VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(12)资源包含以下内容:1. verilog 例子.2. mtd-snapshot-20041027.3. 非接触ic卡读写程序.4. USB接口的鼠标驱动源程序.5. P89CXX 编程器电脑发送程序*.6. 看门狗自动采集数据.7. ACM-12864汉字液晶显示驱动程序.8. 6221红外遥控解码程序.9. ZMODEM协议的实现.10. at91系列通过串口烧写源程序.11. 介绍了如何来构件嵌入式系统.12. 网卡驱动程序.13. 通过远程按电话键来控制被控处的继电器动作.14. SM2965 ISP 电路及源代码.15. LPC769 A_D例程1.16. 伟福环境下反汇编demo1.17. 在伟福环境下实现PLM51调用ASM51范例.18. 在伟福环境下实现PLM51调用PLM51范例.19. 在伟福环境下修改 Startup.a51 init.a51 以改变系统初始化过程.20. 一个8019网卡驱动程序.21. spi协议的驱动程序源代码.22. c的源码.23. 嵌入式WEB子程序.24. 24C64子程.25. 这是偶编写的伺服系统一个数字PID调节程序.26. 步进马达控制程序.27. 电动机控制程序.28. fft 变换C程序 不错的.29. 标准DES算法430源程序.30. 看门狗X25045控制子程序.31. 点阵液晶12*128驱动.32. 点阵液晶12232驱动.33. fat16 in compact flash.34. The project demonstrates many Windows common controls, including the extensive use of image lists. T.35. 嵌入式系统的论文集锦.36. 同步串口SPI接口转成异步RS-232.37. BF 533视频输出源代码.38. BF533 与音频解码器连接回放代码.39. lwipreadme.40. 嵌入式系统下语音压缩编码.
上传时间: 2013-05-20