This gives examples of Session Description Protocol (SDP) offer/answer exchanges. Examples include codec negotiation and selection, hold and resume, and addition and deletion of media streams. The examples show multiple media types, bidirectional, unidirectional, inactive streams, and dynamic payload types. Common Third Party Call Control (3pcc) examples are also given.
标签: Description exchanges Protocol Examples
上传时间: 2014-01-02
A small scanning source code. Hope we can exchange exchanges. Exhibitions.
标签: Exhibitions exchanges scanning exchange
上传时间: 2016-04-15
There are several problems related to the properties of the triangular mesh representation that describes a surface of an object. Sometimes, the surface is represented just as a set of triangles without any other information and the STL file format, which is used for data exchanges, is a typicalexampl e of this situation.
标签: representation properties triangular the
上传时间: 2014-11-12
OpenCV实现中值滤波视频去噪,效果还行,仅供大家学习交流,欢迎评论! -The OpenCV achieve the median filtering video denoising effect, we only learn exchanges are welcome to comment!
上传时间: 2016-04-25
We are very pleased to introduce the proceedings of the First EAI International Conference on Smart Grid Inspired Future Technologies (SmartGIFT 2016). This was the first SmartGIFT conference, aiming to create a forum for researches, developers, and practitioners from both academia and industry to publish their key results and to disseminate state-of-the-art concepts and techniques in all aspects of smart grids. The 37 scientific participants had many fruitful discussions and exchanges that contributed to the success of the conference. Participants from 12 countries made the conference truly international in scope.
标签: Technologies Inspired Future Smart Grid
上传时间: 2020-06-07