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  • μC/OS-II已经在世界范围内得到广泛使用

    μC/OS-II已经在世界范围内得到广泛使用,包括诸多领域,如手机、路由器、集线器、不间断电源、飞行器、医疗设备及工业控制等。实际上,μC/OS-II已经通过了非常严格的测试,并且得到了美国航空管理局(Federal Aviation Administration)的认证,可以用在飞行器上。这说明μC/OS-II是稳定可靠的,可用于与人性命攸关的安全紧要(safety critical)系统;当然,也可用于非安全紧要系统。

    标签: OS-II

    上传时间: 2014-01-06


  • 基于TCP的java多线程server


    标签: server java TCP 多线程

    上传时间: 2016-04-05


  • The IA-32 Software Developer’s Manual, Volume 3: System Programming Guide (Order Number 245472), is

    The IA-32 Software Developer’s Manual, Volume 3: System Programming Guide (Order Number 245472), is part of a three-volume set that describes the architecture and programming environment of all IA-32 Intel® Architecture processors. The IA-32 Software Developer’s Manual, Volume 3, describes the operating-system support environment of an IA-32 processor, including memory management, protection, task management, interrupt and exception handling, and system management mode. It also provides IA-32 processor compatibility information. This volume is aimed at operating- system and BIOS designers and programmers.

    标签: Programming Developer Software 245472

    上传时间: 2013-12-23


  • 是一个自定义异常的文件


    标签: 自定义

    上传时间: 2016-10-04


  • THE DESIGN PATTERNS JAVA COMPANION 1. Creational Patterns 17 The Factory Pattern 18 How a Facto

    THE DESIGN PATTERNS JAVA COMPANION 1. Creational Patterns 17 The Factory Pattern 18 How a Factory Works 18 Sample Code 18 The Two Derived Classes 19 Building the Factory 20 Factory Patterns in Math Computation 22 When to Use a Factory Pattern 24 Thought Questions 25 The Abstract Factory Pattern 26 A GardenMaker Factory 26 How the User Interface Works 28 Consequences of Abstract Factory 30 Thought Questions 30 The Singleton Pattern 31 Throwing the Exception 32 Creating an Instance of the Class 32 Static Classes as Singleton Patterns 33 Creating Singleton Using a Static Method 34

    标签: Creational COMPANION PATTERNS Patterns

    上传时间: 2013-12-20


  • uart全功能实现.实现如下函数: U_Open, U_Close, U_GetBytes, U_PutBytes, U_GetBytesAvail, U_GetTxRoomL

    uart全功能实现.实现如下函数: U_Open, U_Close, U_GetBytes, U_PutBytes, U_GetBytesAvail, U_GetTxRoomLeft, U_PutISRBytes, U_GetTxISRRoomLeft, U_Purge, U_SetOwner, U_SetFlowCtrl, U_ConfigEscape, U_SetDCBConfig, U_CtrlDCD, U_CtrlBreak, U_ClrRxBuffer, U_ClrTxBuffer, U_SetBaudRate, U_SendISRData, U_SendData, U_GetOwnerID, U_SetAutoBaud_Div, /*TY adds these to expand flexibility 2004/10/15*/ U_Register_TX_cb, U_Register_RX_cb, /*TY adds these to let virtual COM port can retrive exception log 2005/3/8*/ U_GetUARTByte, U_PutUARTByte, U_PutUARTBytes, /*for virtual com port to return DCB configuration*/ U_ReadDCBConfig, U_CtrlRI, U_CtrlDTR, U_ReadHWStatus

    标签: U_GetBytesAvail U_GetTxRoomL U_GetBytes U_PutBytes

    上传时间: 2013-12-08


  • 在进入正题之前

    在进入正题之前,我想先把ARM920T的异常向量表(Exception Vectors)做一个简短的介绍。


    上传时间: 2013-12-19


  • The code on this diskette has been organized by chapter. Each subdirectory containing listing has a

    The code on this diskette has been organized by chapter. Each subdirectory containing listing has a readme.txt describing program usage and any relevent file formats. The readme will also describe how to compile the target programs under IBM OS/2 (TM) using the using C Set++ compiler (TM). All programs on this diskette have been compiled and tested in this environment. The majority of programs on this diskette should port to other environments with only minor adjustments. The exception to this are those programs which utilize presentation manager for graphical display of program data. In particular, the grid1 programs in \chapt4\backprop\ and \chapt3\ fall into this latter category.

    标签: subdirectory containing has organized

    上传时间: 2016-10-28


  • DSR-UU is a DSR implementation that runs in Linux and in the ns-2 network simulator. DSR-UU imple

    DSR-UU is a DSR implementation that runs in Linux and in the ns-2 network simulator. DSR-UU implements most of the basic DSR features specified in the DSR draft (version 10). One big exception is flow extensions. DSR-UU does NOT use ARP, so do not be surprised if you do not see ARP traffic. DSR-UU instead uses its own neighbor table that sets up the MAC-to-IP translation during route discovery.

    标签: DSR-UU implementation simulator network

    上传时间: 2016-11-06


  • 1. 异常和标准C 对它的支持 (前言略) 1.1 异常分类 基于Dr. GUI 的建议

    1. 异常和标准C 对它的支持 (前言略) 1.1 异常分类 基于Dr. GUI 的建议,我把我的第一个专栏投入到“程序异常”的系列上。我认识到, “exception”这个术语有些不明确并和上下文相关,尤其是C++标准异常(C++ standard exceptions)和Microsoft 的结构化异常(structured exception handling)。不幸的的是, “异常”一词太常见了,随时出现在语言的标准和常见的编程文献中。因为不想创造一个新 名词,所以我将尽力在此系列的各部分中明确我对“异常”的用法。 􀁺 Part 1 概述通常意义上的异常的性质,和标准C 库提供的处理它们的方法。 􀁺 Part 2 纵览Microsoft 对这些标准C 库方法的扩展:专门的宏和结构化异常处理。 􀁺 Part 3 及其余将致力于标准C++异常处理体系。 (C 语言使用者可能在Part2 后放弃,但我鼓励你坚持到底;我所提出的许多点子同样 适用于C,虽然不是很直接。)

    标签: 1.1 GUI Dr 标准

    上传时间: 2014-01-13
