Oracle8 PL/SQL程序设计中的例子脚本 162K SQL(英文) The exaMPle code used in Oracle8 PL/SQL Programming
标签: Oracle8 SQL Programming exaMPle
上传时间: 2013-12-31
This is an exaMPle how one could hide a process on Windows based operation systems from task viewers like ProcDump (G-RoM, Lorian & Stone) or ProcessExplorer (SysInternals). It could e.g. be used as some kind of dump protection. The way to get this done is very different on NT and 9x machines.
标签: operation Windows exaMPle process
上传时间: 2013-12-17
This exaMPle demonstrates how to erase, write, and read the on-chip 640-byte EEPROM Data Memory of the Analog Devices ADuC812, ADuC814, ADuC816, and ADuC824 devivces. This exaMPle includes a µ Vision2 Project with a target for each supported device.
标签: demonstrates exaMPle on-chip EEPROM
上传时间: 2015-05-04
This exaMPle project shows how to use the Idle Power-Saving Mode of the 8051Fx.
标签: Power-Saving the exaMPle project
上传时间: 2015-05-04
This exaMPle program shows how to configure and use the A/D Converter of the following microcontroller: STMicroelectronics ST10F166 After configuring the A/D, the program reads the A/D result and outputs the converted value using the serial port. To run this program... Build the project (Project Menu, Build Target) Start the debugger (Debug Menu, Start/Stop Debug Session) View the Serial Window (View Menu, Serial Window #1) View the A/D converter peripheral (Peripheral Menu, A/D Converter) Run the program (Debug Menu, Go) A debug script (debug.ini) creates buttons that set different analog values in A/D channels. As the program runs, you will see the A/D input and output change. Other buttons create signals that generate sine wave or sawtooth patterns as analog inputs. µ Vision3 users may enable the built-in Logic Analyzer to view, measure and compare these input signals graphically.
标签: microcontroll Converter configure following
上传时间: 2014-12-01
UART I/O and Memory Allocation exaMPle for GNU The project GNU_IODemo shows how to use memory allocation routines (malloc) and char I/O (printf, scanf) via a serial interface with the GNU toolchain. The I/O functions are adapted for the Analog Devices ADuC7000 series using the SERIAL.C module. The exaMPle also shows the efficiency of the Keil CA ARM Compiler run-time library which is tuned for single chip systems.
标签: Allocation GNU_IODemo exaMPle project
上传时间: 2015-05-04
STMicroelectronics STR7xFxx A/D exaMPle Program
标签: STMicroelectronics STR7xFxx exaMPle Program
上传时间: 2015-05-04
PWM exaMPle for Philips LPC2
上传时间: 2013-12-24
Philips LPC22xx A/D exaMPle Program
标签: Philips exaMPle Program LPC
上传时间: 2014-01-09
Philips LPC21xx A/D exaMPle Program
标签: Philips exaMPle Program LPC
上传时间: 2013-12-20