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  • ARMCoreSight跟踪调试技术的研究与应用

    随着嵌入式系统的发展、嵌入式应用的不断增长以及嵌入式系统复杂性不断提高,嵌入式软件的规模和复杂性也不断提高。在目前的嵌入式系统开发中间,软件开发占80%以上的工作量,嵌入式软件的质量和开发周期对产品的最终质量和上市时间起到决定性的影响。因此,为了保持产品竞争力,支持用户对嵌入式设备进行快速、高效的软件开发,嵌入式的开发人员迫切需要更加强大的调试技术和手段来为开发复杂的嵌入式应用提供帮助;同时,强有力的嵌入式软件开发工具也是基本的必备条件。 本文结合ARM公司RVDS集成开发环境中调试模块组成部分Event Viewer系统的开发,实现了对通过原始数据源采集到的CoreSight跟踪数据的完整实时解析,并最终在显示模块中将其包含的信息以可视化的形式直观地展现给用户,以供后续的程序性能分析和嵌入式软件系统调试。研究了与本课题相关的一些技术,包括CoreSight调试体系结构、嵌入式常见调试技术、Eclipse平台体系架构及其插件扩展点技术。在研究嵌入式集成开发环境国内外现状及其发展趋势的基础上,结合Event Viewer系统的整体需求,介绍了系统的总体设计及其功能模块划分,并给出了系统的第三方扩展设计。讨论了系统解析模块的设计与实现。在分析CoreSight跟踪数据解析流程的基础上,对系统中解析模块进行了详细设计,并完成了基于ITM数据流的解析实现。结合系统的功能需求和解析模块的设计,本文利用Eclipse插件扩展点机制,划分解析模块提供对外扩展,实现了系统向第三方产品提供商提供扩展接口的功能,第三方可以在此基础上提供自己的解析处理。利用Eclipse View扩展点和SWT/JFace技术,实现了对跟踪数据的前台展示,包括Text、Event、Analog三种类型;本文着重讨论了Analog展示部分的详细设计和实现,将解析后得到的Analog数据信息以实时曲线图的形式展现给客户,提供对Analog数据变化趋势的直观描述。

    标签: ARMCoreSight 调试技术

    上传时间: 2013-04-24


  • 行为模式和同步事件调度操作

    The Reactor design pattern handles service requests that are delivered concurrently to an application by one or more clients. Each service in an application may consist of serveral methods and is represented by a separate event handler that is responsible for dispatching service-specific requests.

    标签: 模式 操作 调度

    上传时间: 2013-10-15


  • 用于信号调理的微电路

      Low power operation of electronic apparatus has becomeincreasingly desirable. Medical, remote data acquisition,power monitoring and other applications are good candidatesfor battery driven, low power operation. Micropoweranalog circuits for transducer-based signal conditioningpresent a special class of problems. Although micropowerICs are available, the interconnection of these devices toform a functioning micropower circuit requires care. (SeeBox Sections, “Some Guidelines for Micropower Designand an Example” and “Parasitic Effects of Test Equipmenton Micropower Circuits.”) In particular, trade-offs betweensignal levels and power dissipation become painful whenperformance in the 10-bit to 12-bit area is desirable.

    标签: 信号调理 微电路

    上传时间: 2013-10-22


  • 电信、数据通信和工业电源产品

    In industrial applications, high voltage power supply spikes with durations ranging from a few microseconds to hundreds of millisecondsare commonly encountered. The electronics in these systems must not only survive transient voltage spikes, but in many cases alsooperate reliably throughout the event.

    标签: 电信 数据通信 工业 电源产品

    上传时间: 2013-11-07


  • 低噪声,低压差稳压器的性能验证

      In an increasing trend, telecommunications, networking,audio and instrumentation require low noise power supplies.In particular, there is interest in low noise, lowdropout linear regulators (LDO). These components powernoise-sensitive circuitry, circuitry that contains noisesensitiveelements or both. Additionally, to conserve power,particularly in battery driven apparatus such as cellulartelephones, the regulators must operate with low input-tooutputvoltages.1 Devices presently becoming availablemeet these requirements (see separate section, “A Familyof 20mVRMS Noise, Low Dropout Regulators”).

    标签: 低噪声 低压差稳压器 性能

    上传时间: 2013-10-30


  • 高效LCD液晶照明技术

    In August of 1992 LTC published Application Note 49, “Illumination Circuitry for Liquid Crystal Displays.” One notable aspect of this event is that it generated more response than all previous LTC application notes combined. This level of interest, along with significant performance advances since AN-49’s appearance, justifies further discussion of LCD backlighting circuitry.

    标签: LCD 液晶 照明技术

    上传时间: 2013-11-19


  • 基于MPC555与CS8900A的以太网扩展设计

       介绍了MPC555与CS8900A扩展以太网的硬件设计图。以NUCLUES PLUS操作系统为基础,介绍了网卡软件驱动程序的编制,给出了以太网协议包嵌入NUCLEUS PLUS操作系统的实现方法。 Abstract:  The Ethernet extension hardware design of MPC555 and CS8900A are introduced,and the software driven program based on NUCLEUS PLUS operation system and the technique that Ethernet protocol embedded in NUCLEUS PLUS real operation system are discussed.

    标签: 8900A 8900 MPC 555

    上传时间: 2013-10-23


  • AD9859芯片资料

    FEATURES400 MSPS internal clock speedIntegrated 10-bit DAC32-bit tuning wordPhase noise ≤ –120 dBc/Hz @ 1 kHz offset (DAC output)Excellent dynamic performance>75 dB SFDR @ 160 MHz (±100 kHz offset) AOUTSerial I/O control1.8 V power supplySoftware and hardware controlled power-down48-lead TQFP/EP packageSupport for 5 V input levels on most digital inputsPLL REFCLK multiplier (4× to 20×)Internal oscillator; can be driven by a single crystalPhase modulation capabilityMultichip synchronization

    标签: 9859 AD 芯片资料

    上传时间: 2014-12-04


  • PCA9544A 4channel I2C multiple

    The PCA9544A provides 4 interrupt inputs, one for each channeland one open drain interrupt output. When an interrupt is generated byany device, it will be detected by the PCA9544A and the interruptoutput will be driven LOW. The channel need not be active fordetection of the interrupt. A bit is also set in the control byte.Bits 4 – 7 of the control byte correspond to channels 0 – 3 of thePCA9544A, respectively. Therefore, if an interrupt is generated byany device connected to channel 2, the state of the interrupt inputs isloaded into the control register when a read is accomplished.Likewise, an interrupt on any device connected to channel 0 wouldcause bit 4 of the control register to be set on the read. The mastercan then address the PCA9544A and read the contents of thecontrol byte to determine which channel contains the devicegenerating the interrupt. The master can then reconfigure thePCA9544A to select this channel, and locate the device generatingthe interrupt and clear it. The interrupt clears when the deviceoriginating the interrupt clears.

    标签: 4channel multiple 9544A 9544

    上传时间: 2014-12-28


  • 8-bit I2C-bus and SMBus IO port with reset

    The PCA9557 is a silicon CMOS circuit which provides parallel input/output expansion for SMBus and I2C-bus applications. The PCA9557 consists of an 8-bit input port register, 8-bit output port register, and an I2C-bus/SMBus interface. It has low current consumption and a high-impedance open-drain output pin, IO0. The system master can enable the PCA9557’s I/O as either input or output by writing to the configuration register. The system master can also invert the PCA9557 inputs by writing to the active HIGH polarity inversion register. Finally, the system master can reset the PCA9557 in the event of a time-out by asserting a LOW in the reset input. The power-on reset puts the registers in their default state and initializes the I2C-bus/SMBus state machine. The RESET pin causes the same reset/initialization to occur without de-powering the part.

    标签: C-bus SMBus reset port

    上传时间: 2014-01-18
