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  • CRC16算法的Java实现

    CRC16算法的Java实现,使用方法如下: CRC16 crc16 = new CRC16() byte[] b = new byte[] { // (byte) 0xF0,(byte)0xF0,(byte)0xF0,(byte)0x72 (byte) 0x2C, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFE, (byte) 0xFE, (byte) 0x04, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00 } for (int k = 0 k < b.length k++) { crc16.update(b[k]) } System.out.println(Integer.toHexString(crc16.getValue())) System.out.println(Integer.toHexString(b.length))

    标签: Java CRC 16 算法

    上传时间: 2014-12-20


  • Integration的EZMac Lite

    Integration的EZMac Lite,对于开发IA4420/4421很有用! Fixed packet length protocol MAC layer for simplifying EZRadio designs.

    标签: Integration EZMac Lite

    上传时间: 2014-01-27


  • Integration的EZMac Plus

    Integration的EZMac Plus,对于开发IA4420/4421很有用! Variable packet length protocol with packet forwarding capability MAC layer for simplifying EZRadio designs

    标签: Integration EZMac Plus

    上传时间: 2016-05-12


  • I ve written some many years ago dynamic Huffman algorithm to compress and decompress data. It is ma

    I ve written some many years ago dynamic Huffman algorithm to compress and decompress data. It is mainly targeted to data with some symbols occuring more often than the rest (e.g. having some data file consisted of 3 different symbols and their total number of occurence in that file s1(1000), s2(200), s3(30) so the total length of file is 1000+200+30=1230 bytes, it will be encoded assigning one bit to s1 and 2 bits to s2, s3 so the encoded length will be 1*1000+2*(200+30)=1460 bits=182 bytes). In the best case the file consisted of just one symbol will be encoded with compression ratio as 1:8. Huffman coding is used in image compression, however in JPEG2000 arithmetic codec is imployed.

    标签: decompress algorithm compress Huffman

    上传时间: 2016-05-16


  • This file contains a C++Builder 4 project called SimplyChaos-X ver 3.1 (SCX31). SCX31 is an encry

    This file contains a C++Builder 4 project called SimplyChaos-X ver 3.1 (SCX31). SCX31 is an encryption tool. I designed it as my graduation paper work. SCX31 is a symmetric stream cipher built on chaos function, one time pad cipher and inspiration from Ground Effect (aviation). The key length can be up to 40 characters (320 bits).

    标签: SimplyChaos-X SCX contains Builder

    上传时间: 2016-06-07


  • JLAB is a set of Matlab functions I have written or co-written over the past fifteen years for the p

    JLAB is a set of Matlab functions I have written or co-written over the past fifteen years for the purpose of analyzing data. It consists of four hundred m-files spanning thirty thousand lines of code. JLAB includes functions ranging in complexity from one-line aliases to high-level algorithms for certain specialized tasks. These have been collected together and made publicly available for you to use, modify, and --- subject to certain very reasonable constraints --- to redistribute. Some of the highlights are: a suite of functions for the rapid manipulation of multi-component, potentially multi-dimensional datasets a systematic way of dealing with datasets having components of non-uniform length tools for fine-tuning figures using compact, straightforward statements and specialized functions for spectral and time / frequency analysis, including advanced wavelet algorithms developed by myself and collaborators.

    标签: co-written functions the fifteen

    上传时间: 2014-01-26


  • %radon transform clear all % N=800 n=1:N fs=200 t=n/fs x1=exp(j*2*pi*(5*t+0.5*5*t.^2

    %radon transform clear all % N=800 n=1:N fs=200 t=n/fs x1=exp(j*2*pi*(5*t+0.5*5*t.^2)) x2=exp(j*2*pi*(5*t+0.5*15*t.^2)) x=x1+x2 %N=length(x) % ambifunb(x ) %*****************************************RAT naf=ambifunb(x) htl(abs(naf)) % [wh,rho,theta]=htl(abs(naf)) colormap([0,0,0]) % xlabel( 极半径 ) % ylabel( 角度 ) %**************************************%找出峰值点的坐标,计算初始频率和调频斜率(正确) %找出峰值点的坐标 b=max(max(wh)) [u,a]=find(wh>=0.8*b)

    标签: transform radon clear fs

    上传时间: 2014-10-27


  • 本论文主要介绍了JPEG的编码和解码过程。该程序的编码部分能把一张BMP格式的图象进行JEPG编码

    本论文主要介绍了JPEG的编码和解码过程。该程序的编码部分能把一张BMP格式的图象进行JEPG编码,压缩成以二进制形式保存的文件;通过相应的解码程序又可以把图象解压缩出来。在图象传送过程中,我们经常采用JPEG格式对静态图象进行编码。JPEG基本系统是一种有损编码,无法完全恢复出原图象,信息有一定的丢失,称为有损压缩。尽管我们希望能够无损压缩,但是通常有损压缩的压缩比(即原图象占的字节数与压缩后图象占的字节数之比,压缩比越大,说明压缩效率越高)比无损压缩的高。JPEG编码先把图象色彩RBG变成亮度Y和色度Cr、Cb,它利用人的视觉对色度不敏感的特点,减少一部分色度数据,以达到压缩。 JPEG采取多种编码方式,包含有行程编码(Run Length Coding)和哈夫曼(Huffman)编码,有很高的压缩比。在编码前,先对数据进行分块,离散余弦变换(DCT)及量化,保留能量大的低频信号,丢弃高频信号以达到压缩。解码时,进行熵解码,反量化,反离散余弦变换(IDCT)。

    标签: JPEG JEPG 编码 BMP

    上传时间: 2013-12-21


  • 在无符号数的字节数组中

    在无符号数的字节数组中,计算大于、等于、小于search的元素个数,分别存放在字节单元up、equal、down中。 程序显示up、equal、down的值

    标签: 符号 字节 数组

    上传时间: 2016-06-18


  • AutomaticPropertiesDefaultValues Article_src.zip PropertyInfo[] props = o.GetType().GetPropert

    AutomaticPropertiesDefaultValues Article_src.zip PropertyInfo[] props = o.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static) for (int i = 0 i < props.Length i++) { PropertyInfo prop = props[i] if (prop.GetCustomAttributes(true).Length > 0) { object[] defaultValueAttribute = prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DefaultValueAttribute), true) if (defaultValueAttribute != null) { DefaultValueAttribute dva = defaultValueAttribute[0] as DefaultValueAttribute if(dva != null) prop.SetValue(o, dva.Value, null) }

    标签: AutomaticPropertiesDefaultValues PropertyInfo Article_src GetPropert

    上传时间: 2014-11-22
