PC Host used for controlling and command exchanging to the SPI flash memory controller which enables reading, writing and bulk erasing of SPI flash memories such as ST25p16 and 25p32 used on the WGT624V3 Netgear s router.
标签: controlling controller exchanging command
上传时间: 2013-12-24
The package enables mergesort using immutable list.
标签: mergesort immutable package enables
上传时间: 2014-08-11
This chapter enables the reader to: • Know the content and organization of this book, and how to use it to analyze and model radar system performance • Understand the concept of radar operation, the functions performed by radar, and how radar may be used in various applications • Understand the characteristics of functional radar models and how they are used to analyze overall radar performance.
标签: organization and the chapter
上传时间: 2017-07-31
Abstract: Class D amplifiers are typically very efficient, making them ideal candidates for portable applications that require longbattery life and low thermal dissipation. However, electromagnetic interference (EMI) is an issue that commonly accompanies theClass D switching topology. Active-emissions limiting reduces radiated emissions and enables "filterless" operation, allowingdesigners to create small, efficient portable applications with low EMI.
上传时间: 2013-11-23
The 14-bit LTC2351-14 is a 1.5Msps, low power SARADC with six simultaneously sampled differential inputchannels. It operates from a single 3V supply and featuressix independent sample-and-hold amplifi ers and a singleADC. The single ADC with multiple S/HAs enables excellentrange match (1mV) between channels and channel-tochannelskew (200ps).
上传时间: 2014-12-23
Automotive batteries, industrial power supplies, distributedsupplies and wall transformers are all sources ofwide-ranging high voltage inputs. The easiest way to stepdown these sources is with a high voltage monolithicstep-down regulator that can directly accept a wide inputrange and produce a well-regulated output. The LT®3493accepts inputs from 3.6V to 36V and LT3481 acceptsinputs from 3.6V to 34V. Both provide excellent lineand load regulation and dynamic response. The LT3481offers a high effi ciency solution over a wide load range andkeeps the output ripple low during Burst Mode® operationwhile the LT3493 provides a tiny solution with minimalexternal components. The LT3493 operates at 750kHzand the LT3481 has adjustable frequency from 300kHzto 2.8MHz. High frequency operation enables the use ofsmall, low cost inductors and ceramic capacitors.
上传时间: 2014-12-24
When a system designer specifies a nonisolated dc/dc powermodule, considering the needed input voltage range isequally as important as considering the required performanceattributes and features. Generally, nonisolated moduleshave either a narrow or a wide input voltage range. Narrowinputmodules typically have a nominal input voltage of3.3, 5, or 12 V. For systems that operate from a tightlyregulated input bus—such as those that do not use batterybackup—a narrow-input module is often adequate sincethe input remains fairly stable.Offering greater flexibility, wide-input modules operatewithin a range of 7 to 36 V, which includes the popular12- or 24-V industrial bus. This enables a single module tobe used for generating multiple voltages. These modulesare ideal for industrial controls, HVAC systems, vehicles,medical instrumentation, and other applications that usea loosely regulated distribution bus. In addition, systemspowered by a rectifier/battery charger with lead-acidbattery backup almost always require wide-input modules.System designers who choose power supplies may wantto take a close look at the latest generation of wide-inputdc/dc modules.
标签: Wide-input modules offer dc
上传时间: 2014-12-24
NXP Semiconductor designed the LPC2400 microcontrollers around a 16-bit/32-bitARM7TDMI-S CPU core with real-time debug interfaces that include both JTAG andembedded Trace. The LPC2400 microcontrollers have 512 kB of on-chip high-speedFlash memory. This Flash memory includes a special 128-bit wide memory interface andaccelerator architecture that enables the CPU to execute sequential instructions fromFlash memory at the maximum 72 MHz system clock rate. This feature is available onlyon the LPC2000 ARM Microcontroller family of products. The LPC2400 can execute both32-bit ARM and 16-bit Thumb instructions. Support for the two Instruction Sets meansEngineers can choose to optimize their application for either performance or code size atthe sub-routine level. When the core executes instructions in Thumb state it can reducecode size by more than 30 % with only a small loss in performance while executinginstructions in ARM state maximizes core performance.
上传时间: 2013-11-15
The PCA9516 is a BiCMOS integrated circuit intended forapplication in I2C and SMBus systems.While retaining all the operating modes and features of the I2Csystem, it permits extension of the I2C-bus by buffering both the data(SDA) and the clock (SCL) lines, thus enabling five buses of 400 pF.The I2C-bus capacitance limit of 400 pF restricts the number ofdevices and bus length. Using the PCA9516 enables the systemdesigner to divide the bus into five segments off of a hub where anysegment to segment transition sees only one repeater delay.
上传时间: 2013-11-21
The PCA9517 is a CMOS integrated circuit that provides level shifting between lowvoltage (down to 0.9 V) and higher voltage (2.7 V to 5.5 V) I2C-bus or SMBus applications.While retaining all the operating modes and features of the I2C-bus system during thelevel shifts, it also permits extension of the I2C-bus by providing bidirectional buffering forboth the data (SDA) and the clock (SCL) lines, thus enabling two buses of 400 pF. Usingthe PCA9517 enables the system designer to isolate two halves of a bus for both voltageand capacitance. The SDA and SCL pins are over voltage tolerant and arehigh-impedance when the PCA9517 is unpowered.
标签: translating Level 9517 PCA
上传时间: 2013-12-25