Short-range communications is one of the most relevant as well as diversified fields of en- deavour in wireless communications. As such, it has been a subject of intense research and development worldwide, particularly in the last decade. There is no reason to believe that this trend will decline. On the contrary, the rapidly crystallizing vision of a hyper-connected world will certainly strengthen the role of short-range communications in the future. Concepts such as wireless social networks, Internet of things, car communications, home and office network- ing, wireless grids and personal communications heavily rely on short-range communications technology.
标签: Communications Short-Range Wireless
上传时间: 2020-06-01
I love telecommunications. It is powerful and it empowers, with far-reaching consequences. It has demonstrated the potential to transform society and business, and the revolution has only just begun. With the invention of the telephone, human communications and commerce were forever changed: Time and distance began to melt away as a barrier to doing business, keeping in touch with loved ones, and being able to immediately respond to major world events. Through the use of computers and telecommunications networks, humans have been able to extend their powers of thinking, influence, and productivity, just as those in the Industrial Age were able to extend the power of their muscles, or physical self, through use of heavy machinery.
标签: Telecommunications Essentials
上传时间: 2020-06-01
学习和掌握DAC0832的工作原理与编程,利用Proteus ISIS绘制DAC0832电路原理图,
上传时间: 2020-06-01
从 IO0(接⼝地址为 8000H)读取开关信息,从 IO1(接⼝地址为 8800H) 输出控制灯亮灭。开关闭合则 D1 灯点亮,开关断开则 D1 灯灭。
标签: 微机原理;编程
上传时间: 2020-06-02
上传时间: 2020-06-18
上传时间: 2020-06-18
Vfp语言易学好用,其排序、检索速度之快,是VB和DELPHI所不及的,但其保密性差是也大家公认的。只要稍为懂一定数据库知识的人,一打开数据表,其内容便一目了然,且可任意更改,其保密性和安全性可想而知,这还只是其一。其二:随着UNFOXpro.exe和Refox7.exe等的出现,你辛辛苦苦编的程序,即使编译成EXE文件,一经UN或RE则你煞费苦心设置的版权符、验证关、口令、密码等都如同虚设。那么Vfp的保密性差的弱点就没办法避免吗?NO !办法肯定有,这里就先谈谈“数据表的加密问题”,以下就是我的一点粗浅看法,请网友们踊跃讨论。
标签: Vfp加密解密
上传时间: 2020-06-28
基于knn的职业预测用 KNN(k-nearst neighbors,KNN)作为机器学习算法中的一种非常基本的算法,其原理比较简单直接,被广泛应用于电影/音乐推荐等方面, KNN算法主要用于分类任务中,用于基于新样本与已有样本的距离来为其赋以所属的类别,即使用一个新样本k个近邻的信息来对该无标记的样本进行分类,k是KNN中最基本的参数,表示任意数目的近邻,在k确定后,KNN算法还依赖于一个带标注的训练集,对没有分类的测试集中的样本进行分类,KNN确定训练集中与该新样本“距离”最近的k个训练集样本,并将新样本类别判定到这k个近邻中占比最大的那个类中。
标签: knn职业预测
上传时间: 2020-07-08
)Armature windings of the electric motor for NO.2 deck cargo winch found low insulation. Windings re-winded,painted and baked dry. (2) NO.1 main air compressor failed to build up pressure.The machine disassembled, cleaned and inspected. The discharge valve plate found broken. The valve palte renewed and running trials tested after being reassembled.
标签: 答案
上传时间: 2020-07-14
#SFML —简单快速的多媒体库 SFML是一种简单,快速,跨平台和面向对象的多媒体API。它提供对窗口,图形,音频和网络的访问。它是用C ++编写的,并且具有针对各种语言(例如C,.Net,Ruby,Python)的绑定。 ##作者 -Laurent Gomila-主要开发人员( -Marco Antognini-OS X开发人员( -Jonathan De Wachter — Android开发人员( -Jan Haller( -Stefan Schindler( -LukasDürrenberger( -binary1248( -阿图·莫雷拉(Artur Moreira)( -Mario Liebisch( -SFML社区的许多其他成员 ## 下载 您可以在[SFML的网站](上获得最新的官方版本。您还可以从[Git存储库](获取当前的开发版本。 ##安装 按照[tutorials](的说明进行操作,SFML支持的每个平台/编译器都有一个。 ## 学习 有很多学习SFML的地方: * [官方教程]( * [在线API文档]( * [社区Wiki]( * [社区论坛]([法语]( ##贡献 SFML是一个开源项目,它需要您的帮助才能继续发展和改进。如果您想参与其中并提出一些其他功能,提交错误报告或提交补丁,请查看[贡献准则](。
上传时间: 2021-01-25