1问题描述: 设计一个实现稀疏多项式乘法的程序 2需求分析: 编程实现两个一元多项式相乘,要求: 2.1输入并建立多项式; 2.2输出多项式,输出形式为整数序列:n,c1,e1,c2,e2``````,cn.,en,其中n是多项式的系数,ci和ei分别是第i项的系数和指数,序列按指数降序排列。 2.3多项式a和b相乘,建立结果多项式a*b
上传时间: 2015-08-15
本程序为驱动LCD为LCM161(HD44780驱动器)字符显示器. 接线:LCD D0-D8(PIN7-14) 对映用户板P0.0--P0.7 LCD VSS(PIN1) 接 GND,VDD(PIN2)接+5V,LCD驱动电源V0(PIN3)接可调电阻ADJ,调节亮度 LCD寄存器选择RS(PIN4)接P2.0,读写选择R/W(PIN5)接P2.1,使能端en(PIN6)接P2.2(高电平 有效) 本程序采用I/O口模仿总线时序,故无需做任何硬件扩展.屏幕显示:"I m SuperICES! ",
上传时间: 2014-01-19
使用到的参数跟谈到弹性网络的那一章里头所讲的是一样的, ke 则是终止条件。如果 step 被打勾,则程式在每一步之间会暂停 100毫秒(或其他使用者输入的数值)。如果 Random 被打勾,则程式会以系统时间作为乱数产生器的种子数,否则,就以使用者输入的数( Random 右边那一格)为种子数。 你可以利用 load 来载入推销员问题档与其最佳解,如此便可比较弹性网络所找出来的解与最佳解差了多少。 Central, Radius, and Error 这三个参数的前两个,只影响弹性网络的起使位置和大小,对求解没有影响。第三个参数代表城市与网络点之间的容忍距离,也就是说,如果某城市与某网络点之间的距离,小于容忍距离,那就把这个城市当成是被该网络点所拜访。 按下小 w按钮会将目前的结果与参数值写到“en.out”这个档案。使得我们可以很方便地来比较不同参数的效果。
上传时间: 2013-12-17
上传时间: 2013-12-21
xl2tpd a Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) daemon. It supports IPsec SA reference tracking, which enables the IPsec stacks to support multiple l2tp clients behind the same NAT router and multiple l2tp clients on the same internal IP address. It is a fork of "l2tpd". Release focus: Minor feature enhancements Changes: Support for passwordfd, a workaround for some Cisco routers, and extended logging.
标签: Tunneling reference Protocol supports
上传时间: 2014-01-20
说明:本LCD为LCM161(HD44780驱动器)字符显示器. 接线:LCD D0-D8(PIN7-14) 对映用户板P0.0--P0.7 LCD VSS(PIN1) 接 GND,VDD(PIN2)接+5V,LCD驱动电源V0(PIN3)接可调电阻ADJ,调节亮度 LCD寄存器选择RS(PIN4)接P2.0,读写选择R/W(PIN5)接P2.1,使能端en(PIN6)接P2.2(高电平有效) 本程序采用I/O口模仿总线时序,故无需做任何硬件扩展.屏幕显示:"welcom to using s51f! ",按S0键可重复演示
上传时间: 2015-11-27
siptapi A TAPI driver for SIP. With this TAPI driver you have a click2dial feature with any TAPI enabled application (e.g. MS Outlook) and any SIP account (e.g. freeworlddialup or iptel.org).
标签: TAPI driver click2dial siptapi
上传时间: 2014-01-07
上传时间: 2014-01-03
The present document specifies the CAMEL Application Part (CAP) supporting the fourth phase of the network feature Customized Applications for Mobile network enhanced Logic. CAP is based on a sub-set of the ETSI Core INAP CS-2 as specified by ETSI en 301 140 1 [26]. Descriptions and definitions provided by ETSI en 301 140 1 [26] are directly referenced by this standard in the case no additions or clarifications are needed for the use in the CAP.
标签: the Application supporting specifies
上传时间: 2015-12-24
Boosting is a meta-learning approach that aims at combining an ensemble of weak classifiers to form a strong classifier. Adaptive Boosting (Adaboost) implements this idea as a greedy search for a linear combination of classifiers by overweighting the examples that are misclassified by each classifier. icsiboost implements Adaboost over stumps (one-level decision trees) on discrete and continuous attributes (words and real values). See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AdaBoost and the papers by Y. Freund and R. Schapire for more details [1]. This approach is one of most efficient and simple to combine continuous and nominal values. Our implementation is aimed at allowing training from millions of examples by hundreds of features in a reasonable time/memory.
标签: meta-learning classifiers combining Boosting
上传时间: 2016-01-30