I wrote this book so that students, hobbyists, and engineers alike can take advantage of the Arduino platform by creating several projects that will teach them about the engineering process. I also wanted to guide the reader through introductory projects so that they could get a firm grasp on the Arduino Language, and how to incorporate several pieces of hardware to make their own projects. This book offers so much information on the Arduino, not just the basic LED projects but it offers different peripherals such as Ultrasonic sensor, the Xbox® controller, Bluetooth, and much more. This book also teaches the non-engineer to follow a process that will help them in future project (not just Arduino projects).
标签: Engineering Practical Arduino
上传时间: 2020-06-09
Since its release, Arduino has become more than just a development platform; it has become a culture built around the idea of open source and open hardware, and one that is reimagining computer science and education. Arduino has opened hardware development by making the starting skills easy to obtain, but retaining the complexities of real-world application. This combination makes Arduino a perfect environment for school students, seasoned developers, and designers. This is the first Arduino book to hold the title of “Pro,” and demonstrates skills and concepts that are used by developers in a more advanced setting. Going beyond projects, this book provides examples that demonstrate concepts that can be easily integrated into many different projects and provide inspiration for future ones. The focus of this book is as a transition from the intermediate to the professional.
上传时间: 2020-06-09
欧母龙PLC例程PLC控制器源码255个合集:1600T俄罗斯压力机.rar200吨压机程序 omron 的机子C系列的.rar3MK136旧磨床现程序.rar3电机延时控制启停.rar5V编码器信号如何接入CP1H高数计数案例.rar6路抢答器源码.rar902002 OMRON.rarASCII Generic Protocol Macro Object Code.zipASCII Generic Protocol Macro.zipC3电枢异物吸引.rarCalendar Calculation.zipcarbon.rarCompact Flash Memory Write.zipCounter Multiplex.zipcp1h 高速计数触发中断注意点.rarcp1h-x40用在非标饮料线上的程序,有注解.rarCP1H与爱默生温控模块的通讯程序.rarCP1L and CP1H EasyModbus FB.zipCPM1A编写的赞扬15T立式注塑机.rarCPM2A Interupt High Speed Counting Sample.zipCPM2A自身时钟六个时间段触发程序.rarCQM1 Host Link Master.zipCQM1H 21的例子程序,有温度压力等PID控制。.rarCQMaster.swp.zipCS CJ CP NSJ password set.zipCS1 C Mode Hostlink.zipCS1-CJ1 Floating Point to Fixed Point Conversion for HMI.zipcub.rarCX-Programmer Ver.5 Introduction Guide R120-E1-01..zipCX-Programmer Ver.5 Introduction to Function Blocks Guide R121-E1-01.zipC_Mode_Hostlink.zipDeviceNet Explicit Message Example.zipdieban.rarEasy to use Modbus RTU Master for CP1L CP1H CJ1 CJ2 CS1.zipExample of Using Daylight Saving FB's.zipExample Scale Meter Protocol.zipFB Calculate Day Of Week.zipFB Day light savings function block.zipFB Extract Time Date into SecMin Hr Day Mth Yr.zipFB Scale with parameters.zipGKF1250离心机CXP.rargkf1250离心机cxpgkf离心机omron.rarJH21-200程序.rarLED液压机.rarlogging+ filewrite.ziplpr-des.rarModbus Protocol Macro Object Code.zipModbus Protocol Macro.zipModbus RTU Sample Code CJ1-SCB.rarModbus TCP Client using FB's.zipOmron CS1 Sequencer.zipOMRON E6CP绝对值编码器使用实例。编码器为8位格雷码输出.rarOmron Modbus Slave Ladder.zipOmron Plc 变频一带三例程.rarOMRON PLC编程示范.raromron--MOV傳送指令.raromron-cs1g-h-cpu42日本机的程序.rarOmron_CJ2_to_AB_EIP_Tag_Datalink_Example.rarOMRON接驳台.rarOMRON控制2伺服.rarOMRON温度,压力模拟量输入程序.rarOMRON照明设备程序.raromron的PLC案例程序.rarOMRON程序举例.rarOMRON程序举例2.rarOMRON纸病分析系统-PLC程序(CJ1G).zipomron脉冲输出到驱动器的程序.rarPCB 沉铜线程序.rarPID温度控制的PLC程序设计实例.rarPinstamp.zipPLC Clock adjustment with screen.zipPLC锰钢程序cpm2a.zipPolls and Writes setpoints to E5CK Process Controller - E5CK.swp.zipPRO9连拉.rarProcess states sequence logics.zipQuadrature Input for Standard CPM1A DC Inputs.zipRandom Number Generator.zipScaling in CJ1 CS1 PLC's.zipSMS - GSM PLC Communications.zipsony 公司 某机台控制程序.rarStepNext.cpt.zipSTUP Example.zipTemplate for Step-Step Next Sequence.zipToggle Button.zipTracking product on conveyor.zipTXD-RXD Quickstart Programs.zipTXD-RXD Serial Port Handling.zipUseable timer.zipV600-E5CK.zipV700-V720 RFID Protocol Macro.zipVB与OMRON PLC通讯源码.rarWoodwood Controler Example Protocol Program.zipYH32-315油压机程序.rar一个CJ1M的程序.rar一个OMRON程序,带位置控制模块.rar一个生产线上润滑控制的小程序.rar一些简单的cpm1a程序.rar一控三恒压供水程序.rar三层提升机欧姆龙CQM1H程序.rar三菱400吨和200号冲床程序.rar上海产自动模切机飞达部程序.zip上海狮印全自动啤机程序.rar东芝压铸机梯形图.rar两步法吹瓶机.rar乡林剪台.rar买书的随书样例.rar井研磨边机.rar交通灯注释全.rar今机立式注塑机程序.rar伺服电机正反转控制.rar位置控制(旋转编码器与PLC).rar充磁机程序.rar先启后停 后启先停 事例.rar冲床程序.rar分拣线主机一个CJ1M的分拣线程序下挂CP1H.rar利慧利乐灌装机程序.rar刮水器停止位置检查程序.rar力泰翻胚机程序.rar北人04印刷机程序.rar北人LQD10骑马装订程序.rar半自动吹瓶机的程.rar南京印刷机.zip卡板程式.rar压制机程序(带解释,注释).rar压力机控制程序.rar原创液压机程序带注释欧姆龙PLC加信捷文本.rar原点搜索程序.rar双翻分拣机.rar双边机.rar反渗透整套PLC控制.rar台湾产染色机欧姆龙PLC带3只IO扩展控制程序.rar台湾大拉无板.rar啤酒厂酒瓶美容机.rar四川绵阳建丰热磨工段.rar在用设备程序.rar垂直涂布.rar外端子设计数值.rar大型热电厂 PLC程序(带注解).rar大摇动超声波清洗机.rar大连75密练注释程序.rar安呼12级.rar富佳扶梯程序.rar对齐度编程!!.rar小车控制程序.rar小车送料”例程.rar广东锻压气压冲床程序(80T)有详细注解.rar广告牌灯箱.rar微电机刷簧自动组装程序.rar微粉砖自动送料带OMRON CQM2A+扩展程序带注释.rar意大利进口皮革压花.rar扎钢机程序.rar打包机.rar拔盖机.rar拨码控制.rar挡砖磨边机(新1).rar捷豹空压机控制程序.rar接木机.rar控制程序例子.rar推挂.rar攻丝机2(新).rar料位显示.rar旋转门控制程序1.rar无协议.rar无心磨床(OMRON系统,带机械手有详细注解).rar无线胶装机欧姆龙程序.zip日本人编的程序 抛光研磨.rar日本成型磨床控制程序(附注释)欧姆龙CPM1A.rar板坯定厚.rar样例,有注释.rar模拟量试验.rar欧姆龙CJ1M铬化机程序带注释.rar欧姆龙CP1H例程.rar欧姆龙CPM1A的PLC.rar欧姆龙CPM2AH PLC和欧姆龙NTZ触摸屏编写的超声波清洗机程序..rar欧姆龙CPM2AH Host Link通讯程序(发布源码).rar
上传时间: 2021-10-22
高清电子书-C++ Primer Plus, 第6版英文版 1438页Learning C++ is an adventure of discovery, particularly because the language accommodates several programming paradigms, including object-oriented programming, generic programming, and the traditional procedural programming.The fifth edition of this book described the language as set forth in the ISO C++ standards, informally known as C++99 and C++03, or, sometimes as C++99/03. (The 2003 version was largely a technical correction to the 1999 standard and didn’t add any new features.) Since then, C++ continues to evolve.As this book is written, the international C++ Standards Committee has just approved a new version of the standard.This standard had the informal name of C++0x while in development, and now it will be known as C++11. Most contemporary compilers support C++99/03 quite well, and most of the examples in this book comply with that standard. But many features of the new standard already have appeared in some implementations, and this edition of C++ Primer Plus explores these new features. C++ Primer Plus discusses the basic C language and presents C++ features, making this book self-contained. It presents C++ fundamentals and illustrates them with short, to-the-point programs that are easy to copy and experiment with.You learn about input/output (I/O), how to make programs perform repetitive tasks and make choices, the many ways to handle data, and how to use functions.You learn about the many features C++ has added to C, including the followi
标签: C++
上传时间: 2022-02-19
数字示波器功能强大,使用方便,但是价格相对昂贵。本文以Ti的MSP430F5529为主控器,以Altera公司的EP2C5T144C8 FPGA器件为逻辑控制部件设计数字示波器。模拟信号经程控放大、整形电路后形成方波信号送至FPGA测频,根据频率值选择采用片上及片外高速AD分段采样。FPGA控制片外AD采样并将数据输入到FIFO模块中缓存,由单片机进行频谱分析。测试表明:简易示波器可以实现自动选档、多采样率采样、高精度测频及频谱分析等功能。Digital oscilloscope is powerful and easy to use, but also expensive. The research group designed a low-cost digital oscilloscope, the chip of MSP430F5529 of TI is chosen as the main controller and the device of EP2C5T144C8 of Altera company is used as the logic control unit. Analog signal enter the programmable amplifier circuit, shaping circuit and other pre-processing circuit. The shaped rectangular wave signal is sent to FPGA for measure the frequency. According to the frequency value to select AD on-chip or off-chip high-speed AD for sampling. FPGA controls the off-chip AD sampling and buffers AD data by FIFO module. The single chip microcomputer receives the data, and do FFT for spectrum analysis. The test shows that the simple oscilloscope can realize automatic gain selection, sampling at different sampling rates, high precision frequency measurement and spectrum analysis.
上传时间: 2022-03-27
抢答器是一种智力竞赛常用的器件,抢答器的设计方法千差万别,文章利用常用的数字电子器件,设计了八路抢答器电路的设计、仿真及实现的全过程,提出两种可行的设计方案:方案1采用74ls373实现电路锁存,74ls148实现电路编码,74ls74及数码管实现电路显示;方案二采用CD4511BCN和LMC555CM集成电路及数码管实现抢答器的控制和显示。本文设计用的器件简单,容易理解,适用于初学电子技术的人员。Answer scrambler is a common device in intelligence competition, and its design methods vary greatly. This paper designs the whole process of design, simulation and Realization of the circuit of eight-way answer scrambler by using common digital electronic devices, and puts forward two feasible design schemes: scheme 1 uses 74 ls373 to realize circuit latching, 74 ls148 to realize circuit coding,74 ls74 and digital tube to realize circuit. The second scheme uses CD4511 BCN, LMC555 CM integrated circuit and digital tube to control and display the answerer. The device designed in this paper is simple and easy to understand, and it is suitable for the beginners of electronic technology.
标签: 抢答器
上传时间: 2022-04-05
In this presentation, we will look at what the Serial Peripheral Interface, otherwise known as the SPI, is. and how it is used to communicate data to and from the PICmicro microcontroller.SPl is frequently used when few 1/O lines are available, but communication between two or more devices must be fast and easy to implement.In this presentation, we will discuss the following topics: We will first cover an Overview of SPI This section of the tutorial will introduce you to SPI and its concepts.Next, we will examine the use of SPI on the PICmicro MCU.The details of how SPI is implemented on a PICmicro device will be examined.Then, a Code Walkthrough will be given.The walkthough will explore code for both an SPI Master and SPI Slave. The example will have the Master generate data for sending to the slave.Finally, there will be a few resources given at the end of the presentation. These resources will allow you to explore in more detail the SPI interface
标签: spi协议
上传时间: 2022-06-20
摘要:本文在分析1GBT的动态开关特性和过流状态下的电气特性的基础上,通过对常规的IGBT推挽驱动电路进行改进,得到了具有良好过流保护特性的IGBT驱动电路。该电路简单,可靠,易用,配合DSP等控制芯片能达到很好的驱动效果Abstract:Based on the studies on the dynamic switching and over-current characteristics of IGBT,this paper makes some improvments to the original push-pull driving circuit,obtains a new IGBT driving circuit which has a good over-current protection function.The circuit is simple,reliable and easy to use.Combined with controlling chips such as DSP it will do a great job in driving applications.关键词:IBGT:开关特性;驱动;过流保护;Key Words:IGBT;switching characteristics;driving:over-current protection
上传时间: 2022-06-21
VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(36)资源包含以下内容:1. C51 I2C 驱动程序 含头文件.2. arm芯 ucos 下的开发框架.3. c8051f***的程序源代码.4. 新华龙单片机的flash用法.5. 用C8051F300设计锂离子电池充电器的解决方案.6. c8051f系列单片机 用过采样和求均值提高ADC分辨率.7. C6000指令集 是对C6000指令集的文档.8. VxWorks 编程手册 VxWorks 编程手册.9. proteus 6.7及其破解(绝对好用).10. iic总线资料.11. 手机游戏礼包包 原理图采用OrCad软件或PowerPCB软件打开 好玩的很 快来试试吧.12. 红外测温计 红外线测温 自动化设计 原理图采用OrCad软件或PowerPCB软件打开 很完美.13. 9智能机器人礼包 智能机器人 单片机实现 功能齐全 运动流畅.14. 哈哈!终于找到了最新版本的UCGUI! 增加了不少的功能.15. Nios II是一个用户可配置的通用RISC嵌入式处理器,这个文档详细介绍这个处理器的用法.16. 这是一个c语言写的a/d转换程序。利用i2c总线实现对24c02的存和取.17. 学DSP时.18. 汉字液晶子程 液晶屏分为4行*12列汉字.19. 这是一个c语言描述的8位led显示的源代码.20. We demonstrate a method for encoding and decoding the [24,12,8] extended binary Golay code using a s.21. Training embedded apps to process speech may be as easy as finding the right 8-bit micro. Don t let.22. The CC1000 RF transceiver is very easy to interface with a microcontroller. The chip is configured.23. One of the most important issues affecting the implementation of microcontroller software deals wi.24. AVR单片机开发中.25. 作基于日立公司superh系列微处理器嵌入式操作系统bootloader源代码.26. touchsceen_test ├─ main.c C语言主源文件 ├─ AscII6x8.c Ascii字符6x8点阵显示格式数据 ├─ lcd.c LCD显示函数源文件 ├─.27. iic_test ├─ main.c C语言主源文件 ├─ iic.c IIC总线操作和24C040擦写函数源文件 └─ iic.h IIC总线操作和24C040写定义头文件.28. Nexperia系统声音实现的源码.29. 89C516RD+的两个AD转换程序,89C51是22.1184MHZ,有64KB Flash 256B(DataRAM)+1024B(Ext.RAM)的性价比很高的MCU.30. 网上收集的VC多线程开发、嵌入式开发文档.31. ucos-2在lpc2100上的移制例子。.32. mcf5307实验源代码.33. CPLD对DUSH的读写控制,LINUX下运行.解压即可..34. HART协议由Rosemount公司开发且已向每个使用者开放HART协议采用标准的Bell 202频移键控信号以1200波特通信以低电平加载于4mA~20mA模拟信号上.35. 中文MODBUS协议(完整版)涵盖协议基本内容。不用我多说了吧!自己看好了。.36. μC_OS-II在Nios上的移植(共同学习ucosII).37. SST28F040读写源程序,C语言编写,方便移植.38. 基于ARM 的PDA拼音输入法源程序,c语言编写,方便移植.39. Cypress公司的USB芯片开发资料.40. at91 sam 系列arm7单片机程序下工具.
标签: 自动变速器
上传时间: 2013-06-18
Internal Interrupts are used to respond to asynchronous requests from a certain part of themicrocontroller that needs to be serviced. Each peripheral in the TriCore as well as theBus Control Unit, the Debug Unit, the Peripheral Control Processor (PCP) and the CPUitself can generate an Interrupt Request.So what is an external Interrupt?An external Interrupt is something alike as the internal Interrupt. The difference is that anexternal Interrupt request is caused by an external event. Normally this would be a pulseon Port0 or Port1, but it can be even a signal from the input buffer of the SSC, indicatingthat a service is requested.The User’s Manual does not explain this aspect in detail so this ApNote will explain themost common form of an external Interrupt request. This ApNote will show that there is aneasy way to react on a pulse on Port0 or Port1 and to create with this impulse an InterruptService Request. Later in the second part of the document, you can find hints on how todebounce impulses to enable the use of a simple switch as the input device.Note: You will find additional information on how to setup the Interrupt System in theApNote “First steps through the TriCore Interrupt System” (AP3222xx)1. It would gobeyond the scope of this document to explain this here, but you will find selfexplanatoryexamples later on.
上传时间: 2013-10-27