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  • What happens with your machine when you need to move away from the computer for 10 or more minutes?

    What happens with your machine when you need to move away from the computer for 10 or more minutes? How secure is your data? Can someone sit on your chair while you are at a coworkers office and play with your data? Maybe you need a computer locking tool that is small and easy to use yet powerful enough to make sure your machine is locked when you need to go out for a break.

    标签: computer happens machine minutes

    上传时间: 2017-08-24


  • What you always wanted to know about networking but were afraid to ask! * How the Internet work

    What you always wanted to know about networking but were afraid to ask! * How the Internet works * How e-mail, e-learning, and telephony work on the Internet * What makes a network safe * How traffic gets from here to there * Disaster recovery and other ways to keep a network running * How businesses share data * See the world of Cisco networking with this illustrated guide s visual approach to learning * Useful for both novices and networking professionals * Covers a broad variety of internetworking topics-from e-mail to VPNs At last-an illustrated guide to the world of Cisco networking. Cisco Networking Simplified breaks down the complicated world of internetworking into easy-to-understand parts. Learn quickly and easily the fundamentals of a variety of topics, such as security, IP telephony, and quality of service, from the full-color diagrams and clear explanations found in Cisco Networking Simplified.

    标签: networking Internet always afraid

    上传时间: 2013-12-14


  • fft analysis

          Use the fast Fourier transform function fft to analyse following signal. Plot the original signal, and the magnitude of its spectrum linearly and logarithmically. Apply Hamming window to reduce the leakage.   .   The hamming window can be coded in Matlab as   for n=1:N hamming(n)=0.54+0.46*cos((2*n-N+1)*pi/N); end;   where N is the data length in the FFT.

    标签: matlab fft

    上传时间: 2015-11-23


  • fft analysis

    Use fft to analyse signal by plotting the original signal and its spectrum.  

    标签: matlab fft

    上传时间: 2015-11-23


  • outguess

    信息隐藏软件Outguess的源码 Outguess主要用于JPEg图象的steganography,本软件来自Outguess的作者Provos,欢迎大家下载研究-Information Hiding Outguess source software is mainly used Outguess JPEG image steganography, this software from Outguess author of Provos, welcomed everyone to download research

    标签: outguess

    上传时间: 2017-03-07


  • allegro cx manual教程

    We would like to welcome you as a user of the Allegro CX, a rugged, handheld fi  eld PC for data collection. Developed with the input of data collection professionals worldwide, the Allegro CX is adaptable and versatile for use in a wide variety of data collection environments. The Allegro CX continues to utilize our ergonomic, lightweight design that is standard in our line of Allegro Field PCs. This design makes your Allegro easy to use for extended periods while moving to and from data collection sites in the fi  eld.  

    标签: allegro manual cx 教程

    上传时间: 2014-12-23


  • 微电脑型数学演算式隔离传送器

    特点: 精确度0.1%满刻度 可作各式數學演算式功能如:A+B/A-B/AxB/A/B/A&B(Hi or Lo)/|A|/ 16 BIT类比输出功能 输入与输出绝缘耐压2仟伏特/1分钟(input/output/power) 宽范围交直流兩用電源設計 尺寸小,穩定性高

    标签: 微电脑 数学演算 隔离传送器

    上传时间: 2014-12-23


  • 为什么我的CMOS逻辑电路烧起来了

    Abstract: What can be simpler than designing with CMOS and BiCMOS? These technologies are very easy to use butthey still require careful design. This tutorial discusses the odd case of circuits that seem to work but exhibit somepeculiar behaviors—including burning the designer's fingers!

    标签: CMOS 逻辑电路

    上传时间: 2013-11-03


  • 基准电压的温度漂移研究应用笔记

    Abstract: A perfect voltage reference produces a stable voltage independent of any external factors. Real-world voltagereferences, of course, are subject to errors caused by many external factors. One causeof these major errors istemperature. Without care, it is easy to operate a voltage reference outside its operating temperature range. Thisapplication note describes how references respond to temperature changes, and how self-heating can cause a voltagereference to operate outside its recommended temperature range. Once understood, this knowledge can then be used toavoid making this design error.

    标签: 基准电压 温度漂移 应用笔记

    上传时间: 2013-11-08


  • CMOS模拟开关工作原理

    开关在电路中起接通信号或断开信号的作用。最常见的可控开关是继电器,当给驱动继电器的驱动电路加高电平或低电平时,继电器就吸合或释放,其触点接通或断开电路。CMOS模拟开关是一种可控开关,它不象继电器那样可以用在大电流、高电压场合,只适于处理幅度不超过其工作电压、电流较小的模拟或数字信号。 一、常用CMOS模拟开关引脚功能和工作原理  1.四双向模拟开关CD4066  CD4066 的引脚功能如图1所示。每个封装内部有4个独立的模拟开关,每个模拟开关有输入、输出、控制三个端子,其中输入端和输出端可互换。当控制端加高电平时,开关导通;当控制端加低电平时开关截止。模拟开关导通时,导通电阻为几十欧姆;模拟开关截止时,呈现很高的阻抗,可以看成为开路。模拟开关可传输数字信号和模拟信号,可传输的模拟信号的上限频率为40MHz。各开关间的串扰很小,典型值为-50dB。

    标签: CMOS 模拟开关 工作原理

    上传时间: 2013-10-27
