Bishop 经典的Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning的课后题指导 相信对学习模式识别的朋友会有帮助
标签: Recognition Learning Pattern Machine
上传时间: 2013-12-26
This a GUI that manages DSP analysis functions for wav-files (e.g., speech signals). Two functions (plotps.m and spect.m) are included for starters. You may write your own functions and integrate that into the GUI without much hassle (see instructions in the accompanying readme.txt file). Additional features like the snipper lets you trim the time series and save it as a separate wav-file. The GUI is a great tool for instructors in a DSP course and DSP researchers alike!
标签: functions wav-files analysis manages
上传时间: 2016-11-09
CHM Encoder 可以反编译你的 CHM 文件或 E-Book 电子图书并提取它们的所有源文件。 你想要将 CHM 转换为 HTML 吗? 那么请立即使用 CHMDecoder 吧! 该工具是免费的并且十分易于使用。
标签: CHM CHMDecoder Encoder E-Book
上传时间: 2014-01-11
unEbookWorkshop是专门用来反编译 ebook Workshop( e书工场 )制作的EXE电子书源文件的工具软件(E书反编译工具),可以迅速地反编译EXE电子书里面的全部源文件,并且完美地恢复源文件的全部目录结构及文件名,以便帮助用户得到源文件进行资料恢复或二次编辑。unEbookWorkshop支持批量操作,您只需指定一个包括EXE电子书的目录,unEbookWorkshop会自动把指定目录下符合条件的文件一次性反编译。 从V3.50开始支持反编译电子书制作时用到的原始的工程文件,包括自定义的图标、用户自定义的按钮图片、LOGO图片、闪屏图片以及全部的界面皮肤文件(要使用这一功能,需要在选项里选中“总是恢复全部工程文件”)。
标签: unEbookWorkshop Workshop ebook EXE
上传时间: 2016-11-09
E家园 是 利用java做的 很好 的 是 初学者的宝贝
上传时间: 2013-12-05
简单有限元计算程序。 NJF---结点自由度数 E---弹性模量 NE---单元数 T---板厚度 VM---泊松比 z---实型二维数组,用来存放结点坐标 ZJ---实型二维数组,用来存放每个约束自由度方向和该方向的约束值, ie---实型二维数组,存放布尔矩阵 p---实型一维数组,先存放等效结点载荷,解完方程后存放输出的结点位移 a,b,a---实型数组,存放各个单元的面积及由结点坐标计算的bi,bj,ci,cj g---实型数组,存放单刚子块 zk---实型二维数组,存放整刚矩阵
上传时间: 2014-01-24
An+ensemble learning approach to independent component analysis
标签: independent component ensemble approach
上传时间: 2013-11-28
S-ISOMAP is a manifold learning algorithm, which is a supervised variant of ISOMAP.
标签: supervised algorithm S-ISOMAP manifold
上传时间: 2014-01-11
CCE is a multi-instance learning method solving multi-instance problems through adapting multi-instance representation to single-instance algorithms, which is quite different from existing multi-instance learning algorithms which attempt to adapt single-instance algorithms to multi-instance representation
标签: multi-instance multi-insta adapting learning
上传时间: 2014-01-14
This toolbox contains re-implementations of four different multi-instance learners, i.e. Diverse Density, Citation-kNN, Iterated-discrim APR, and EM-DD. Ensembles of these single multi-instance learners can be built with this toolbox
标签: i.e. re-implementations multi-instance different
上传时间: 2013-12-19