基于基本遗传算法的函数最优化 SGA.C A Function Optimizer using Simple Genetic Algorithm developed from the Pascal SGA code presented by David E.Goldberg
标签: Algorithm Optimizer developed Function
上传时间: 2016-05-05
基于UDP实现E-Mail传输 工作过程描述: 客户端描述: 1. Client(以下简称C端)端将邮件以规定的大小封装为符合要求的UDP包。 2. 将封装好的UDP包发出,并等待Server(以下简称S端)端收到相应的UDP包后返回的回应Acknowledge(以下简称为ACK)。若收到的为Positive ACK,则继续发包;若收到的为Negtive ACK,则将应发的包重发。 3. 直到C端将所有要发的包都发完,并都已经收到S端的回应,最后发一个End包,直接关闭此进程。 服务器端描述: 1. S端启动服务进程,并监听相应端口。 2. 若收到C端发出的有关请求,按如下情况给出相应的反映: a. 将收到的包进行检测,若收到的包有错则抛弃(discard),并发给C端一个negtive ACK。 b. 将收到的包进行检测,若收到的包正常,则将此包进行解包,将内容输出至一临时文件;并发给C端一个positive ACK。 3.依次收到来自C断的包,直到收到end为止,并关闭此进程,转回监听状态。
上传时间: 2014-12-08
*/ /* A Function Optimizer using Simple Genetic Algorithm */ /* developed from the Pascal SGA code presented by David E.Goldberg */ /* 同济大学计算机系 王小平 2000年5月
标签: Algorithm Optimizer developed Function
上传时间: 2013-11-29
A.增强采集功能,包括酷6,Mofile,优酷,56,土豆,新浪播客,六间房,偶偶,目前最强大的采集系统 B.修正了56白屏和土豆白屏的问题 C.增加了Bokecc播客的播放插件,酷6视频的播放插件,Mofile视频的播放插件 D.增加了后台的数据管理,使其能够按找播放器类型进行排序,以便于找到想要的数据 E.修正采集电视剧时,当天没更新数据时发生的错误
上传时间: 2013-12-13
基于基本遗传算法的函数最优化 A Function Optimizer using Simple Genetic Algorithm developed from the Pascal SGA code presented by David E.Goldber
标签: Algorithm Optimizer developed Function
上传时间: 2016-06-24
、该个词法分析器要求至少能够识别以下几类单词: a. 关键字:else if int return void while共6个,所有的关键字都是保留字,并且必须是小写; b. 标识符:识别与C语言词法规定相一致的标识符,通过下列正则表达式定义:ID = letter (letter | digit)*; c. 常数:NUM=(+ | - |ε)digit digit*(.digit digit* |ε)(e(+ | - |ε) digit digit* |ε),letter = a|..|z|A|..|Z|,digit = 0|..|9,包括整数,如123, -123, +123等;小数,如123.45, +123.45, -123.45;科学计数法表示的常数,如+1.23e3,-2.3e-9; d. 专用符号:+ - * / < <= > >= == != = , ( ) [ ] { } /* */;
上传时间: 2013-12-08
DESCRIPTION : BIN to seven segments converter -- segment encoding -- a -- +---+ -- f | | b -- +---+ <- g -- e | | c -- +---+ -- d -- Enable (EN) active : high -- Outputs (data_out) active : low
标签: DESCRIPTION converter segments encoding
上传时间: 2016-08-17
This program is a RADIUS RFC-compliant daemon, which is derived from original Livingston Enterprise Inc. (now Lucent Inc.) RADIUS daemon release 2.1. It adds a number of useful features to the LE daemon, i.e.
标签: RFC-compliant Livingston Enterprise original
上传时间: 2016-08-20
This sample displays a basic integer calculator powered by the 8051 microcontroller. Although Keil C51 has a full floating point math library the evaluation version is restricted to 2k of object code, so we have constrained this sample to integer maths in order to fit within this limit. The program for this design was written in C using the Keil uVision 2 IDE for which Proteus VSM provides a Debug Monitor driver. Instructions for configuring Proteus to run in conjunction with the Keil environment can be found by editing the 8051 microcontroller on the schematic (point at it and press CTRL-E) and then clicking on the help button on the Edit Component dialogue form.
标签: microcontroller calculator Although displays
上传时间: 2014-12-01
Abstract A new intelligent milometer base on a microcontroller can count the sum. By taking full use of the processor 89s51 and E² PROM (AT24C02) and sensor of magnetism, it can count the sum of fully distance and the course of development.
标签: microcontroller intelligent milometer Abstract
上传时间: 2016-10-12