AT89S52单片机主8入8出继电器工控主板ALTIUM设计硬件原理图+PCB文件,2层板设计,大小为121x149mm,Altium Designer 设计的工程文件,包括完整的原理图及PCB文件,可以用Altium(AD)软件打开或修改,可作为你的产品设计的参考。主要器件型号列表如下:Library Component Count : 25Name Description----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24LC02AJKG 按键开关AT89S52-P 8 位微处理器/40引脚CAP CapacitorCAPACITOR POL CapacitorCPDR 瓷片电容CRYSTAL CrystalD Connector 9 Receptacle Assembly, 9 Position, Right AngleDG 电感DJDR 电解电容GO 光耦Header 5X2 Header, 5-Pin, Dual rowJDQYCK 继电器——1常开1常闭LED 发光二极管LM2576HVT-3.3 Simple Switcher 3A Step Down Voltage RegulatorMAX232 NPN NPN Bipolar TransistorPZ_2 排针——2PZ_3 排针——3RES2Res 电阻Res PZ_8 8位排阻SW-DPST Double-Pole, Single-Throw SwitchWY2JG 稳压二级管ZL2JG 整流二极管
上传时间: 2021-11-17
STM32F407单片机开发板PDF原理图+AD集成封装库+主要器件技术手册资料:AD集成封装库列表:Library Component Count : 54Name Description----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24C256 AMS1117ATK-HC05 ATK-HC05BAT BEEP BUTTONC CAPCH340G USB2UARTDDB9 DHT11 数字温湿度传感器HEAD2HEAD2*22 HR911105 HS0038Header 16 Header, 16-PinHeader 2 Header, 2-PinHeader 2X2 Header, 2-Pin, Dual rowHeader 3X2 Header, 3-Pin, Dual rowHeader 4 Header, 4-PinHeader 9X2 Header, 9-Pin, Dual rowIS62WV51216 JTAG KEY_M L LAN8720 ETH PHYLED2 Typical RED, GREEN, YELLOW, AMBER GaAs LEDLSENS LIGHT SENSL_SOP MAX3232 MAX3485 MIC MOS-P IRLML6401/SI2301MP2359 DC DC Step Down ICMPU6050 9轴运动处理传感器NPN 8050/BCW846/BCW847NRF24L01 PHONE_M PNP 8550/BCW68POW R SMBJ TVSSN65HVD230D STM32F407ZET6 STM32F407ZET6TEST-POINT 测试点TFT_LCD TPAD ALIENTEK TPADUSB5USB_A_90 USB-A-90W25X16
上传时间: 2021-12-15
黑金CYCLONE4 EP4CE6F17C8 FPGA开发板ALTIUM设计硬件工程(原理图+PCB+AD集成封装库),Altium Designer 设计的工程文件,包括完整的原理图及PCB文件,可以用Altium(AD)软件打开或修改,可作为你产品设计的参考。集成封装器件型号列表:Library Component Count : 50Name Description----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1117-3.3 24LC04B_0 4148 BAV99 CAP NP_Dup2CAP NP_Dup2_1 CAP NP_Dup2_2CP2102_0 C_Dup1 C_Dup1_1C_Dup2 C_Dup3 C_Dup4 C_Dup4_1 Circuit Breaker Circuit BreakerConnector 15 Receptacle Assembly, 15-Pin, Sim Line ConnectorDS1302_8SO EC EP4CE6F17C8 Cyclone IV Family FPGA, 2V Core, 179 I/O Pins, 2 PLLs, 256-Pin FBGA, Speed Grade 8, Commercial GradeEP4CE6F17C8_1 Cyclone IV Family FPGA, 2V Core, 179 I/O Pins, 2 PLLs, 256-Pin FBGA, Speed Grade 8, Commercial GradeFuse 2 FuseHEX6HY57651620/SO_0 Header 2 Header, 2-PinHeader 9X2 Header, 9-Pin, Dual rowINDUCTOR JTAG-10_Dup1 KEYB LED LED_Dup1 M25P16-VMN3PB 16 Mb (x1) Automotive Serial NOR Flash Memory, 75 MHz, 2.7 to 3.6 V, 8-pin SO8 Narrow (MN), TubeMHDR2X20 Header, 20-Pin, Dual rowMiniUSBB OSCPNP R RESISTOR RN RN_Dup1 R_Dup1 R_Dup2 R_Dup3 R_Dup5R_Dup6 SD SPEAKERSRV05-4SW KEY-DPDT ZTAbattery
标签: 黑金 cyclone4 ep4ce6f17c8 fpga
上传时间: 2021-12-22
TMS320F28035 DSP最小核心板开发板ALTIUM设计原理图,无PCB板图。原理图已在项目中使用,包括CAN通信电路和瓷隔离电路等,可以做为你的设计参考,所用器件型号如下:ADUM1201AT24CXXBAV99 R26010005CAP CapacitorHeader 4 Header, 4-PinHeader 4X2 Header, 4-Pin, Dual rowINDUCTORL2 LM317 R25040043NTC R27040030OPTOISORES R20190049RES1 SN65HVD230/SO8SW-SPST Single-Pole, Single-Throw SwitchTL431TMS320F28035-80XTAL Crystal Oscillator
标签: tms320f28035 dsp
上传时间: 2021-12-22
HI3520DV400全套资料(Cadence arregro原理图+PCB+bom+镜像软件),1个HDMI输入,1个HDMI输出,1个3.5音频输入,1个3.5音频输出。2GB-DDR3,2个USB2.0,1个LAN,已经调试通过,固件都已经打包好。拿来就可以打板生产,包括原理图,PCB,u-boot,kernel,rootfs。
标签: hi3520dv400 cadence arregro
上传时间: 2021-12-28
Precision, Low Noise, CMOS, Rail-to-Rail, Input/Output Operational Amplifiers Data Sheet AD8605/AD8606/AD8608The AD8605, AD8606, and AD86081 are single, dual, and quad rail-to-rail input and output, single-supply amplifiers. They feature very low offset voltage, low input voltage and current noise, and wide signal bandwidth. They use the Analog Devices, Inc. patented DigiTrim® trimming technique, which achieves
标签: 运算放大器
上传时间: 2022-02-02
某客户在其产品的设计中,使用了STM32F411。由于产品外观的要求,无法在外部对BOOT 脚进行控制,而且外观上只有USB 接口是留在外边的,需要使用USB DFU 进行升级。而且USB接口只用于代码升级,没有其他功能,所以客户不想去碰USB 代码,希望能够直接使用System Memory 中的Bootloader 进行代码升级。
标签: 存储器 bootloader
上传时间: 2022-02-22
CH341系列编程器芯片usb转串口Altium Designer AD原理图库元件库CSV text has been written to file : 1.9 - CH341系列编程器芯片.csvLibrary Component Count : 56Name Description----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CH311Q PC debug port monitorCH331T Mini USB Disk ControllerCH340G CH340H USB to TTL Serial / UART, USB to IrDACH340T USB to TTL Serial / UART, USB to IrDACH340R USB to IrDA, USB to RS232 SerialCH340S_P USB to Print Port / ParallelCH340S_S USB to TTL Serial / UART, pin compatible with CH341CH341A_S USB to TTL Serial / UART / I2C/IICCH341S_P USB to Print Port / ParallelCH341A_P USB to Print Port / ParallelCH341S_S USB to TTL Serial / UARTCH341S_X USB to EPP Parallel / SPI / I2C/IICCH341A_X USB to EPP Parallel / SPI / I2C/IICCH341T USB to TTL Serial / UART / I2C/IICCH345T USB to MidiCH352L_M PCI to 8255 mode 2 Parallel for MCU and 16C550 UART / IrDACH352L_P PCI to Print Port / Parallel and 16C550 UART / IrDACH352L_S PCI to Dual 16C550 UART, TTL Serial*2 / IrDA*1CH362L PCI Device / Slave only for RAM / Expansion ROMCH364F Member of CH364 chipsetsCH364P PCI Device / Slave Embedded Flash ROM, for Expansion ROMCH365P PCI Device / Slave, for I/O port or RAM / ROMCH372T USB Device / Slave for MCU, ParallelCH372A USB Device / Slave for MCU, ParallelCH372V USB Device / Slave for MCU, ParallelCH374S USB Host & Device / Slave for MCU, parallel / SPICH374T USB Host & Device / Slave for MCU, parallel / SPICH375S USB Host & Device / Slave for MCU, parallel / UART SerialCH375A USB Host & Device / Slave for MCU, parallel / UART SerialCH375V USB Host & Device / Slave for MCU, parallel / UART SerialCH411G FDC MFM encode and decodeCH421A Dual port bufferCH421S Dual port bufferCH423D I2C/IIC I/O expander, 16 GPO + 8 GPIO, 128 LEDs DriveCH423S I2C/IIC I/O expander, 16 GPO + 8 GPIO, 128 LEDs DriveCH423D_D I2C/IIC I/O expander, 16 GPO + 8 GPIO, 128 LEDs DriveCH423S_D I2C/IIC I/O expander, 16 GPO + 8 GPIO, 128 LEDs DriveCH423G I2C/IIC I/O expander, 6 GPO + 5 GPIOCH432Q Dual 16C550 UART with IrDA, parallel / SPICH432T SPI Dual 16C550 UART with IrDACH450K 6 Digits / 48 LEDs Drive & 8x6 Keyboard, I2C/IICCH450H 6 Digits / 48 LEDs Drive & 8x6 Keyboard, I2C/IICCH450L 8 Digits / 64 LEDs Drive & 8x8 Keyboard, I2C/IICCH451L 8 Digits / 64 LEDs Drive & 8x8 Keyboard, 4 Wire Interface, SPICH451S 8 Digits / 64 LEDs Drive & 8x8 Keyboard, 4 Wire Interface, SPICH451D 8 Digits / 64 LEDs Drive & 8x8 Keyboard, 4 Wire Interface, SPICH452L_2 8 Digits / 64 LEDs Drive & 8x8 Keyboard, I2C/IICCH452L_4 8 Digits / 64 LEDs Drive & 8x8 Keyboard, 4 Wire Interface, SPICH452S_2 8 Digits / 64 LEDs Drive & 8x8 Keyboard, I2C/IICCH452S_4 8 Digits / 64 LEDs Drive & 8x8 Keyboard, 4 Wire Interface, SPICH453S 16 Digits / 128 LEDs Drive, I2C/IICCH453D 16 Digits / 128 LEDs Drive, I2C/IICPCI 32Bit PCI Bus, simple / short cardPCI32 32Bit PCI BusUSB USB Port
标签: ch341 编程芯片 usb 串口 altium designer
上传时间: 2022-03-13
以STC12C5A60S2单片机为控制核心,采用2.4G(JF24D)无线遥控模块进行无线发射与接收,设计了一种双电机遥控船模控制系统.该系统通过切换档杆实现前进后退,方向盘左右转动、暂停按钮等控制直流电机的正转、反转、暂停,使得电机驱动的遥控船模实现前进后退、左右转向、暂停等功能,有效解决了驱动功率小和船模之间相互干扰等问题,可广泛应用于遥控船模领域.Using STC12C5A60S2 single-chip microcomputer as the controller and 2.4 G(JF24D)wireless remote control module for wireless transmission and reception, a dual-motor remote control ship model control system is designed. The system realizes forward and backward by switching the gear lever. The steering wheel rotates left and right and the pause button controls the forward, reverse and pause of the dc motor. The remote controller of ship model driven by the motor realizes forward and backward, left and right steering, pause and other functions. The ship model control system can effectively solve the problems of small driving power and mutual interference between ship models, and can be widely used in the field of remote controller of ship model.
上传时间: 2022-03-27
以STM32F103单片机与STM32F103单片机之间进行SPI双机通信为例,直接使用DMA传输进行数据的发送与接收,最后通过实验证明了DMA传输的高效和准确性。with the SPI dual-MIC communication between STM32F103 MCU and STM32F103 MCU taken as an example,data transmission and reception are carried out directly by using DMA transmission to prove the efficiency and accuracy of DMA transmission by experiments.
上传时间: 2022-03-27