hamravad ha dr operating
上传时间: 2013-12-23
基于FPGA设计的sdram读写测试实验Verilog逻辑源码Quartus工程文件+文档说明,drAM选用海力士公司的 HY57V2562 型号,容量为的 256Mbit,采用了 54 引脚的TSOP 封装, 数据宽度都为 16 位, 工作电压为 3.3V,并丏采用同步接口方式所有的信号都是时钟信号。FPGA型号Cyclone4E系列中的EP4CE6F17C8,Quartus版本17.1。timescale 1ps/1psmodule top(input clk,input rst_n,output[1:0] led,output sdram_clk, //sdram clockoutput sdram_cke, //sdram clock enableoutput sdram_cs_n, //sdram chip selectoutput sdram_we_n, //sdram write enableoutput sdram_cas_n, //sdram column address strobeoutput sdram_ras_n, //sdram row address strobeoutput[1:0] sdram_dqm, //sdram data enable output[1:0] sdram_ba, //sdram bank addressoutput[12:0] sdram_addr, //sdram addressinout[15:0] sdram_dq //sdram data);parameter MEM_DATA_BITS = 16 ; //external memory user interface data widthparameter ADdr_BITS = 24 ; //external memory user interface address widthparameter BUSRT_BITS = 10 ; //external memory user interface burst widthparameter BURST_SIZE = 128 ; //burst sizewire wr_burst_data_req; // from external memory controller,write data request ,before data 1 clockwire wr_burst_finish; // from external memory controller,burst write finish
标签: fpga sdram verilog quartus
上传时间: 2021-12-18
利用负阻原理设计了5.9 GHz介质振荡器(drO),采用HFSS软件对介质谐振块(dr)进行三维仿真,应用Agilent公司的ADS软件对drO进行了优化设计和非线性分析,用该方法制作的并联反馈式drO性能良好,输出功率为10 dBm,相位噪声达到-100 dBc/Hz@10 kHz,-124 dBc/Hz@100 kHz。
上传时间: 2013-10-10
基于变频调速的水平连铸机拉坯辊速度控制系统Frequency Inverter Based drawing RollerS peedC ontrolSy stem ofHorizontal Continuous Casting MachineA 伟刘冲旅巴(南 华 大 学电气工程学院,衡阳421001)摘要拉坯辊速度控制是水平连铸工艺的关键技术之一,采用变频器实现水平连铸机拉坯辊速度程序控制,由信号发生装置给变频器提供程控信号。现场应用表明该控制系统速度响应快,控制精度高,满足了水平连铸生产的需要。关键词水平连铸拉坯辊速度程序控制变频器Absh'act Speedc ontorlof dr awingor leris on eo fth ek eyte chnologiesfo rho rizontalco ntinuousca stingm achine.Fo rth ispu rpose,fr equencyco nverterisad optedfo rdr awingor lersp eedp rogrammablec ontorlof ho rizontalco ntinuousca stingm achine,th ep rogrammableco ntorlsi gnalto fr equencyc onverteris provided场a signal generator. The results of application show that the response of system is rapid and the control accuracy is high enough to meet thedemand of production of horizontal continuous casting.Keywords Horizontalco ntinuousc asting drawingor ler Speedp rogrammablec ontrol Ferquencyin verter 随着 现 代 化工业生产对钢材需求量的日益增加,连铸生产能力已经成为衡量一个国家冶金工业发展水平的重要指标之一。近十几年来,水平连铸由于具有投资少、铸坯直、见效快等多方面的优点,国内许多钢铁企业利用水平连铸机来浇铸特种合金钢,发挥了其独特的优势并取得了较好的经济效益〔1,2)0采用 水 平 连铸机浇铸特种合金钢时,由于拉坯机是水平连铸系统中的关键设备之一,拉坯机及其控制性能的好坏直接影响着连铸坯的质量,因此,连铸的拉坯技术便成为整个水平连铸技术的核心。由于钢的冶炼过程是在高温下进行的,钢水温度的变化又容易影响铸坯的质量和成材率,因此,如何能在高温环境下控制好与铸坯速度相关的参数(拉、推程量,中停时间和拉坯频率等)对于确保连铸作业的进一步高效化,延长系统的连续作业时间十分关键。因此,拉坯辊速度控制技术是连铸生产过程控制领域中的关键技术之- [31
上传时间: 2013-10-12
上传时间: 2013-11-20
目前能实现随意控制蚂蚁的轨迹长度(Path)、数量(Unit)、速度(V)、角度(R)、加速度(dv,dr)。 Kr和Kv是常数,打算将来改成数组,作为用来控制蚂蚁活跃程度的基因。
上传时间: 2013-12-27
A C++ N-grams Package 2.0 This is a simple C++ n-grams package that includes a header, the corresponding cpp file, and a sample driver program. It is a natural language processing tool for creating n-gram profiles for text documents. The details on usage is documented in the header right above each public function defined. This package is based on dr. Vlado Keselj s Perl package Text::Ngrams which is available in CPAN.
标签: includes correspo N-grams Package
上传时间: 2015-06-12
zemax源码: This DLL models an anamorphic aspheric surface. This surface is essentially an even aspheric surface with different terms for the x and y directions. The sag is given by: Z = ((CX*x*x)+(CY*y*y)) / (1 + sqrt(1-((1+KX)*CX*CX*x*x)-((1+KY)*CY*CY*y*y))) + AR*( (1 - AP)*x*x + (1 + AP)*y*y )^2 + BR*( (1 - BP)*x*x + (1 + BP)*y*y )^3 + CR*( (1 - CP)*x*x + (1 + CP)*y*y )^4 + dr*( (1 - DP)*x*x + (1 + DP)*y*y )^5 Note the terms AR, BR, CR, and dr ... have units of length to the -3, -5, -7, and -9 power. The terms AP, BP, CP, and DP are dimensionless. The surface is rotationally symmetric only if AP = BP = CP = DP == 0 and CX = CY and KX = KY.
标签: surface This essentially anamorphic
上传时间: 2015-07-25
RTOS-嵌入式系统微内核概念和实现 Realtime Operating Systems Concepts and Implementation of Microkernels for Embedded Systems dr. Jürgen Sauermann, Melanie Thelen
标签: Implementation Microkernels Operating Concepts
上传时间: 2014-01-03
This is the tlc0834 driver, welcome everybody criticism to point out mistakes This is the tlc0834 driver, welcome everybody criticism to point out mistakes
标签: This 0834 criticism everybody
上传时间: 2015-12-14