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  • 很好的linux内核调试软件 兼辕马

    很好的linux内核调试软件 兼辕马,没有密码。 The ia64 and ix86 directories contain versions of kdb prior to v2.0 (kdb version v2.0, not the kernel version). Older versions of kdb had complete patches for each architecture it supported, each patch included all the common kdb code. This format was awkward to maintain and use for multiple platforms. Starting with kdb v2.0 there is a common patch against each kernel which contains all the architecture independent code plus separate architecture dependent patches. Either use an old style (v1.8 or v1.9) kdb patch or use a new style (v2.0) common patch plus the corresponding architecture dependent patch.

    标签: linux 内核 调试软件

    上传时间: 2014-01-21


  • By Tom Christiansen and Nathan Torkington ISBN 1-56592-243-3 First Edition, published August 1998

    By Tom Christiansen and Nathan Torkington ISBN 1-56592-243-3 First Edition, published August 1998. (See the catalog page for this book.) Search the text of Perl Cookbook. Table of Contents Copyright Page Foreword Preface Chapter 1: Strings Chapter 2: Numbers Chapter 3: Dates and Times Chapter 4: Arrays Chapter 5: Hashes Chapter 6: Pattern Matching Chapter 7: File Access Chapter 8: File Contents Chapter 9: directories Chapter 10: Subroutines Chapter 11: References and Records Chapter 12: Packages, Libraries, and Modules Chapter 13: Classes, Objects, and Ties Chapter 14: Database Access Chapter 15: User Interfaces Chapter 16: Process Management and Communication Chapter 17: Sockets Chapter 18: Internet Services Chapter 19: CGI Programming Chapter 20: Web Automation Index Colophon

    标签: Christiansen Torkington published Edition

    上传时间: 2014-02-20


  • by Randal L. Schwartz and Tom Phoenix ISBN 0-596-00132-0 Third Edition, published July 2001. (See

    by Randal L. Schwartz and Tom Phoenix ISBN 0-596-00132-0 Third Edition, published July 2001. (See the catalog page for this book.) the text of Learning Perl, 3rd Edition. Table of Contents Copyright Page Preface Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Scalar Data Chapter 3: Lists and Arrays Chapter 4: Subroutines Chapter 5: Hashes Chapter 6: I/O Basics Chapter 7: Concepts of Regular Expressions Chapter 8: More About Regular Expressions Chapter 9: Using Regular Expressions Chapter 10: More Control Structures Chapter 11: Filehandles and File Tests Chapter 12: Directory Operations Chapter 13: Manipulating Files and directories Chapter 14: Process Management Chapter 15: Strings and Sorting Chapter 16: Simple Databases Chapter 17: Some Advanced Perl Techniques Appendix A: Exercise Answers Appendix B: Beyond the Llama Index Colophon

    标签: L. published Schwartz Edition

    上传时间: 2014-11-29


  • by Randal L. Schwartz and Tom Phoenix ISBN 0-596-00132-0 Third Edition, published July 2001. (See

    by Randal L. Schwartz and Tom Phoenix ISBN 0-596-00132-0 Third Edition, published July 2001. (See the catalog page for this book.) Learning Perl, 3rd Edition. Table of Contents Copyright Page Preface Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Scalar Data Chapter 3: Lists and Arrays Chapter 4: Subroutines Chapter 5: Hashes Chapter 6: I/O Basics Chapter 7: Concepts of Regular Expressions Chapter 8: More About Regular Expressions Chapter 9: Using Regular Expressions Chapter 10: More Control Structures Chapter 11: Filehandles and File Tests Chapter 12: Directory Operations Chapter 13: Manipulating Files and directories Chapter 14: Process Management Chapter 15: Strings and Sorting Chapter 16: Simple Databases Chapter 17: Some Advanced Perl Techniques Appendix A: Exercise Answers Appendix B: Beyond the Llama Index Colophon

    标签: L. published Schwartz Edition

    上传时间: 2015-09-03


  • The source code samples for chapter 2, 4, 6, and 8 are contained in the EvenChapters project. Those

    The source code samples for chapter 2, 4, 6, and 8 are contained in the EvenChapters project. Those chapters all reference various aspects of this single project. The source code for the BullsEye control (chapter 10 example) is in the BullEyeCtl project. The source samples for the other chapters are provided in the Chapter XX sub-directories.

    标签: EvenChapters contained chapter samples

    上传时间: 2015-09-07


  • you can use Hutch s INCLUDE and LIB files to assemble the program with the exception of the Windows.

    you can use Hutch s INCLUDE and LIB files to assemble the program with the exception of the Windows.inc. If you use the EWCalc.mak file you will have to change the pointers to the proper directories.

    标签: the exception assemble INCLUDE

    上传时间: 2014-01-21


  • 1 安装:首先安装MPLAB IDE V7.42的程序

    1 安装:首先安装MPLAB IDE V7.42的程序,然后再安装C的组件PICC8.05-PL.安装过程中全部确认选择,完毕后重启计算机。 2 激活:(PICC8.05-PL) 运行“开始”菜单下的“HI-TECH SOFTWARE”中的 激活(Complier Activation)程序, 再同时启动算号器程序(HtkeyGen.exe),将Last Name前的勾去掉,填入公司名称,算出相应内 容填入激活程序相应栏目,OK即可完成激活。 3 设置: 3.1 将MPLAB 7.42启动后,在文件栏中打开C的桌面项目文件,在Project栏目中 检查 select language Toolsuite...中的选项,所有路径须指向安装路径如C:\HT-PIC\BIN\PICC.EXE; 3.2 在Project栏目中检查 setlanguage Tool Locations中的HI-TECH ToolsuiteXDGR 相关选项,executables中各程序应指向picc.exe Default Search Paths & directories中 的相关路径应为安装目录如C:\HT-PIC\include 和C:\HT-PIC\lib; 3.3 设置programmer中的select programmer选项为"MPLAB IED 2"(经验:如果不打开编译器,此选项无法选中)。 3.4 设置单片机型号,在Congfigure中的Select Device选择准确的芯片型号;

    标签: MPLAB 7.42 IDE 程序

    上传时间: 2016-01-01


  • rtl8019参考

    rtl8019参考,his package included three directories. One is for hardware, one is for software and one is for utility. I gather them from Internet or our server.

    标签: 8019 rtl

    上传时间: 2016-02-02


  • There are numerous MATLAB m-files included in this software package. Thus, the the authors have bund

    There are numerous MATLAB m-files included in this software package. Thus, the the authors have bundled all files and sample data in a *.zip file (KTHorb.zip). The Readme.txt file describes the directories created when the .zip file is unpacked. The file Matlab_implementation.doc (or Matlab_implementation.txt) describes some of the classes and methods included in the package for GPS satellite orbit interpolation.

    标签: the numerous included software

    上传时间: 2016-03-08


  • 非常适合内嵌式mp3播放,例如控制台!注意看压缩包里readme.doc 详细过程,在ARM及MIPS下通过 新建一个 wce application,选择 a simple windows ce

    非常适合内嵌式mp3播放,例如控制台!注意看压缩包里readme.doc 详细过程,在ARM及MIPS下通过 新建一个 wce application,选择 a simple windows ce application 在 1.tool->options->directories>include files里包含必要的头文件 D:\WINCE500\pubilc\directx\SDK\INC D:\WINCE500\pubilc\common\SDK\INC D:\WINCE500\pubilc\common\OAK\INC D:\WINCE500\pubilc\common\DDK\INC 2. >Library files D:\WINCE500\PUBLIC\DIRECTX\SDK\LIB\MIPSII\RETAIL D:\WINCE500\PUBLIC\COMMON\SDK\LIB\MIPSII\RETAIL D:\WINCE500\PUBLIC\COMMON\OAK\LIB\MIPSII\RETAIL 3.可能要在Project->Settings->link的object/library modules 加入 commctrl.lib coredll.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib strmiids.lib newres.h play.cpp play.vcw resource.h StdAfx.cpp StdAfx.h 下面为播放源码 #include "stdafx.h" #include<dshow.h> #include<streams.h> .......其实编译时的 object/library modules 只要看 sourse 文件包含哪个dll,或lib 就行

    标签: application windows readme simple

    上传时间: 2016-05-05
