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  • Abtract - We propose a new family of fi lter banks, named NDFB, that can achieve the direction

    Abtract - We propose a new family of fi lter banks, named NDFB, that can achieve the directional decomposition of arbitrary N-dimensional (N ≥ 2) signals with a simple and effi cient tree-structured construction.

    标签: direction Abtract propose achieve

    上传时间: 2014-01-15


  • Abstract - A fl exible multiscale and directional representation for images is proposed. The s

    Abstract - A fl exible multiscale and directional representation for images is proposed. The scheme combines directional fi lter banks with the Laplacian pyramid to provides a sparse representation for two- dimensional piecewise smooth signals resembling images. The underlying expansion is a frame and can be designed to be a tight frame. Pyramidal directional fi lter banks provide an effective method to implement the digital curvelet transform. The regularity issue of the iterated fi lters in the directional fi lter bank is examined.

    标签: representation directional multiscale Abstract

    上传时间: 2013-12-15


  • wangluo ppt

    最小二乘法曲面拟合,包括C程序及说明文件。对于搞三维重建的有一定帮助-Least squares surface fitting, including the C procedures and documentation. For engaging in three-dimensional reconstruction to some extent help the

    标签: 通信网

    上传时间: 2015-11-28


  • a sub-cell WENO reconstruction method

    We introduce a sub-cell WENO reconstruction method to evaluate spatial derivatives in the high-order ADER scheme. The basic idea in our reconstruction is to use only r stencils to reconstruct the point-wise values of solutions and spatial derivatives for the 2r-1 th order ADER scheme in one dimension, while in two dimensions, the dimension-by-dimension sub-cell reconstruction approach for spatial derivatives is employed. Compared with the original ADER scheme of Toro and Titarev (2002) [2] that uses the direct derivatives of reconstructed polynomials for solutions to evaluate spatial derivatives, our method not only reduces greatly the computational costs of the ADER scheme on a given mesh, but also avoids possible numerical oscillations near discontinuities, as demonstrated by a number of one- and two-dimensional numerical tests. All these tests show that the 5th-order ADER scheme based on our sub-cell reconstruction method achieves the desired accuracy, and is essentially non-oscillatory and computationally cheaper for problems with discontinuities.

    标签: 高精度格式

    上传时间: 2016-01-13


  • Phase Unwrapping 2D

    Two 2D phase unwrapping approaches are included:  1. Phase quality guided path following method.  2. Goldstein's branch cut method. The algorithms are described in:  D. C. Ghiglia and M. D. Pritt, Two-dimensional Phase Unwrapping:  Theory, Algorithms and Software. New York: Wiley-Interscience, 1998.

    标签: Unwrapping Phase 2D

    上传时间: 2016-04-30


  • VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(164)

    VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(164)资源包含以下内容:1. 嵌入式ARC平台参考资料.2. c8051f020 ds1620 温度传感器 调通了 keil下开发.3. 让蜂鸣器唱歌的程序,利用从音乐中提取出的文件资料,控制发音长短来实现.4. 基于凌阳单片机spmc75f2413的步进电机3轴联动空间圆弧插补源程序.5. Oreilly出版的权威的dojo教材.6. 基于嵌入式操作系统的网络监控系统.7. 基于arm的嵌入式开发程序设计.8. 一片关于ARM9处理器的bootloader的分析与设计论文.9. 用verilog写的对OCMJ2X8液晶模块控制代码.10. 状态机的应用。在嵌入式系统中状态机使用非常频繁.11. AD89C51单片机控制液晶显示器LCD1602显示时间。.12. T-Kernel 嵌入式系统源码.13. 这是一个重要的CPLD文件 具有很高的参考价值.14. 利用ARM2103编写的实时时钟程序.15. minigui编程手册.16. 用TEA5767 自己动手制作的收音机。效果很好.17. ARM嵌入式系统的通用bootloader的设计与实现.18. AVR驱动7219程序.19. cypress的开发框架.20. RFID读卡终端C程序设计基于51单片机实现.21. ARM与嵌入式系统基础教程 ARM与嵌入式系统基础教程.22. GUI代码,用与实现相关GUI的功能,如有需要即可自由下载!.23. 一个基于周立功EASYARM2000平台的一个小程序 定时器来实现蜂鸣器的开关 各0.5s.24. TCP/IP协议栈原代码(C语言)很好的理解TCP/IP的技术材料.25. c51+proteus 18B20 温度传感器实验.26. i2c 总线详细介绍及相关编程说明.27. c51+proteus仿真+7seg Max7221动态显示.28. E: oolLAB Proteus实例播放音乐 说明:8051单片机播放音乐.29. linux是最好的嵌入式设计操作系统,资源开源,并且可以支持很多种嵌入式IC.30. CAN51开发板功能 1、 USB或DC+5V供电; 2、 89c52+sja1000+tja1050(tja1040)(p82c250);89c52+mcp2515+tja1050(t.31. RT73在嵌入式领域最稳定的驱动 官网已经取消下载.32. 这是用prolog语言开发的系统.33. 嵌入式C使用的汇总.34. 现在Arm系统是非常成熟和广泛的嵌入式系统.本文是Arm嵌入式开发系统的介绍.35. 《LinuxuClinux+MiniGUI+嵌入式系统开发原理、工具及过程》.36. These instances, whenmapped to an N-dimensional space, represent a core set that can be used to con.37. 一个用IO口来模拟串口通讯的软件.38. 一个对93C46进行编程的软件.39. 红外解码 LCD显示程序,用处广泛 此程序仅用于学习交流使用,.40. 图解电子器件 学习嵌入式系统的朋友.

    标签: 红外探测器

    上传时间: 2013-04-15
