集合式直流电能表(小功率的) 特点: 精确度0.05%满刻度±1位数 可同时量测与显示/直流电压/电流/瓦特(千瓦)/瓦特小时(千瓦小时) 电压输入(DC0-99.99V/0-600.0V)自动变档功能 显示范围0-9999(电流/瓦特/千瓦),0至99999999(八位數瓦特小时)可任意规划 数位RS-485 界面 (Optional) 主要规格: 辅助电源消耗功率:<0.35VA(DC12V/DC24V) <0.5VA(DC48V) <1.5VA(AC90-240V(50/60Hz)) 精确度: 0.05% F.S. ±1 digit (23 ±5℃) 输入范围:Auto range(DC0-99.99V/0-600.0V(DC voltage)) 输入抗阻:>5MΩ(DC voltage) 取样时间:10 cycles/second(total) 过载显示: " doFL " 显示值范围: 0-9999 digit(DCA/W(KW)) 0-9999999.999 digit(WH/(KWH)) RS-485传输速度: 19200/9600/4800/2400 selective RS-485通讯位址: "01"-"FF"(0-255) RS-485通信协议: Modbus RTU mode 温度系数: 50ppm/℃ (0-50℃) 显示幕:Bight Red LEDs high 10.16 mm(0.4") 参数设定方式: Touch switches 记忆方式: Non-volatile E²PROM memory 绝缘耐压能力:2KVac/1min.(input/output)(RS-485(Isolating)) 1600 Vdc (input/output) (RS-485(Isolating)) 使用环境条件: 0-50℃(20 to 90% RH non-condensed) 存放环境条件: 0-70℃(20 to 90% RH non-condensed) CE认证: EN 55022:1998/A1:2000 Class A EN 61000-3-2:2000 EN 61000-3-3:1995/A1:2001 EN 55024:1998/A1:2001
上传时间: 2013-11-20
使用说明: 1.打开电子表格文档--全选--复制 2.切换到本程序--全选--粘贴 3.选择匹配项:匹配条件 4.选择输出项:将要产生合并的项 5.点击保存按钮--结束。 欢迎访问:www.digital_thought.go.nease.net
上传时间: 2015-03-29
物流分析工具包。Facility location: Continuous minisum facility location, alternate location-allocation (ALA) procedure, discrete uncapacitated facility location Vehicle routing: VRP, VRP with time windows, traveling salesman problem (TSP) Networks: Shortest path, min cost network flow, minimum spanning tree problems Geocoding: U.S. city or ZIP code to longitude and latitude, longitude and latitude to nearest city, Mercator projection plotting Layout: Steepest descent pairwise interchange (SDPI) heuristic for QAP Material handling: Equipment selection General purpose: Linear programming using the revised simplex method, mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) branch and bound procedure Data: U.S. cities with populations of at least 10,000, U.S. highway network (Oak Ridge National Highway Network), U.S. 3- and 5-digit ZIP codes
标签: location location-allocation Continuous alternate
上传时间: 2015-05-17
程序用JAVA语言编写, 综合利用图结构和堆栈结构进行数据组织和处理. 可以进行正则表达式到NFA的转化, 并能用图形直观的表示. 对正则表达式有一些约定, 就是可以用单个字符表示输入, 也可以用 ‘ ‘ 连接起来的一串字符进行输入. 有基本的表达式以及由基本表达式构成的并置, 选择和重复的操作. 例: A|b*c ‘letter’*’digit’ 等都是合法输入. 还带有括号功能, 优先级
上传时间: 2015-05-26
Application Note Abstract This Application Note introduces a complete and detailed PSoC® project. Telephone Call Logger keeps the detailed record of approximately 945 phone calls (7-digit number is assumed to be one phone call) including date, start time and the duration of the phone call in the PSoC device. Users can get this detailed report into the PC environment by using free software, which is included in the project file. When records reach near full capacity of the Flash memory, an LED will turn on to show that it is necessary to backup the data. Software gets the data from PSoC, organizes it and prepares a printable version. Additionally, it sends the date and time information to the PSoC. The external parts in this project can be obtained easily in the market.
标签: Application Note introduces Abstract
上传时间: 2014-01-01
程序接受用户键入的一行字符(字符数不超过80个,该字符串用回车符结束),并按字母、 数字以及其他字符分类统计,然后将结果存入以letter,digit和other为名的存储单元。
上传时间: 2014-01-21
、该个词法分析器要求至少能够识别以下几类单词: a. 关键字:else if int return void while共6个,所有的关键字都是保留字,并且必须是小写; b. 标识符:识别与C语言词法规定相一致的标识符,通过下列正则表达式定义:ID = letter (letter | digit)*; c. 常数:NUM=(+ | - |ε)digit digit*(.digit digit* |ε)(e(+ | - |ε) digit digit* |ε),letter = a|..|z|A|..|Z|,digit = 0|..|9,包括整数,如123, -123, +123等;小数,如123.45, +123.45, -123.45;科学计数法表示的常数,如+1.23e3,-2.3e-9; d. 专用符号:+ - * / < <= > >= == != = , ( ) [ ] { } /* */;
上传时间: 2013-12-08
词法分析 1 试验目的 设计,编制并调试一个此法分析程序,加深对此法分原理的理解. 2 试验要求 1)待分析的简单语言的词法 * 关键字: begin if then while do end 所有关键字都是小写. 2)运算符和界符: : = + * - / < <= <> > >= = ( ) # 3)其他单词是标识符(ID)和整数型常数(NUM),通过一下正规式定义: ID=letter (letter|digit)* NUM=digit digit* 4)空格由空白,制表符和换行符组成,空格一般用来分隔ID,NUM,运算符,界符和关键字,此法分析阶段通常被忽略. 3 各种单词符号对应的种别码如表所示
上传时间: 2017-01-08
Implementation Of ELGAMAL Public key encryption in C . it can use very long key os size 2007 decimal digit.
标签: Implementation encryption key ELGAMAL
上传时间: 2013-12-14
上传时间: 2013-12-20