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  • MIDlet通过蓝牙与电脑通信的案例,This resource demonstrates how to create Java™ applications that use Bluetoo

    MIDlet通过蓝牙与电脑通信的案例,This resource demonstrates how to create Java™ applications that use Bluetooth communication between a PC and a mobile device. The document focuses, from Java programming point of view, on how to configure and use two alternative PC-side solutions: COM-based and JSR-82-based solutions. The package includes several code examples both for PC and mobile devices.

    标签: demonstrates applications resource Bluetoo

    上传时间: 2014-01-18


  • EBOOK: ARM SYSTEM DEVELOPER S GUIDE The ARM architecture is not a static constant but is being deve

    EBOOK: ARM SYSTEM DEVELOPER S GUIDE The ARM architecture is not a static constant but is being developed and improved to suit the applications required by today’s consumer devices.

    标签: architecture ARM DEVELOPER constant

    上传时间: 2016-02-20


  • 手机与服务器通过SyncML进行同步的客户端框架以及API

    手机与服务器通过SyncML进行同步的客户端框架以及API,用户可以基于此框架快速开发j2me版本的syncML客户端。 The Funambol SyncML API allows application developers to embed SyncML capabilities in a J2ME application, thus giving it the access to a powerful data synchronization framework to keep the application data in sync with other devices.

    标签: SyncML API 手机 同步的

    上传时间: 2014-01-16


  • The market for miniature computer programming is exploding. C++ Footprint and Performance Optimizati

    The market for miniature computer programming is exploding. C++ Footprint and Performance Optimization supplies programmers the knowledge they need to write code for the increasing number of hand-held devices, wearable computers, and intelligent appliances. This book gives readers valuable knowledge and programming techniques that are not currently part of traditional programming training. In the world of C++ programming, all other things being equal, programs that are smaller and faster are better. C++ Footprint and Performance Optimization contains case studies and sample code to give readers concrete examples and proven solutions to problems that don t have cut and paste solutions.

    标签: Performance programming Optimizati Footprint

    上传时间: 2013-12-09


  • SDP, Service Delivery Platform, is more for telecom operators who want to manage the Data Service be

    SDP, Service Delivery Platform, is more for telecom operators who want to manage the Data Service better delivered to the end device users by bridging with back-end content providers. Operators rely on the content provider to create & distribute data content to different types of devices. This is different from the open world in the internet communication. Operators must control who can access what content based on his rate plans. Also, based the content access results, the process will be recorded as the transaction records based on which billing statements can be generated to collected the money and shared by operators and content providers. I am working on the conceptual architecture level and the real implementation is very complicated due to too many types of service from different content providers to different types of devices based on the different types of the rate plans.

    标签: Service operators Delivery Platform

    上传时间: 2016-03-10


  • SDP, Service Delivery Platform, is more for telecom operators who want to manage the Data Service be

    SDP, Service Delivery Platform, is more for telecom operators who want to manage the Data Service better delivered to the end device users by bridging with back-end content providers. Operators rely on the content provider to create & distribute data content to different types of devices. This is different from the open world in the internet communication. Operators must control who can access what content based on his rate plans. Also, based the content access results, the process will be recorded as the transaction records based on which billing statements can be generated to collected the money and shared by operators and content providers. I am working on the conceptual architecture level and the real implementation is very complicated due to too many types of service from different content providers to different types of devices based on the different types of the rate plans.

    标签: Service operators Delivery Platform

    上传时间: 2013-12-03


  • This sample provides an implementation of simple Bluetooth device discovery via the Winsock 2 API

    This sample provides an implementation of simple Bluetooth device discovery via the Winsock 2 API. It provides a listbox control which, when searching is complete, lists the discovered Bluetooth devices. Only names of the devices are displayed, but the addresses of the devices are also retrieved, and can be used to query the devices for more information (not implemented)

    标签: implementation Bluetooth discovery provides

    上传时间: 2014-10-31


  • High-speed Interface to Host EPP Parallel Port * Version: 1.0 * Last updated: 2001.12.20 * Tar

    High-speed Interface to Host EPP Parallel Port * Version: 1.0 * Last updated: 2001.12.20 * Target: All AVR devices with 12 I/O pins

    标签: High-speed Interface Parallel Version

    上传时间: 2013-12-25


  • As science advances, novel experiments are becoming more and more complex, requiring a zoo of contro

    As science advances, novel experiments are becoming more and more complex, requiring a zoo of control devices and electronics executing complicated sequences of steps. Device availability and monetary constrains usually lead to a highly heterogeneous setup with components from several different manufacturers using many different protocols and interfacing mechanisms. This often results in control software being puzzled together to use and provide a multitude of interfacing and control functionality, each using their own calling conventions, data structures, etc. To make matters worse, usually a group of relatively independent programmers is trying to write and maintain the code base. Often this causes extensive duplication of effort as program segments are hard to reuse, since unpredictable changes to the segments by the original authors might compromise other code using these segments.

    标签: more experiments requiring advances

    上传时间: 2013-12-24


  • CF VHDL The CF+ design was designed using the timing diagrams of the Compact Flash specification re

    CF VHDL The CF+ design was designed using the timing diagrams of the Compact Flash specification rev. 1.4, Analog devices ADSP-218xN DSP Microcomputer specification, and the Intel StrataFlash Memory 28F320J3 specification.

    标签: specification the designed diagrams

    上传时间: 2013-12-27
