this a user-mode application to detect devICE change on the system, i.e. plug-in a USB drive, iPod, USB wireless network card, etc.
标签: i.e. application user-mode plug-in
上传时间: 2014-01-05
This book explains how to write devICE drivers for the newest members of the MicrosoftWindows family of operating systems using the Windows Driver Model (WDM). In this Introduction, I ll explain who should be reading this book, the organization of the book, and how to use the book most effectively. You ll also find a note on errors and a section on other resources you can use to learn about driver programming. Looking ahead, Chapter 1 explains how the two main branches of the Windows family operate internally, what a WDM devICE driver is, and how it relates to the rest of Windows.
标签: MicrosoftWindows the explains drivers
上传时间: 2014-01-04
可以讀取電腦中所有PCI bus, function, devICE 通道的內容
上传时间: 2013-11-30
Windows中负责图形输出的是GDI(即Graphic devICE Interface,图形设备接口)。这是Windows与硬件无关的图形输出模式的体现。GDI建立在硬件抽象层(HAL)之上,屏蔽了不同输出设备之间的差异,从而为用户提供了一个统一的“标准输出设备”。但是,与DOS不同,Windows是多任务、进程独立的,每一个窗口都应该有一个独立的输出通道。这样,GDI又使用了一种简单的机制来保证在窗口中画图的不同程序之间能共享“设备”而又互不干扰。这个机制就是DC(devICE Context,设备描述表)。
标签: Interface Windows Graphic devICE
上传时间: 2013-12-24
analog devICE vdsp LAN driver and examples
标签: examples analog devICE driver
上传时间: 2017-02-10
analog devICE vdsp dot product tutorial
标签: tutorial product analog devICE
上传时间: 2017-02-10
analog devICE vdsp branch prediction tutorial
标签: prediction tutorial analog devICE
上传时间: 2013-12-27
analog devICE vdsp dynamic power control tutorial
标签: tutorial control dynamic analog
上传时间: 2017-02-10
analog devICE vdsp watch dog timer tutorial.
标签: tutorial analog devICE timer
上传时间: 2017-02-10
usb devICE源码。需要的请下
上传时间: 2017-02-12