The core of Java(TM) technology, the Java virtual machine is an abstract computing machine that enables the Java(TM) platform to host applications on any computer or operating system without rewriting or recompiling. Anyone interested in designing a language or writing a compiler for the Java virtual machine must have an in-depth understanding of its binary class format and instruction set. If you are programming with the Java programming language, knowledge of the Java virtual machine will give you valuable insight into the Java platform s security capabilities and cross-platform portability. It will increase your understanding of the Java programming language, enabling you to improve the security and performance of your programs.
标签: machine Java technology computing
上传时间: 2016-05-03
The PXI Hardware Specification is authored and copyrighted by the PXI Systems Alliance. ... This is the first public revision of the PXI specification.
标签: Specification copyrighted PXI Hardware
上传时间: 2013-12-19
This demonstration models a flight control for the longitudinal motion of a Grumman Aerospace F-14 Tomcat. First order linear approximations of the aircraft and actuator behavior are connected to an analog flight control design that uses the pilot s stick pitch command as the set point for the aircraft s pitch attitude and uses aircraft pitch angle and pitch rate to determine commands. A simplified Dryden wind gust model is incorporated to perturb the system.
标签: demonstration longitudinal Aerospace Grumman
上传时间: 2016-05-17
There are two files in the zip folder. bpsk_spread.m and jakesmodel.m Steps for simulation: 1] Run jakesmodel.m first 2] Then run bpsk_spread.m . 3] Note that during the first run bpsk_spread.m has no rayleigh fading.This is because the corresponding code has been commented 4] The resulting performance is stored in BER_awgn. 5] Now uncomment the Rayleigh Fading code in bpsk_spread.m file. 6] Same time comment BER_awgn (line 112) and uncomment BER_ray variable. 7] Run the simulation. To compare the perfromances of the receiver using DSSS plot the BER_awgn and BER_ray
标签: bpsk_spread jakesmodel simulation folder
上传时间: 2016-05-19
本程序要求用户在控制台里输入非终极符,终结符与产生式,然后对用户输入的文法进行分析,得出first集 与follow 集,并打印出预测分析表用户决定是否继续进行句型分析,如继续则给出符号分析栈的实现,从而判断刚输入的句子是否为符合该文法的句子。 该程序遵循LL(1) 文法FIRST(A)的构造:是A的所有可能推导的开头终结符或可能的ε FOLLOW(A)是所有句型中出现在紧接A之后的非终结符或“#” 预测分析程序 构造LL(1)分析表 ⅰ,构造文法中所有元素的FIRST和FOLLOW集合 ⅱ,对文法G的每个产生式A->α执行第三步和第四步 ⅲ,对每个终结符a∈FIRST(α),把A->α加至M[A,a] ⅳ,若ε∈FIRST(α),则对任何b∈FOLLOW(A)把A->α加至M[A,b]中 ⅴ,把所有无定义的M[A,a]标上“出错标志”
上传时间: 2013-12-27
Library and command line program for Huffman encoding and decoding both files and chunks of memory. The encoder is a 2 pass encoder. The first pass scans the data and builds the Huffman tree. The second pass encodes the data. The decoder is one pa
标签: and encoding decoding Library
上传时间: 2016-06-01
检索无向图中的最短路径,使用breast first search
上传时间: 2016-06-08
OSPF是一种路由选择协议。路由选择算法和路由选择协议在概念上是不同的。网络上的主机、路由器通过路由选择算法形成路由表,以确定发送分组的传输路径。而路由选择协议是路由器用来建立路由表和更新路由信息的通信协议。 开放最短路径优先协议(Open Shortest Path First,OSPF)是目前最主要的内部网关协议之一。通过本课程设计,学生可以对路由表的建立和路由信息的更新等有更直观和清晰的认识。
上传时间: 2014-01-04
上传时间: 2014-08-12
Of the password is: Server: "1." Client: + for the month of the date of the machine. Such as "2005/08/05", compared with the number "85" Database: "xzxq". I made the changes: 1, stations and customer-service once every 30 seconds to exchange information (to ensure continuous line) 2, computer services-an increase of the serial number 3, client-service to send the card serial number and send IP addresses to the service side 4, the desktop client by the embargo, since the definition of the icon to start the process faster (from the window Superman Code) 5, CS-shielding some function keys, but CTRL + ALT + DEL keys can not shield the hope that a revised modify these friends 6, there are some corners of Laws (such as title, etc.). Client desktop icon in the Settings page set up first class to enter FXZWN999 open on to add, delete icon button
标签: the password machine Client
上传时间: 2016-06-27