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  • 使用jtag接口通过网口烧写程序

    什么是JTAG 到底什么是JTAG呢? JTAG(Joint Test Action Group)联合测试行动小组)是一种国际标准测试协议(IEEE 1149.1兼容),主要用于芯片内部测试。现在多数的高级器件都支持JTAG协议,如DSP、FPGA器件等。标准的JTAG接口是4线:TMS、 TCK、TDI、TDO,分别为模式选择、时钟、数据输入和数据输出线。 JTAG最初是用来对芯片进行测试的,基本原理是在器件内部定义一个TAP(Test Access Port�测试访问口)通过专用的JTAG测试工具对进行内部节点进行测试。JTAG测试允许多个器件通过JTAG接口串联在一起,形成一个JTAG链,能实现对各个器件分别测试。现在,JTAG接口还常用于实现ISP(In-System rogrammable�在线编程),对FLASH等器件进行编程。 JTAG编程方式是在线编程,传统生产流程中先对芯片进行预编程现再装到板上因此而改变,简化的流程为先固定器件到电路板上,再用JTAG编程,从而大大加快工程进度。JTAG接口可对PSD芯片内部的所有部件进行编程 JTAG的一些说明 通常所说的JTAG大致分两类,一类用于测试芯片的电气特性,检测芯片是否有问题;一类用于debug;一般支持JTAG的CPU内都包含了这两个模块。 一个含有JTAG debug接口模块的CPU,只要时钟正常,就可以通过JTAG接口访问CPU的内部寄存器和挂在CPU总线上的设备,如FLASH,RAM,SOC(比如4510B,44Box,AT91M系列)内置模块的寄存器,象UART,Timers,GPIO等等的寄存器。 上面说的只是JTAG接口所具备的能力,要使用这些功能,还需要软件的配合,具体实现的功能则由具体的软件决定。 例如下载程序到RAM功能。了解SOC的都知道,要使用外接的RAM,需要参照SOC DataSheet的寄存器说明,设置RAM的基地址,总线宽度,访问速度等等。有的SOC则还需要Remap,才能正常工作。运行Firmware时,这些设置由Firmware的初始化程序完成。但如果使用JTAG接口,相关的寄存器可能还处在上电值,甚至时错误值,RAM不能正常工作,所以下载必然要失败。要正常使用,先要想办法设置RAM。在ADW中,可以在Console窗口通过Let 命令设置,在AXD中可以在Console窗口通过Set命令设置。

    标签: jtag 接口 烧写程序

    上传时间: 2013-10-23


  • Emu51Form软仿真计时器.

    Emu51Form是一个软仿真计时器,copy到keil\c51\bin下 project->option for target "target 1"->debug->dialog.dll->parameter改为-p51R -dEmu51Form即可在keil 7.0运行成功,因为使用的一些函数是在最新的AGSI文档中获得,所以大家试试在6.23下能不能用。

    标签: Form Emu 51

    上传时间: 2013-10-28


  • CodeWarrior开发工具套件简要说明

    CodeWarrior Development Tool Suites are comprehensive integrated developmentenvironments (IDE) that provide a highly visual and automated framework toaccelerate the development of the most complex embedded applications. Acrossmost stages of the development cycle, we offer tools to help configure, debug andoptimize your design built on Freescale MPUs, MCUs, DSPs and DSCs. These toolsuites provide solutions to get your design up and running fast.

    标签: CodeWarrior 开发工具套件

    上传时间: 2013-11-07


  • MAXQ1050评估套件和面向MAXQ30入门的CrossStudio编译

    Abstract: This application note describes how to create, build, and debug applications targeted for the MAXQ1050 RISC

    标签: MAXQ CrossStudio 1050 30

    上传时间: 2014-08-11


  • Linux脚本教程v2.0

    This book is for students and Linux System Administrators. It provides the skills to read, write, and debug Linux shell scripts using bash shell. The book begins by describing Linux and simple scripts to automate frequently executed commands and continues by describing conditional logic, user interaction, loops, menus, traps, and functions.

    标签: Linux 2.0 脚本 教程

    上传时间: 2014-12-30


  • 用MDK生成bin格式的可执行文件

    用MDK 生成bin 文件1用MDK 生成bin 文件Embest 徐良平在RV MDK 中,默认情况下生成*.hex 的可执行文件,但是当我们要生成*.bin 的可执行文件时怎么办呢?答案是可以使用RVCT 的fromelf.exe 工具进行转换。也就是说首先将源文件编译链接成*.axf 的文件,然后使用fromelf.exe 工具将*.axf 格式的文件转换成*.bin格式的文件。下面将具体说明这个操作步骤:1. 打开Axf_To_Bin 文件中的Axf_To_Bin.uv2 工程文件;2. 打开Options for Target ‘Axf_To_Bin’对话框,选择User 标签页;3. 构选Run User Programs After Build/Rebuild 框中的Run #1 多选框,在后边的文本框中输入C:\Keil\ARM\BIN31\fromelf.exe --bin -o ./output/Axf_To_Bin.bin ./output/Axf_To_Bin.axf 命令行;4. 重新编译文件,在./output/文件夹下生成了Axf_To_Bin.bin 文件。在上面的步骤中,有几点值得注意的是:1. C:\Keil\ARM\BIN31\表示RV MDK 的安装目录;2. fromelf.exe 命令的具体语法格式如下:命令的格式为:fromelf [options] input_file命令选项如下:--help 显示帮助信息--vsn 显示版本信息--output file 输出文件(默认的输出为文本格式)--nodebug 在生成的映象中不包含调试信息--nolinkview 在生成的映象中不包含段的信息二进制输出格式:--bin 生成Plain Binary 格式的文件--m32 生成Motorola 32 位十六进制格式的文件--i32 生成Intel 32 位十六进制格式的文件--vhx 面向字节的位十六进制格式的文件t--base addr 设置m32,i32 格式文件的基地址--text 显示文本信息文本信息的标志-v 打印详细信息-a 打印数据地址(针对带调试信息的映象)-d 打印数据段的内容-e 打印表达式表print exception tables-f 打印消除虚函数的信息-g 打印调试表print debug tables-r 打印重定位信息-s 打印字符表-t 打印字符串表-y 打印动态段的内容-z 打印代码和数据大小的信息

    标签: MDK bin 可执行文件

    上传时间: 2013-12-17


  • LPC1850 Cortex-M3内核微控制器数据手册

    The LPC1850/30/20/10 are ARM Cortex-M3 based microcontrollers for embeddedapplications. The ARM Cortex-M3 is a next generation core that offers systemenhancements such as low power consumption, enhanced debug features, and a highlevel of support block integration.The LPC1850/30/20/10 operate at CPU frequencies of up to 150 MHz. The ARMCortex-M3 CPU incorporates a 3-stage pipeline and uses a Harvard architecture withseparate local instruction and data buses as well as a third bus for peripherals. The ARMCortex-M3 CPU also includes an internal prefetch unit that supports speculativebranching.The LPC1850/30/20/10 include up to 200 kB of on-chip SRAM data memory, a quad SPIFlash Interface (SPIFI), a State Configuration Timer (SCT) subsystem, two High-speedUSB controllers, Ethernet, LCD, an external memory controller, and multiple digital andanalog peripherals.

    标签: Cortex-M 1850 LPC 内核微控制器

    上传时间: 2014-12-31


  • LPC4300系列ARM双核微控制器产品数据手册

    The LPC4350/30/20/10 are ARM Cortex-M4 based microcontrollers for embeddedapplications. The ARM Cortex-M4 is a next generation core that offers systemenhancements such as low power consumption, enhanced debug features, and a highlevel of support block integration.The LPC4350/30/20/10 operate at CPU frequencies of up to 150 MHz. The ARMCortex-M4 CPU incorporates a 3-stage pipeline, uses a Harvard architecture withseparate local instruction and data buses as well as a third bus for peripherals, andincludes an internal prefetch unit that supports speculative branching. The ARMCortex-M4 supports single-cycle digital signal processing and SIMD instructions. Ahardware floating-point processor is integrated in the core.The LPC4350/30/20/10 include an ARM Cortex-M0 coprocessor, up to 264 kB of datamemory, advanced configurable peripherals such as the State Configurable Timer (SCT)and the Serial General Purpose I/O (SGPIO) interface, two High-speed USB controllers,Ethernet, LCD, an external memory controller, and multiple digital and analog peripherals

    标签: 4300 LPC ARM 双核微控制器

    上传时间: 2013-10-28



    MAXQUSBJTAGOW评估板软件:关键特性 Easily Load and debug Code Interface Provides In-Application debugging Features Step-by-Step Execution Tracing Breakpointing by Code Address, Data Memory Address, or Register Access Data Memory View and Edit Supports Logic Levels from 1.1V to 3.6V Supports JTAG and 1-Wire Protocols Each Adapter Has Its Own Unique Serial ID, Allowing Multiple Adapters to be Connected Without COM Port Conflicts Has In-Field Upgradable Capability if Firmware Needs to be Upgraded Enclosure Protects from Shorts and ESD

    标签: MAXQUSBJTAGOW 评估板 软件

    上传时间: 2013-10-24



    MAXQUSBJTAGOW评估板软件:关键特性 Easily Load and debug Code Interface Provides In-Application debugging Features Step-by-Step Execution Tracing Breakpointing by Code Address, Data Memory Address, or Register Access Data Memory View and Edit Supports Logic Levels from 1.1V to 3.6V Supports JTAG and 1-Wire Protocols Each Adapter Has Its Own Unique Serial ID, Allowing Multiple Adapters to be Connected Without COM Port Conflicts Has In-Field Upgradable Capability if Firmware Needs to be Upgraded Enclosure Protects from Shorts and ESD

    标签: MAXQUSBJTAGOW 评估板 软件

    上传时间: 2013-11-23
