sysLib.c - generic PPC system-dependent library 7445BSP重要文件
标签: system-dependent generic library sysLib
上传时间: 2014-11-30
sysLib.c - generic PPC system-dependent library 750BSP重要文件
标签: system-dependent generic library sysLib
上传时间: 2013-12-26
sysLib.c - generic PPC system-dependent library 765BSP重要文件
标签: system-dependent generic library sysLib
上传时间: 2017-09-01
sysLib.c - generic PPC system-dependent library 5100BSP重要文件
标签: system-dependent generic library sysLib
上传时间: 2013-12-31
数据结构课程设计 数据结构B+树 B+ tree Library
上传时间: 2013-12-31
Library Data base which is operated by visual foxpro.
标签: operated Library foxpro visual
上传时间: 2017-09-05
VideoMan (Video Manager) is an open-source C++ library that helps you developing video based applications. We created VideoMan to increase our productivity developing computer vision applications, but it can be used in many other ways. With VideoMan is very easy and fast to initialize any kind of video input like webcams, video files, frame grabbers, IEEE 1394 cameras and so on. You can initialize multiple inputs at the same time and show them in the screen. Also, you can show the results of the processing steps of your computer vision algorithm (extracted edges, back projections, detected blobs...) This way you can see the results of what are you coding, checking the results of your algorithm steps. Moreover, the implemented visualization scheme make easier to combine computer graphics with video, for example to show a 3d model on top of video for augmented reality applications.
标签: open-source developing VideoMan Manager
上传时间: 2014-01-21
Low Power ISM-Transceiver of Chipcon/Texas-Instruments. Contents of the library are CC1000, CC1000-UCSP, CC1020, CC1050, CC1100, CC1110, CC1150, CC2430, CC2500, CC2510, CC2511 and CC2550. Eagle Cadsoft Library
标签: Texas-Instruments ISM-Transceiver Contents Chipcon
上传时间: 2017-09-11
Tutorial of Dynamic library access in Linux.
标签: Tutorial Dynamic library access
上传时间: 2017-09-13
to study the example of creation of tables, formative DB, and filling with their information. Using this example to create DB, satisfying a logical structure, to developed in previous laboratory work and to fill with its information. To study a command SQL SELECT.
标签: information formative creation example
上传时间: 2017-09-15