在Struts中配置数据库连接池代码 <data-sources>
标签: data-sources Struts lt gt
上传时间: 2015-09-07
This example imports a text file into a database table using ADO. Because it uses ADO, it should work with all data sources, though it has only been tested with Access. Usage is explained in the code s comments.
标签: ADO database Because example
上传时间: 2013-12-27
Abstract The Lucene Server project is an attempt to extend the Jakarta Lucene tool with server capabilities. Lucene is a robust Java API that enables you creating indexes from text sources and perform powerful searches on these indexes. With Lucene, creating an index must be done programmatically and there are almost no possibilities of integrating index management in a distributed environment. In other words, out of the box, Lucene is suitable for integrating indexing and searching possibilities in a single application but not for providing index/search services for multiple applications. The Lucene Server project comes with a Java API that propose the following make it easy to create indexes in a declarative way by simply providing an XML configuration document. make it easy to personalize the way Lucene must handle different kind of data sources. provide services for index management and searching that can be accessed from several applications. enable batch tasks scheduling.
标签: Lucene Abstract Jakarta project
上传时间: 2016-01-10
博客管理系统。安装说明: 1、在SQLSERVER中创建blog数据库并创建登陆帐号blog:blog,然后在SQL Server查询分析器中运行doc目录下db.sql创建所有表; 2、将工程导入Eclipse; 3、部署工程; 4、运行tomcat; 5、进入tomcat管理web后台, 在Tomcat->Service->Host->Context(blog)->Resources->Data Sources中添加 Data Source URL: jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://${dbhost}:1433 DatabaseName=blog JDBC Driver Class: net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver User Name: blog Password: blog 6、done!
上传时间: 2013-12-14
JWebChart is a simple package to allow anyone to render complex charts using a Java Servlet. The product was primarily written to allow Warfare to render charts from data sources, which as a tool kit is specifically design for people with no programming knowledge
标签: JWebChart Servlet complex package
上传时间: 2013-12-19
avr data for communication sources
标签: communication sources data avr
上传时间: 2013-12-11
Lossless Data Compression Toolkit Version 1.1 of the lossless data compression toolkit by Nico deVries. The C sources in this toolkit include an LZW compressor, AR002 archiver, a PPM like compressor using arithmetic compression, Huffman compressor, splay tree program, and LZRW1. Quite a variety.
标签: Compression compression Lossless lossless
上传时间: 2014-01-24
标签: Programmers Structures Data Game
上传时间: 2013-06-10
Can convert data file(txt format)to CAD(scr)file,and draw curve!
上传时间: 2013-09-11
Handheld electronic devices play a key role in our everydaylives. Because dependability is paramount, handhelds arecarefully engineered with lightweight power sources forreliable use under normal conditions. But no amount ofcareful engineering can prevent the mistreatment theywill undergo at the hands of humans. For example, whathappens when a factory worker drops a bar code scanner,causing the battery to pop out? Such events areelectronically unpredictable, and important data storedin volatile memory would be lost without some form ofsafety net—namely a short-term power holdup systemthat stores suffi cient energy to supply standby power untilthe battery can be replaced or the data can be stored inpermanent memory.
上传时间: 2013-11-05