Smart Grids provide many benefits for society. Reliability, observability across the energy distribution system and the exchange of information between devices are just some of the features that make Smart Grids so attractive. One of the main products of a Smart Grid is to data. The amount of data available nowadays increases fast and carries several kinds of information. Smart metres allow engineers to perform multiple measurements and analyse such data. For example, information about consumption, power quality and digital protection, among others, can be extracted. However, the main challenge in extracting information from data arises from the data quality. In fact, many sectors of the society can benefit from such data. Hence, this information needs to be properly stored and readily available. In this chapter, we will address the main concepts involving Technology Information, Data Mining, Big Data and clustering for deploying information on Smart Grids.
标签: Processing Cities Smart Data in
上传时间: 2020-05-23
Smart Grids provide many benefits for society. Reliability, observability across the energy distribution system and the exchange of information between devices are just some of the features that make Smart Grids so attractive. One of the main products of a Smart Grid is to data. The amount of data available nowadays increases fast and carries several kinds of information. Smart metres allow engineers to perform multiple measurements and analyse such data. For example, information about consumption, power quality and digital protection, among others, can be extracted. However, the main challenge in extracting information from data arises from the data quality. In fact, many sectors of the society can benefit from such data. Hence, this information needs to be properly stored and readily available. In this chapter, we will address the main concepts involving Technology Information, Data Mining, Big Data and clustering for deploying information on Smart Grids.
标签: Processing Cities Smart Data
上传时间: 2020-05-25
The rapid growth of the Web in the past two decades has made it the larg- est publicly accessible data source in the world. Web mining aims to dis- cover useful information or knowledge from Web hyperlinks, page con- tents, and usage logs. Based on the primary kinds of data used in the mining process, Web mining tasks can be categorized into three main types: Web structure mining, Web content mining and Web usage mining.
上传时间: 2020-05-26
The idea of writing this book entitled “Cognitive Networked Sensing and Big Data” started with the plan to write a briefing book on wireless distributed computing and cognitive sensing. During our research on large-scale cognitive radio network (and its experimental testbed), we realized that big data played a central role. As a result, the book project reflects this paradigm shift. In the context, sensing roughly is equivalent to “measurement.”
标签: Cognitive Networked Sensing Data Big and
上传时间: 2020-05-26
Without doubt, the age of information communications is upon 11s. The rapid pace of technological advancement in digital data communications can be wit- nessed in a multitude of applications in our day-to-day existence. In recent years, the widespread proliferation of wireless digital cornmunications hass been readily accepted by the general population worldwide; this is nearly unpa~rallcled in few other human scientific achievements in terms of scope and speed of devel- opment.
标签: Practical Wireless Design Modem Data
上传时间: 2020-05-31
With the proliferation of cloud computing and Internet online services, more and more data and computation are migrated to geographical distributed Internet data centers (IDCs), which can provide reliability, management, and cost benefits. However, IDC operators encounter several major problems in IDC operations, such as huge energy consumption and energy cost, and high carbon emission. To deal with the above problems, IDC operators have to efficiently manage the way of energy consumption and energy supply. Considering the potential of smart grid, we focus on the energy management of IDCs in smart grid from several perspectives, i.e., power outage, carbon emission, heterogeneous service delay guarantees, and operation risk.
上传时间: 2020-06-07
Data science is a term that the media has chosen to minimize, obfuscate, and sometimes misuse. It involves a lot more than just data and the science of working with data. Today, the world uses data science in all sorts of ways that you might not know about, which is why you need Data Science Programming All-in-One For Dummies
标签: Programming All-In-One Science Data
上传时间: 2020-06-10
Computer science as an academic discipline began in the 1960’s. Emphasis was on programming languages, compilers, operating systems, and the mathematical theory that supported these areas. Courses in theoretical computer science covered finite automata, regular expressions, context-free languages, and computability. In the 1970’s, the study of algorithms was added as an important component of theory. The emphasis was on making computers useful. Today, a fundamental change is taking place and the focus is more on a wealth of applications. There are many reasons for this change. The merging of computing and communications has played an important role. The enhanced ability to observe, collect, and store data in the natural sciences, in commerce, and in other fields calls for a change in our understanding of data and how to handle it in the modern setting. The emergence of the web and social networks as central aspects of daily life presents both opportunities and challenges for theory.
标签: Foundations Science Data of
上传时间: 2020-06-10
N76E003的EEPROM问题解决方案,官方文档,找了很久才找到。这份文件介绍如何使用Data Flash模拟EEPROM,并且利用SRAM加速 资料读写的速度。内容包含原理介绍、性能数据以及使用建议。附 录提供范例程序源码以及函数库。
上传时间: 2021-11-21
EIMAC Tube Catalog ( ref data) - Radio and TV Broadcasters (
标签: eimac
上传时间: 2022-01-16