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  • 用于汽车巡航控制系统的模糊控制算法

    用于汽车巡航控制系统的模糊控制算法,以及如何利用梯度下降法和卡尔曼滤波来优化模糊控制器的算法。The files illustrate a simple fuzzy control algorithm as applied to an automobile cruise control system. The files also illustrate how gradient descent and Kalman filtering can be used to optimize the fuzzy controller .

    标签: 汽车巡航 控制系统 模糊控制 算法

    上传时间: 2016-09-07


  • Easy Grid is a JS/PHP tool kit for data linear lists management. It can help you to create quickly

    Easy Grid is a JS/PHP tool kit for data linear lists management. It can help you to create quickly interfaces of table list navigation and modification with AJAX features. High performance of the Grid is ensured by JSON data format. The Easy Grid includes sorting, filtering, pagination and mouse right click context menu. Files: grid.html - HTML of the grid file_controller.php - sample of grid controller with file-flat interface db_controller.php - sample of grid controller with DB interface sample.csv - Sample of grid data source (VDB) sample.sql - Sample of grid data source (MySQL) easygrid.js - Easy Gird library easygrid_contextmenu.js - Easy Grid context menu library

    标签: management quickly create linear

    上传时间: 2013-12-04


  • The sample software includes, common library, peripheral APIs, and test modules for the APIs. The c

    The sample software includes, common library, peripheral APIs, and test modules for the APIs. The common library include startup file, standard definition and header files, processor specific setup module, generic interrupt related APIs, timer routine, and scatter loading file. The peripheral directories include, GPIO, PWM, Real-time clock, timer, SPI, I2C, Watchdog timer, UART, external interrupt, etc.

    标签: APIs peripheral The includes

    上传时间: 2014-01-15


  • 另一个mtk 改语言的免费软件

    另一个mtk 改语言的免费软件,能够随意更改语言种类,和字库,直接读取bin files

    标签: mtk 语言 软件

    上传时间: 2014-01-06


  • Low frequency NXP hitag2 encryption cipher This the low frequency NXP hitag2 encryption cipher.

    Low frequency NXP hitag2 encryption cipher This the low frequency NXP hitag2 encryption cipher. The package hitag2.zip contains the following files: hitag2.png - Cipher overview hitag2.c - Source-code

    标签: encryption frequency cipher hitag2

    上传时间: 2016-09-23


  • java应用开发指南完整版

    java应用开发指南完整版,. It explains how to use JBuilder’s IDE to manage projects and files, visually design a user interface, and compile, debug, and run your programs. It also shows you how to create a JavaBean component using BeansExpress. The User’s Guide contains the following chapters:

    标签: java 应用开发指南

    上传时间: 2014-12-22


  • WIN32 APPLICATION : gamegold ======================================================================

    WIN32 APPLICATION : gamegold ======================================================================== AppWizard has created this gamegold application for you. This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your gamegold application. gamegold.cpp This is the main application source file. gamegold.dsp This file (the project file) contains information at the project level and is used to build a single project or subproject. Other users can share the project (.dsp) file, but they should export the makefiles locally.

    标签: APPLICATION gamegold WIN 32

    上传时间: 2016-09-28


  • This a simple database management system. It doesn t use any other code (i.e. ODBC, ADO, etc.) and h

    This a simple database management system. It doesn t use any other code (i.e. ODBC, ADO, etc.) and has it s own database file format. I wrote it because I found the other DBMSs code too bulky and hard to debug. It s designed for small applications and I doubt it could handle anything on a large scale. A sample program included in the .zip shows how everything works. The database project is a library project, so you ll have to compile and link with the .lib file to get everything working. Pros: - You have the source code so you know exactly what it is doing - Database files are very small - Small and fast code Cons: - Can t handle large amounts of records (more than 65000ish) - Doesn t support SQL (you have to search the database by cycling through the records and testing them against your constraints) - Each database file can only have one table.

    标签: i.e. management database simple

    上传时间: 2016-10-02


  • ActiveX Data Objects Programming in C++ Description: ActiveX Data Objects Programming How To: Hey,

    ActiveX Data Objects Programming in C++ Description: ActiveX Data Objects Programming How To: Hey, this is some kind of an experiment in writing tutorials in PSC. All of my articles are in .html files included in the zip file, together with the sample code

    标签: Programming ActiveX Objects Data

    上传时间: 2013-12-22


  • === ==== 关于本光盘 ========== Tinix: 书中所附代码 其中很多目录中除了包含源代码(*.asm, *.inc, *.c, *.h)外

    === ==== 关于本光盘 ========== \Tinix: 书中所附代码 其中很多目录中除了包含源代码(*.asm, *.inc, *.c, *.h)外,还有这样一些文件: boot.bin 引导扇区(Boot Sector),可通过 FloppyWriter 写入软盘(或软盘映像)。 loader.bin LOADER,直接拷贝至软盘(或软盘映像)根目录。 kernel.bin 内核(Kernel),直接拷贝至软盘(或软盘映像)根目录。 bochsrc.bxrc Bochs 配置文件,如果系统中安装了 Bochs-2.1.1 可直接双击之运行。其它细节请见书第 2.7 节。 godbg.bat 调试时可使用此批处理文件。它假设 Bochs-2.1.1 安装在 D:\Program Files\Bochs-2.1.1\ 中。 TINIX.IMG 软盘映像。可直接通过 Bochs 或者 Virtual PC 运行。 *.com 可以在 DOS (必须为纯 DOS) 下运行的文件。 \Tools: 一些小工具 (在 VC6 下编译通过) DescParser 描述符分析器,输入描述符的值,可以得出起基址、界限、属性等信息。 ELFParser ELF 文件分析器,可以列出一个 ELF 文件的 ELF Header、 Program Header、Section Header 等信息。 FloppyWriter 用以写引导扇区,支持软盘和软盘映像。 KrnlChecker 用以检查一个 Tinix 内核加载后位置是否正确。

    标签: Tinix asm inc 光盘

    上传时间: 2014-01-26
