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  • Perlbox Voice is an voice enabled application to bring your desktop under your command. With a singl

    Perlbox Voice is an voice enabled application to bring your desktop under your command. With a single word, you can start your web browser, your favorite editor or whatever you want. This is the Linux and Unix voice recognition solution

    标签: your application Perlbox enabled

    上传时间: 2014-11-27


  • 所有的设计模式都有一些常用的特性:一个标识(a name)

    所有的设计模式都有一些常用的特性:一个标识(a name),一个问题陈述(a problem statement)和一个解决方案(a solution)。 1、一个设计模式的标识是重要的,因为它会让其他的程序员不用进行太深入的学习就能立刻理解你的代码的目的(至少通过这个标识程序员会很熟悉这个模式)。? 2、问题描述是用来说明这个模式的应用的领域。? 3、解决方案描述了这个模型的执行。一个好的设计模式的论述应该覆盖使用这个模型的优点和缺点。?

    标签: name 设计模式 标识

    上传时间: 2013-12-16


  • 简单的学生管理系统


    标签: 管理系统

    上传时间: 2014-01-24


  • 客户端源码


    标签: 源码

    上传时间: 2013-12-16


  • Just what is a regular expression, anyway? Take the tutorial to get the long answer. The short answ

    Just what is a regular expression, anyway? Take the tutorial to get the long answer. The short answer is that a regular expression is a compact way of describing complex patterns in texts. You can use them to search for patterns and, once found, to modify the patterns in complex ways. You can also use them to launch programmatic actions that depend on patterns. A tongue-in-cheek comment by programmers is worth thinking about: "Sometimes you have a programming problem and it seems like the best solution is to use regular expressions now you have two problems." Regular expressions are amazingly powerful and deeply expressive. That is the very reason writing them is just as error-prone as writing any other complex programming code. It is always better to solve a genuinely simple problem in a simple way when you go beyond simple, think about regular expressions. Tutorial: Using regular expressions

    标签: expression the tutorial regular

    上传时间: 2013-12-19


  • 该程序可进行正则表达式的测试


    标签: 程序 测试 表达式

    上传时间: 2016-04-02


  • Atheros无线芯片AR-6000系列wince 6驱动源代码(这东西我也没用过别问我,我是搜别的wince资源搜到的) AR6K SDIO support. Requires firmware

    Atheros无线芯片AR-6000系列wince 6驱动源代码(这东西我也没用过别问我,我是搜别的wince资源搜到的) AR6K SDIO support. Requires firmware 1.1 on SD13 cards. readme: Atheros Communications AR6001 WLAN Driver for SDIO installation Read Me March 26,2007 (based on k14 fw1.1) Windows CE Embedded CE 6.0 driver installation. 1. Unzip the installation file onto your system (called installation directory below) 2. Create an OS design or open an existing OS design in Platform Builder 6.0. a. The OS must support the SD bus driver and have an SD Host Controller driver (add these from Catalog Items). b. Run image size should be set to allow greater than 32MB. 3. a. From the Project menu select Add Existing Subproject... b. select AR6K_DRV.pbxml c. select open This should create a subproject within your OS Design project for the AR6K_DRV driver. 4. Build the solution. 转自Tony嵌入式,原文地址:http://www.cevx.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardID=4&ID=11762&page=1

    标签: wince Requires firmware Atheros

    上传时间: 2014-11-11


  • Problem F:汽车加油 Time Limit:1000MS Memory Limit:65536K Total Submit:1400 Accepted:404 Language

    Problem F:汽车加油 Time Limit:1000MS Memory Limit:65536K Total Submit:1400 Accepted:404 Language: not limited Description 一辆汽车加满油后可行驶n公里。旅途中有若干个加油站。设计一个有效算法,指出应在哪些加油站停靠加油,使沿途加油次数最少。 编程任务: 对于给定的n和k(k <= 10000)个加油站位置,编程计算最少加油次数。 Input 第一行有2 个正整数n和k,表示汽车加满油后可行驶n公里,且旅途中有k个加油站。接下来的1 行中,有k+1 个整数,表示第k个加油站与第 k-1 个加油站之间的距离。第0 个加油站表示出发地,汽车已加满油。第k+1 个加油站表示目的地。 Output 输出最少加油次数。如果无法到达目的地,则输出”No Solution”。 Sample Input 7 7 1 2 3 4 5 1 6 6 Sample Output 4

    标签: Limit Accepted Language Problem

    上传时间: 2016-04-12


  • SerialPort 串口通讯用

    SerialPort 串口通讯用,可以供大家调试设备,主要是用Csharp开发的

    标签: SerialPort 串口通讯

    上传时间: 2013-12-15


  • windows mobile 2005 上可以运行的资产管理系统

    windows mobile 2005 上可以运行的资产管理系统,用csharp开发,采用数据半同步方式进行数据同步,可部署在symbol 50m系统上,也可部署在普通windows mobile系统上

    标签: windows mobile 2005 运行

    上传时间: 2013-12-30
