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  • Csharp人事管理管理软件


    标签: Csharp 管理软件

    上传时间: 2019-06-04


  • Allegro Sigrity PI Solution(电源完整性)解决方案

    Cadence® Allegro® Sigrity™ PI(电源完整性)集成设计和分析环境,帮助您简化在高速和高电流PCB系统和IC封装上的电源分配网络创建流程。设计工程师和电气工程师可使用一系列从基础到进阶的功能,对设计周期各阶段的电气性能进行探索、优化和解决问题。通过使用独特的电气约束驱动设计流程,设计周期将大幅缩短,最终产品成本也将大大减少。 Allegro Sigrity PI solution(电源完整性)提供了可扩展、高性价比的预布局及布局后系统PDN设计和分析环境,包含电路板、封装和系统级的初阶及进阶分析。Allegro Sigrity PI Base与CadencePCB和IC封装layout编辑器、CadenceAllegro Design Authoring紧密集成,实现了PCB和IC封装设计从前端至后端的约束驱动PDN设计。

    标签: 电源完整性

    上传时间: 2022-07-11


  • Csharp实例编程百例.rar


    标签: Csharp 编程

    上传时间: 2013-05-25


  • tw9910 datashhet

    The TW9910 is a multi-standard video decoder and encoder chip that is designed for multimedia applications. It uses the mixed-signal 1.8V CMOS technology to provide a low- power integrated solution.

    标签: datashhet 9910 tw

    上传时间: 2013-04-24


  • 外挂硬盘和FLASH的MP3播放器解决方案

    ·详细说明:外挂硬盘和FLASH的MP3播放器解决方案,用C和汇编编写,并附带有电路原理图- Outside hangs the hard disk and the FLASH MP3 player solution, with C and the assembly compilation, and has the electric circuit schematic diagram in pass

    标签: FLASH MP3 硬盘 播放器

    上传时间: 2013-06-12


  • MPEG4解压缩算法源代码

    ·详细说明:MPEG4解压缩算法源代码,研究其中关于错误处理部分。-MPEG4 solution compression calculated the law origin code, studies about the error processing part. 文件列表(点击判断是否您需要的文件):   DECORE   ......\BUILD   .

    标签: MPEG4 压缩算法 源代码

    上传时间: 2013-05-16


  • 24位ADC在心电图中的应用笔记

    Abstract: This application note describes the essential workings of an electrocardiogram (ECG). It discussesfactors that disrupt the ECG signals and make reliable, highly-accurate electrical characterization difficult. Theindustry-standard solution for ECG electrical characterization, which uses an analog front-end and ADCcombination, is explained. The article then introduces the MAX11040 simultaneous-sampling, sigma-deltaADC as a compelling, highly integrated solution that eliminates the need for the AFE, and saves both spaceand cost for the application.

    标签: ADC 24位 心电图 中的应用

    上传时间: 2013-12-23


  • 高集成数字RF调制器解决方案

    Abstract: A digital RF modulator, an integrated solution that satisfies stringent DOCSIS RF-performancerequirements, takes advantage of modern technologies like high-performance wideband digital-to-analogconversion and CMOS technology scaling. This application note describes the concept and advantages ofa digital quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) modulator that uses the direct-RF architecture to enablea cable access platform (CCAP) system.

    标签: 集成 数字RF 调制器 方案

    上传时间: 2013-10-20


  • 高速数字系统设计下载pdf

    高速数字系统设计下载pdf:High-Speed Digital SystemDesign—A Handbook ofInterconnect Theory and DesignPracticesStephen H. HallGarrett W. HallJames A. McCallA Wiley-Interscience Publication JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC.New York • Chichester • Weinheim • Brisbane • Singapore • TorontoCopyright © 2000 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.speeddigital systems at the platform level. The book walks the reader through everyrequired concept, from basic transmission line theory to digital timing analysis, high-speedmeasurement techniques, as well as many other topics. In doing so, a unique balancebetween theory and practical applications is achieved that will allow the reader not only tounderstand the nature of the problem, but also provide practical guidance to the solution.The level of theoretical understanding is such that the reader will be equipped to see beyondthe immediate practical application and solve problems not contained within these pages.Much of the information in this book has not been needed in past digital designs but isabsolutely necessary today. Most of the information covered here is not covered in standardcollege curricula, at least not in its focus on digital design, which is arguably one of the mostsignificant industries in electrical engineering.The focus of this book is on the design of robust high-volume, high-speed digital productssuch as computer systems, with particular attention paid to computer busses. However, thetheory presented is applicable to any high-speed digital system. All of the techniquescovered in this book have been applied in industry to actual digital products that have beensuccessfully produced and sold in high volume.Practicing engineers and graduate and undergraduate students who have completed basicelectromagnetic or microwave design classes are equipped to fully comprehend the theorypresented in this book. At a practical level, however, basic circuit theory is all thebackground required to apply the formulas in this book.

    标签: 高速数字 系统设计

    上传时间: 2013-10-26


  • PCB Design Considerations and Guidelines for 0.4mm and 0.5mm WLPs

    Abstract: Using a wafer-level package (WLP) can reduce the overall size and cost of your solution.However when using a WLP IC, the printed circuit board (PCB) layout can become more complex and, ifnot carefully planned, result in an unreliable design. This article presents some PCB designconsiderations and general recommendations for choosing a 0.4mm- or 0.5mm-pitch WLP for yourapplication.

    标签: Considerations Guidelines and Design

    上传时间: 2013-10-14
