Java Media APIs: Cross-Platform Imaging, Media, and Visualization presents integrated Java media solutions that demonstrate the best practices for using this diverse collection. According to Sun MicroSystems, "This set of APIs supports the integration of audio and video clips, animated presentations, 2D fonts, graphics, and images, as well as speech input/output and 3D models." By presenting each API in the context of its appropriate use within an integrated media application, the authors both illustrate the potential of the APIs and offer the architectural guidance necessary to build compelling programs.
标签: Media Java Cross-Platform Visualization
上传时间: 2013-12-04
protocol for serial communication in rs485 network device
标签: communication protocol network device
上传时间: 2014-01-07
usb pci detection to usb port device
上传时间: 2014-11-18
collective processing environment for mobile devices. It is an environment for mobile device to solve their computationally expensively problem which cannot solved by individual mobile device.
标签: environment mobile collective processing
上传时间: 2017-04-11
S60 SDL is a Simple DirectMedia Layer adaptation for S60. SDL is a cross-platform multimedia library: Applications and libraries built on SDL can easily be ported to other operating systems. But S60 SDL does more than makes porting easy: S60 multimedia applications can be implemented without any knowledge of Symbian C++ native API and a developer can use SDL and standard C, C++ interfaces. The SDL development supports both Nokia OpenC and Symbian stdlib (ESTLIB) C implementations.
标签: cross-platform DirectMedia adaptation multimedia
上传时间: 2014-01-24
classification cross validation
标签: classification validation cross
上传时间: 2017-04-19
A brew application taking backup of the device
标签: application backup taking device
上传时间: 2014-01-16
Data transmission and device control over IP network
标签: transmission control network device
上传时间: 2017-04-23
An introduction to CAN (Controll Area Network) by Peter Bagschik and linux device driver code for CAN.
标签: introduction Bagschik Controll Network
上传时间: 2014-12-07
Device Information Visual C++
标签: Information Device Visual
上传时间: 2013-12-30