this is a graphical editor similar to MS_PAINT built using c++ language runs on turbo c++ compiler
标签: graphical MS_PAINT compiler language
上传时间: 2014-01-06
Thermostat Project using DS18B20 and P89V51RD2 Microcontroller. Compiler used is SDCC. Schematic Included. Main file is "09.C". The code is written for turning the relay on and off at particular temperature thresholds.
标签: Microcontroller Thermostat Schematic Compiler
上传时间: 2014-01-18
Program for implementing AES on 8051 based microcontrollers. SDCC is used as the C compiler. Microcontroller used is P89V51RD2. There are 2 programs included. One program will accept string via UART and accept key via a 4x4 keypad and display decrypted text on 16x2 LCD. The other program will accept plaintext from UART and show encrypted text on 16x2 LCD after receiving key from 4x4 membrane keypad. Schematics and screenshots are included.
标签: microcontrollers implementing compiler Program
上传时间: 2017-04-07
This is Pascal compiler
上传时间: 2013-12-30
Java Media APIs: Cross-Platform Imaging, Media, and Visualization presents integrated Java media solutions that demonstrate the best practices for using this diverse collection. According to Sun MicroSystems, "This set of APIs supports the integration of audio and video clips, animated presentations, 2D fonts, graphics, and images, as well as speech input/output and 3D models." By presenting each API in the context of its appropriate use within an integrated media application, the authors both illustrate the potential of the APIs and offer the architectural guidance necessary to build compelling programs.
标签: Media Java Cross-Platform Visualization
上传时间: 2013-12-04
S60 SDL is a Simple DirectMedia Layer adaptation for S60. SDL is a cross-platform multimedia library: Applications and libraries built on SDL can easily be ported to other operating systems. But S60 SDL does more than makes porting easy: S60 multimedia applications can be implemented without any knowledge of Symbian C++ native API and a developer can use SDL and standard C, C++ interfaces. The SDL development supports both Nokia OpenC and Symbian stdlib (ESTLIB) C implementations.
标签: cross-platform DirectMedia adaptation multimedia
上传时间: 2014-01-24
small compiler written in java lexic, syntatic, semantic, and code generation implemented in java for some of 8086 funcionalities
标签: java implemented generation compiler
上传时间: 2013-12-20
classification cross validation
标签: classification validation cross
上传时间: 2017-04-19
扩充C0文法编译器 1.安装 直接将compiler.exe文件拷贝到指定文件夹即可。 2.编译和运行 采用命令行的方式。运行cmd,进入compiler.exe所在文件夹。 键入:compiler <源程序文件名> 即可执行编译。 (注意:如果源程序和compiler.exe不在同一个文件夹下,必须输入文件完整路径) 如果编译通过,则会显示编译成功并直接解释执行程序。编译完的中间代码存放在out.txt中 如果编译未通过,则会显示编译未通过,并且显示错误个数。详细错误信息存放在Err.txt中 3.结果显示 待编译的程序被正确编译后,运行的结果将直接显示在cmd窗口中。
上传时间: 2017-04-20
how to create a compiler
上传时间: 2017-04-21