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  • WP312-Xilinx新一代28nm FPGA技术简介

    Xilinx Next Generation 28 nm FPGA Technology Overview Xilinx has chosen 28 nm high-κ metal gate (HKMG) highperformance,low-power process technology and combined it with a new unified ASMBL™ architecture to create a new generation of FPGAs that offer lower power and higher performance. These devices enable unprecedented levels of integration and bandwidth and provide system architects and designers a fully programmable alternative to ASSPs and ASICs.

    标签: Xilinx FPGA 312 WP

    上传时间: 2013-12-07


  • This simple SDI Notepad-like application demonstrates how, taking advantage of the MFC support for U

    This simple SDI Notepad-like application demonstrates how, taking advantage of the MFC support for Unicode, to Turkmenize labels of the specified menu items. Actually, Turkmen is not supported by Windows 2000, therefore, to create such resources as menu so that strings in Turkmen could be displayed I had to invent an additional technique 这是一个与记事本类似的简单的SDI应用程序,演示了怎样使用MFC来支持 Unicode,对指定的菜单条目进行Turkmenize标签化。实际上,Windwos 2000并不支持Turknen,因此,创建了那些菜单资源以便那些字符串可以在Turknen中显示,为此我必须开发其它的技术。 来源: http://www.codeguru.com/advancedui/SDI_Note.html

    标签: Notepad-like demonstrates application advantage

    上传时间: 2013-11-26


  • 留言本 需要修改的地方都有注释 你可以自行修改 主要有login.jsp和jdbc.java里面关系都数据库连接部分 jdbc你修改编译之后请放到WEB-INFclasseswu目录下面 数据库采用的

    留言本 需要修改的地方都有注释 你可以自行修改 主要有login.jsp和jdbc.java里面关系都数据库连接部分 jdbc你修改编译之后请放到WEB-INF\classes\wu目录下面 数据库采用的是mysql 建表语言是: create TABLE liuyan_temp ( id int(6) NOT NULL auto_increment, url varchar(100) default # , ip varchar(20) default NULL, email varchar(50) default # , qq varchar(20) default NULL, sj varchar(30) default NULL, content text, xm varchar(20) default 没有姓名 , KEY id (id) ) TYPE=MyISAM

    标签: jdbc WEB-INFclasseswu login java

    上传时间: 2014-01-10


  • This article is a very simple introduction writing a Windows Form application for the Microsoft.NET

    This article is a very simple introduction writing a Windows Form application for the Microsoft.NET framework using C#. The sample application demonstrates how to create and layout controls on a simple form and the handling of mouse click events. The application displays a form showing attributes of a file. This form is similar to the properties dialog box of a file (Right click on a file and Click on Properties menu item). Since attributes of a file will be shown, the sample will show how to use File IO operations in .NET framework.

    标签: introduction application Microsoft article

    上传时间: 2015-04-09


  • 关于tts语音引擎的使用方法!很多软件具有英文发音和朗读功能

    关于tts语音引擎的使用方法!很多软件具有英文发音和朗读功能,它们都使用了MSTTS(Microsoft Text To Speech)技术。微软遵照COM的标准,提供了一套Speech API来对MSTTS进行编程。要在程序中使用这套API,必须确保系统已经安装了MSTTS和Spchapi软件包。   Speech API可以作为类型库引用到Delphi中,方法是:打开Project选单下的Import Type Litrary,点击“Add”加入Windows\Speech目录下的Vtxauto.tlb文件,在Delphi的Import目录中就会生成VTxtAuto—TLB.pas文件,其中定义了VTxtAuto—TLB单元,把它加到Uses成员中来。设计如图2所示的窗口,定义全局变量: var VoTxt:IVTxtAuto   然后在Form的Oncreate事件中加入:   VoTxt:=CoVTxtAuto_.create   VoTxt.Register(′′,′Speech Test′) {注册}   “Read”按钮代码为:   VoTxt.Speak(Memo1.Lines.Text,10) {朗读}   “Stop”按钮代码为:   VoTxt.StopSpeaking {停止朗读}   至此,应用程序已具有朗读功能,10表示使用普通语气。借住VoTxt的属性和方法,我们还可以控制阅读速度和语气,实现暂停、跳句等功能,Speech API编程就这么简单。

    标签: tts 语音 引擎 多软件

    上传时间: 2014-01-21


  • SDP Search and Record generator OVERVIEW: Recognizing the difficulty in creating an SDP service

    SDP Search and Record generator OVERVIEW: Recognizing the difficulty in creating an SDP service description and search from scratch, Microsoft is providing a sample utility in bthnscreate.cxx to automatically create a service or record. This utility can be run to create an SDP record or to setup an SDP Service, Attribute, or ServiceAttribute search based on information stored in a human readable file.

    标签: Recognizing difficulty SDP generator

    上传时间: 2015-04-16


  • 这是一个比较完整的java语言编写的文件系统程序


    标签: java 比较 文件系统 语言

    上传时间: 2015-05-01


  • This project is created using the Keil ARM CA Compiler. The Logic Analyzer built into the simula

    This project is created using the Keil ARM CA Compiler. The Logic Analyzer built into the simulator may be used to monitor and display any variable or peripheral I/O register. It is already configured to show the PWM output signal on PORT3.0 and PORT3.1 This ARM Example may be debugged using only the uVision Simulator and your PC--no additional hardware or evaluation boards are required. The Simulator provides cycle-accurate simulation of all on-chip peripherals of the ADuC7000 device series. You may create various input signals like digital pulses, sine waves, sawtooth waves, and square waves using signal functions which you write in C. Signal functions run in the background in the simulator within timing constraints you configure. In this example, several signal functions are defined in the included Startup_SIM.INI file.

    标签: the Analyzer Compiler project

    上传时间: 2013-12-19


  • This example program shows how to configure and use the A/D Converter of the following microcontroll

    This example program shows how to configure and use the A/D Converter of the following microcontroller: STMicroelectronics ST10F166 After configuring the A/D, the program reads the A/D result and outputs the converted value using the serial port. To run this program... Build the project (Project Menu, Build Target) Start the debugger (Debug Menu, Start/Stop Debug Session) View the Serial Window (View Menu, Serial Window #1) View the A/D converter peripheral (Peripheral Menu, A/D Converter) Run the program (Debug Menu, Go) A debug script (debug.ini) creates buttons that set different analog values in A/D channels. As the program runs, you will see the A/D input and output change. Other buttons create signals that generate sine wave or sawtooth patterns as analog inputs. µ Vision3 users may enable the built-in Logic Analyzer to view, measure and compare these input signals graphically.

    标签: microcontroll Converter configure following

    上传时间: 2014-12-01


  • See Appendix B for a description of the programs included on this companion disk. RESOURCE.WRI iden

    See Appendix B for a description of the programs included on this companion disk. RESOURCE.WRI identifies other books and resources for Internet programming. WEBHELP.HLP contains an introduction to the World Wide Web. TCPMAN.HLP provides detailed instructions to help you use the Trumpet Winsock included on this disk. Use the Program Manager s File menu Run option to execute the SETUP.EXE program found on this disk. SETUP.EXE will install the programs on your hard drive and create an Internet Programming group window. Internet编程技术 [配套程序] [涉及平台] VC [作者] void [文件大小] 1032K

    标签: description companion Appendix RESOURCE

    上传时间: 2013-12-04
