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  • 标准彩色测试图像


    标签: 标准 彩色 图像 测试

    上传时间: 2014-06-03


  • Whenever there is an application to write, breaking it up to small pieces is a great idea. The small

    Whenever there is an application to write, breaking it up to small pieces is a great idea. The smallest piece of any application would probably be a data object, or a simple Bean in Java. Java Beans are simple Java classes that have a distinctive look and behavior. Their simplest purpose is to contain data and they accomplish this by having properties. Each property is actually a data-member containing/referencing the actual data and a couple of methods, a getter method and a setter method. Thus, the simplest data-bean describing a person could be expressed as such:

    标签: small application Whenever breaking

    上传时间: 2016-11-07


  • Power System Stability Modelling

    Modern day large power systems are essentially dynamic systems with stringent requirements of high reliability for the continuous availability of electricity. Reliability is contingent on the power system retaining stable operation during steady-state operation and also following disturbances. The subject of power sys- tem stability has been studied for many decades. With new developments, and there have been many over the past couple of decades, new concerns and problems arise that need to be studied and analysed. The objective of this book is a step in that direction though not ignoring the conventional and well-established approaches.

    标签: Modelling Stability System Power

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • 激光雷达测距新方法研究

    无扫描激光雷达测距成像技术和其他测距系统相比具有可对动态物体清晰成像,功耗低,体积小,成本低廉的优点。无论在军事上,还是在民用上都有非常重要的地位,是激光需达的重点研究方向。本论文介绍了四种基于不同原理的无扫描激光雷达方案。其中基于脉冲增益调制法的无扫描激光雷达具有很强的创造性,该方案使用脉冲光源,脉冲光源发出脉冲光照射目标物体,经物体反射后由功能光接收器MCP(Micro Channel Plate)接收,对MCP施加线性增益调制,在MCP输出端形成新的光场,由CCD(Charge couple Device)接收.CCD输出的图像经图像处理后得到二维图像信息。该方案对背景光干扰不敏感,可成像距离远,具有很大的研究价值。本文设计了一套模拟系统来验证基于脉冲调制法的无扫描激光雷达测距方案的可行性,由于光电倍增管PMr(Photoelectric electron-multiplier tube)在功能上和MCP具有最大的相似性,所以模拟系统中功能光接收器采用光电倍增管。系统由激光驱动模块、PMT驱动模块、时序控制模块、采样接收模块四个部分组成。我们利用自行研制的模拟系统进行了大量的模拟实验,经过对实验结果分析发现该模拟系统的测量距离可达到1千米,测量误差在15米以内,表明了该方案是确实可行的。论文最后对误差来源进行了分析,并对整个项目进行了总结和展望。

    标签: 激光雷达 测距

    上传时间: 2022-06-22


  • 线阵CCD图像传感器驱动电路的设计.

    摘要:随着CCD性能的不断提高,CCD技术在军、民用领域都得到了广泛的应用。介绍了TCDI501C线阵CCD的驱动电路设计,详细介绍了用VHDL完成的CCD图像传感器驱动时序设计和视频输出差分信号驱动电路的设计。关键词:线阵CCD;图像传感器:仪器仪表放大器;差分驱动1引言电荷耦合器件(CCD,Charge couple Device)是20世纪60年代末期出现的新型半导体器件。目前随着CCD器件性能不断提高,在图像传感、尺寸测量及定位测控等领域的应用日益广泛,CCD应用的前端驱动电路成本价格昂贵,而且性能指标受到生产厂家技术和工艺水平的制约,给用户带来很大的不便。CCD驱动器有两种:一种是在脉冲作用下CCD器件输出模拟信号,经后端增益调整电路进行电压或功率放大再送给用户;另一种是在此基础上还包含将其模拟量按一定的输出格式进行数字化的部分,然后将数字信息传输给用户,通常的线阵CCD摄像机就指后者,外加机械扫描装置即可成像。所以根据不同应用领域和技术指标要求,选择不同型号的线阵CCD器件,设计方便灵活的驱动电路与之匹配是CCD应用中的关键技术之一。

    标签: ccd 图像传感器 驱动电路

    上传时间: 2022-06-23


  • 高级PID控制算法.

    Simulation can provide a lot of information about what the system is doing. We canadd the effect of different element, like Encoder resolution, ADC sampling rate, etc and understand how does it affect the system. Another benefit is the possibility to slow down the process, to gain insight on what happens of fast systems or, vice versa, speed up slow process.Because National Instruments is a unique company in the fact the we provide a fullhardware solution couple with a full development platform, we can use this tools in very particular ways For example, it is possible to combine the LabVIEW Control Design and Simulation Module along with the FPGA module to quickly prototype a controller. One of the main benefits of this approach is that there is no need to compile the FPGA code, which allows for a quick algorithm design turnaround and debugging.

    标签: pid控制

    上传时间: 2022-07-20
