资料->【E】光盘论文->【E1】斯坦福博士论文->04 calgary PhD INSGPS Integration Using Neural Networks for Land Vehicular Navigation Applications.pdf
标签: Applications Integration Navigation Vehicular
上传时间: 2013-04-24
keil mdk for arm 4.6以后版本的注册机破解keygen
上传时间: 2013-06-23
1.an fpga implementation of the image space reconstruction algorithm for hyperspectral imaging analysis\r\n2. fpga implemention of a median filter\r\n3. fpga implementation of digital filters\r\n4.hardware acceleration of edge detection algorithm on fpgas
标签: implementation reconstruction hyperspectral algorithm
上传时间: 2013-08-07
This is a document for CYCLONE Develop Kits type LJ-FN300 FPGANIOS. Wish this would help you to find what kits can be select to use.
标签: FPGANIOS document CYCLONE Develop
上传时间: 2013-08-16
This brief introduce a kind of the framework construction to materialize the system. And an example was given with the discussion on the performence.
标签: construction materialize introduce framework
上传时间: 2013-08-17
用fpga实现的DA转换器,有说明和源码,VDHL文件。\\r\\nA PLD Based Delta-Sigma DAC\\r\\nDelta-Sigma modulation is the simple, yet powerful,\\r\\ntechnique responsible for the extraordinary\\r\\nperformance and low cost of today s audio CD\\r\\nplayers. The simplest Delta-Sigm
上传时间: 2013-08-22
用s3c44b0x和 CIS(ContactImage Sensor) 传感器接口
标签: ContactImage s3c44b0x Sensor CIS
上传时间: 2013-08-30
一篇关于CORDIC的文章A survey of CORDIC algorithms for FPGA based computers
标签: CORDIC algorithms computers survey
上传时间: 2013-08-31
something useful for communication,source code based on FPGA
标签: communication something useful source
上传时间: 2013-08-31
On the design of an FPGA-Based OFDM modulator for IEEE 802.11a
标签: FPGA-Based modulator 802.11 design
上传时间: 2013-09-02