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  • Flying™ RTK Solution as Effective Enhancement of Conventional Float RTK Dmitry Kozlov, Gleb Z

    Flying™ RTK Solution as Effective Enhancement of Conventional Float RTK Dmitry Kozlov, Gleb Zyryanov Magellan, Russia

    标签: Conventional Enhancement Effective RTK

    上传时间: 2017-09-09


  • 里面是有关cc++编程方面的经典书籍 像TCPIP协议及网络编程技术 C陷阱与缺陷(中)C++必知必会 高质量C++-C编程指南 程序员面试宝典 《Effective C 》(中文版)等 对cc++

    里面是有关c\c++编程方面的经典书籍 像TCPIP协议及网络编程技术 C陷阱与缺陷(中)C++必知必会 高质量C++-C编程指南 程序员面试宝典 《Effective C 》(中文版)等 对c\c++编程爱好者和初学者都是不错的教程

    标签: Effective TCPIP cc 编程

    上传时间: 2013-12-23


  • The STi7105 uses state of the art process technology to provide an ultra low-cost, fully featured

    The STi7105 uses state of the art process technology to provide an ultra low-cost, fully featured HD AVC decoder IC. It is a highly integrated system-on-chip suitable for STB markets across all networks (cable/satellite/DTT/x- DSL/IP) worldwide

    标签: technology low-cost featured process

    上传时间: 2013-12-22


  • 本书为More Effective C++中文版

    本书为More Effective C++中文版,主要介绍改善程序设计方法与设计思维的35个新方法。

    标签: Effective More

    上传时间: 2014-01-08


  • The matlab program is effective to be used for fringe processing. It contours strain distribution us

    The matlab program is effective to be used for fringe processing. It contours strain distribution using an interferogram.

    标签: distribution processing effective contours

    上传时间: 2017-09-23


  • Effective Java2 电子版,非常好的一本书

    Effective Java2 电子版,非常好的一本书

    标签: Effective Java2 电子版

    上传时间: 2013-11-25


  • Effective C++_简体中文

    Effective C++_简体中文, 很不错的C++书籍。

    标签: Effective C++_简体中文

    上传时间: 2015-12-17


  • Bio Medical CMOS IC

    A major societal challenge for the decades to come will be the delivery of effective medical services while at the same time curbing the growing cost of healthcare. It is expected that new concepts-particularly electronically assisted healthcare will provide an answer. This will include new devices, new medical services as well as networking. On the device side, impressive innovation has been made possible by micro- and nanoelectronics or CMOS Integrated Circuits. Even higher accuracy and smaller form factor combined with reduced cost and increased convenience of use are enabled by incorporation of CMOS IC design in the realization of biomedical systems. The compact hearing aid devices and current pacemakers are good examples of how CMOS ICs bring about these new functionalities and services in the medical field. Apart from these existing applications, many researchers are trying to develop new bio-medical solutions such as Artificial Retina, Deep Brain Stimulation, and Wearable Healthcare Systems. These are possible by combining the recent advances of bio-medical technology with low power CMOS IC technology.

    标签: Medical CMOS Bio IC

    上传时间: 2017-02-06


  • qorvo-carrier-aggregation-fundamentals

    Mobile operators must continuously pursue cost‐ effective and efficient solutions to meet the high data demand requirements of their subscribers. Limited spectrum allocations and non‐contiguous spectrum blocks continue to pose challenges for mobile operators supporting large data uploads and downloads across their networks. With the increase in video and social media content, the challenges have increased exponentially.

    标签: qorvo-carrier-aggregation-fundame ntals

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Effective C++中文第三版

    《Effective C++:改善程序与设计的55个具体做法》(中文版)(第3版)一共组织55个准则,每一条准则描述一个编写出更好的C++的方式。每一个条款的背后都有具体范例支撑。第三版有一半以上的篇幅是崭新内容,包括讨论资源管理和模板(templates)运用的两个新章。为反映出现代设计考虑,对第二版论题做了广泛的修订,包括异常(exceptions)、设计模式(design patterns)和多线程(multithreading)。《Effective C++》的重要特征包括:·高效的 classes、functions、templates 和inheritance hierarchies(继承体系)方面的专家级指导。·崭新的 TR1 标准程序库功能应用,以及与既有标准程序库组件的比较。·洞察 C++和其他语言(例如Java、C#、C)之间的不同。此举有助于那些来自其他语言阵营的开发人员消化吸收 C++ 式的各种解法。

    标签: Effective C++

    上传时间: 2022-05-31
