The Rails cookBook is is packed with the solutions you need to be a proficient developer with Rails, the leading framework for building the new generation of Web 2.0 applications. Recipes range from the basics, like installing Rails and setting up your development environment, to the latest techniques, such as developing RESTful web services. Topics include: . Modeling data with the ActiveRecord library . Setting up views with ActionView and RHTML templates . Building your application s logic into ActionController . Testing and debugging your Rails application . Building responsive web applications using JavaScript and Ajax . Ensuring that your application is security and performs well . Deploying your application with Mongrel and Apache . Using Capistrano to automate deployment . Using the many Rails plugins Working with graphics
标签: Rails with proficient developer
上传时间: 2013-12-23
ActionScript 3.0 cookBook ActionScript 3.0 cookBook
标签: ActionScript cookBook 3.0
上传时间: 2016-08-16
Secure Programming cookBook for C and C
标签: Programming cookBook Secure for
上传时间: 2016-08-23
actionscript3 cookBook 源代码S3CBLibrary
标签: actionscript3 S3CBLibrary cookBook 源代码
上传时间: 2013-12-21
不错的 PERL 教程 Find a Perl programmer, and you ll find a copy of Perl cookBook nearby. Perl cookBook is a comprehensive collection of problems, solutions, and practical examples for anyone programming in Perl. The book contains hundreds of rigorously reviewed Perl "recipes" and thousands of examples ranging from brief one-liners to complete applications. The second edition of Perl cookBook has been fully updated for Perl 5.8, with extensive changes for Unicode support, I/O layers, mod_perl, and new technologies that have emerged since the previous edition of the book. Recipes have been updated to include the latest modules. New recipes have been added to every chapter of the book, and some chapters have almost doubled in size.
标签: cookBook Perl programmer nearby
上传时间: 2016-11-23
本電子檔為 verilog cookBook,包含了通訊,影像,DSP等重要常用之verilog編碼,可作為工程師與初學者的參考手冊
上传时间: 2013-12-19
CppUnit cookBook中文版 你希望知道你的代码是否正在工作。 你该怎么办? 有很多种方法。使用调试器直接调试或者在你的代码里乱丢一些流输出指令是两种简单的方法,但是它们都有自己的缺点。直接调试代码是个好主意,但是它不是自动进行的。你不得不在每次改动代码以后重新调试。输出流文本也不错,但是它使代码变得面目可憎,并且大多数情况下,它输出的信息比你想要的要多。
上传时间: 2014-12-21
struts cookBook的例子,欢迎下载
上传时间: 2016-12-25
MySQL.cookBook 这本书的PDF格式,
上传时间: 2013-12-03
C++ cookBook. It is very useful for C++ developer.
标签: developer cookBook useful very
上传时间: 2013-12-28