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  • When two dice to seven points and 11 wins When two dice and for two points. Or 3. Or 5 to lose. on t

    When two dice to seven points and 11 wins When two dice and for two points. Or 3. Or 5 to lose. on the other to continue throwing, if referrals to lose seven, and the last time it won

    标签: points two When dice

    上传时间: 2015-11-18


  • 1.计算n至少多大时

    1.计算n至少多大时,以下不等式成立。 1+1/2+1/3+……+1/n>10 2.请分别用break和continue语句判断1-1000以内的素数个数。 3.编写一个程序找出100~1000之间的所有姐妹素数。(注: 姐妹素数是指相邻两个奇数均为素数。)

    标签: 计算

    上传时间: 2014-06-23


  • First of all, the Applet-phone is a SIP User-Agent with audio and text messaging capabilities. But

    First of all, the Applet-phone is a SIP User-Agent with audio and text messaging capabilities. But i s also embedded in an applet where you can use it as usual if your firewall allow you to use the UDP transport. If not, you can use TCP to carry your voice in a voice messaging fashion. Your voice is recorded and encoded locally then sent as a message, decoded and played back by your peer. Voice messaging allow you to go through any firewall, so that you can continue to chat and talk with your friends from an applet !

    标签: Applet-phone capabilities User-Agent messaging

    上传时间: 2014-01-11


  • As the Hardware Description Language (HDL) enhancement activities have increased over the past year,

    As the Hardware Description Language (HDL) enhancement activities have increased over the past year, so too has the complexity in determining which language(s) are the best tools for designers and organizations to continue using or to adopt. Many designers and organizations are contemplating whether they should switch from one HDL to another.

    标签: Description enhancement activities the

    上传时间: 2015-12-15


  • As the Hardware Description Language (HDL) enhancement activities have increased over the past year,

    As the Hardware Description Language (HDL) enhancement activities have increased over the past year, so too has the complexity in determining which language(s) are the best tools for designers and organizations to continue using or to adopt. Many designers and organizations are contemplating whether they should switch from one HDL to another.

    标签: Description enhancement activities the

    上传时间: 2015-12-15


  • vs.net技术内幕 The release of the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (and Visual C++ .NET in particular) has

    vs.net技术内幕 The release of the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (and Visual C++ .NET in particular) has underscored Microsoft’s increasing focus on Internet technologies, which are at the heart of the Microsoft .NET architecture. In addition to supporting the .NET initiative, Visual C++ .NET keeps all the productivity-boosting features you’re familiar with, such as Edit And continue, IntelliSense, AutoComplete, and code tips. Visual C++ .NET also includes many new features such as managed code extensions for .NET programming, support for attributed code, and a more consistent development environment. These features take Visual C++ .NET to a new level. This book will get you up to speed on the latest technologies introduced into Visual C++.

    标签: Visual particular Microsoft NET

    上传时间: 2015-12-26


  • VC6.0核心编程。主要涉及到windows消息

    VC6.0核心编程。主要涉及到windows消息,框架,mfc库以及相关编程,com,activex技术,数据库技术,网络编程技术。为英文版本。 The 6.0 release of Visual C++ shows Microsoft s continued focus on Internet technologies and COM, which are key components of the new Windows Distributed interNet Application Architecture (DNA). In addition to supporting these platform initiatives, Visual C++ 6.0 also adds an amazing number of productivity-boosting features such as Edit And continue, IntelliSense, AutoComplete, and code tips. These features take Visual C++ to a new level. We have tried to make sure that this book keeps you up to speed on the latest technologies being introduced into Visual C++.

    标签: windows 6.0 VC 核心

    上传时间: 2016-01-02


  • 曲线拟合函数 三个函数

    曲线拟合函数 三个函数,SPLine 调用另外两个。用时候直接调用SPLine函数,入口pList是已知离散点链表,pDestList是生成的点的链表。SM是在两个点中间插入点的数目,continue=0是采样点无规律,要求生成闭合曲线。

    标签: 函数 曲线拟合

    上传时间: 2014-01-16


  • 第三章 程序流程控制 主要内容1、if…else…选择语句。 2、条件运算符。 3、SWITCH开关分支语句。 4、逻辑运算符。 5、循环语句。 6、自增自减运算。 7、break、co

    第三章 程序流程控制 主要内容1、if…else…选择语句。 2、条件运算符。 3、SWITCH开关分支语句。 4、逻辑运算符。 5、循环语句。 6、自增自减运算。 7、break、continue、goto语句 8、运算符的优先级、结合性。

    标签: SWITCH break else 运算符

    上传时间: 2016-01-15


  • C语言精彩百例第1-44例 实例1 数据类型转换 实例2 转义字符 实例3 关系和逻辑运算 实例4 自增自减 实例5 普通位运算 实例6 位移运算 实例7 字符译码 实例8 指针操作符

    C语言精彩百例第1-44例 实例1 数据类型转换 实例2 转义字符 实例3 关系和逻辑运算 实例4 自增自减 实例5 普通位运算 实例6 位移运算 实例7 字符译码 实例8 指针操作符 实例9 if判断语句 实例10 else-if语句 实例11 嵌套if语句 实例12 switch语句 实例13 for语句 实例14 while语句 实例15 do-while语句 实例16 break和continue语句 实例17 exit()语句 实例18 综合实例 实例19 一维数组 实例20 二维数组 实例21 字符数组 实例22 数组初始化 实例23 数组应用 实例24 函数的值调用 实例25 函数的引用调用 实例26 数组函数的调用 实例27 命令行变元 实例28 函数的返回值 实例29 函数的嵌套调用 实例30 函数的递归调用 实例31 局部和全局变量 实例32 变量的存储类别 实例33 内部和外部函数 实例34 综合实例1 实例35 综合实例2 实例36 变量的指针 实例37 一维数组指针 实例38 二维数组指针 实例39 字符串指针 实例40 函数指针 实例41 指针数组 实例42 二维指针 实例43 指针的初始化 实例44 综合实例

    标签: 字符 C语言 数据类型

    上传时间: 2014-01-16
