书名:John.Wiley.Sons.Multimedia.content.and.the.Semantic.Web.Standards.Methods.and.Tools.Jun.2005.eBook-LinG 书中介绍彩信的内容和标准。
标签: Multimedia Standards and Semantic
上传时间: 2016-05-17
You can see some basis operation on the binary tree.There are some very easy content of data structure.
标签: some operation content structu
上传时间: 2014-01-17
独立flash播放器!This the developer’s wiki for Gnash and related projects. content on these pages may not represent the official position of the Gnash team. You must register and be given access by the administrator to be able to write to the wiki registration is free, it’s friendly, and it stops spammers.
标签: developer projects content related
上传时间: 2016-08-21
标签: Quoted-Printable-content-Transfer Encoding QP 编码解码
上传时间: 2016-08-31
The content is comform as the title, if you have the better code, let me know.thanks.
标签: the content comform better
上传时间: 2016-09-29
Communication software and platform develop sketch map and content and wrap up and step the computer network, such multi-platform information, in order to offer its explanation relying mainly on stepping the platform of reference mainly as railway application,etc
标签: and Communication software platform
上传时间: 2016-10-28
Semantic analysis of multimedia content is an on going research area that has gained a lot of attention over the last few years. Additionally, machine learning techniques are widely used for multimedia analysis with great success. This work presents a combined approach to semantic adaptation of neural network classifiers in multimedia framework. It is based on a fuzzy reasoning engine which is able to evaluate the outputs and the confidence levels of the neural network classifier, using a knowledge base. Improved image segmentation results are obtained, which are used for adaptation of the network classifier, further increasing its ability to provide accurate classification of the specific content.
标签: multimedia Semantic analysis research
上传时间: 2016-11-24
CMS4J 是 JAVA / JSP 版网站管理系统 (content Manage System For Java)的简称,读作 “CMS For J” 国内 JAVA版网站管理系统 的领航者,依托于 JAVA 技术,专注于 网站内容管理 CMS4J绝非国外一些开源产品的改造版,我们秉承用户本土化的原 则,切身体验国内CMS系统的应用现状与实际需求,为中小企业量身定 做,CMS4J项目在立项时,就已经立下了以下四大目标: [目标 1]: 不编程,做动态网站 要让网站设计师、美工也会做动 态网站,动态网站不再是程序员的专长; [目标 2]: 高扩展,插件式架构 系统基于Plug-in结构,所有模 块均插件化, 良好的二次开发接口; [目标 3]: 小投资,低成本运营 让网站可以低成本运营,绝对不 允许存在第三方不必要的软件开支; [目标 4]: 大应用,分布式部署 立足日访量为1至100百万网站的 应用,向千万级大型综合门户应用迈进;
标签: content Manage System CMS4J
上传时间: 2013-12-17
使用VBA和宏自动查找天涯社区贴子中的发贴者和跟贴者名称。不需要手动查找。查找完可直接复制。例如下面贴子: http://www.tianya.cn/publicforum/content/free/1/1456389.shtml
标签: publicforum content tianya http
上传时间: 2013-12-06
JEECSM是JavaEE版网站管理系统(Java Enterprise Edition content Manage System)的简称,是一个稳定性和性能都很好的网站管理系统。
标签: Enterprise Edition content JEECSM
上传时间: 2017-01-03