该项目为网上银行系统,使用技术为Struts+Hibernate。 JSP页面采用Tiles框架布局,表单验证没有采用Validator框架验证。 JDK:1.4以上 数据库:SQL Server2000 开发工具:Eclipse+MyEclipse
上传时间: 2014-01-20
Serial UART open source core. The design is engineered for use as a stand alone chip or for use with other of our cores. The reason for developing the Serial UART core is the fact, that asynchronous serial communication is very common that almost every machine understands it.Also, for OCRP-1, we needed a way of communication with a host computer, to make it available over the net.
标签: engineered for use Serial
上传时间: 2017-03-11
VxWorks 6.6 BSP开发执导 This document describes, in general terms, the elements that make up a board support package [BSP], the requirements for a VxWorks BSP, and the general behavior of a BSP during the boot process. This document outlines the steps needed to port an existing BSP to a new hardware platform or to write a new VxWorks BSP for custom hardware using a reference BSP or template BSP as a starting point. It provides hints and tips for debugging a BSP and solving common BSP development problems. It also provides information on the BSP validation test suite [BSP VTS] that is used to assess the functionality of a VxWorks BSP.
标签: describes document elements VxWorks
上传时间: 2017-03-23
The existence of numerous imaging modalities makes it possible to present different data present in different modalities together thus forming multimodal images. Component images forming multimodal images should be aligned, or registered so that all the data, coming from the different modalities, are displayed in proper locations. The term image registration is most commonly used to denote the process of alignment of images , that is of transforming them to the common coordinate system. This is done by optimizing a similarity measure between the two images. A widely used measure is Mutual Information (MI). This method requires estimating joint histogram of the two images. Experiments are presented that demonstrate the approach. The technique is intensity-based rather than feature-based. As a comparative assessment the performance based on normalized mutual information and cross correlation as metric have also been presented.
标签: present modalities existence different
上传时间: 2017-04-03
网页采集系统 ================= 安装配置 ------- 1 程序我就不说了 2 配置文件 applicationContext.xml 里面有详细的注释 3 已经包含了多个论坛博客的参数,如CSDN论坛、博客园、新浪博客、百度Hi、ccidnet等的解析参数 需要的类库 --------- 1 Spring 2.5 2 common-logging 1.1 3 paoding-analysis 2.0.4-beta 4 commons-dbcp-1.2.2.jar 5 mysql-connector-java-5.1.7-bin.jar 6 commons-pool-1.4.jar 7 Lucene.2.4.0.jar 8 Lucene-highlighter-2.4.0.jar 9 java2000.jar 演示例子 ------- 本地:在com.laozizhu.search.demo目录下面 B/S: http://search.laozizhu.com
标签: applicationContext xml 页 采集系统
上传时间: 2017-04-07
The AT24C512 provides 524,288 bits of serial electrically erasable and programmable read only memory (EEPROM) organized as 65,536 words of 8 bits each. The device鈥檚 cascadable feature allows up to four devices to share a common two-wire bus. The device is optimized for use in many industrial and commercial applications where lowpower and low-voltage operation are essential. The devices are available in spacesaving 8-pin PDIP, 8-lead EIAJ SOIC, 8-lead JEDEC SOIC, 8-lead TSSOP, 8-lead Leadless Array (LAP), and 8-lead SAP packages. In addition, the entire family is available in 2.7V (2.7V to 5.5V) and 1.8V (1.8V to 3.6V) versions.
标签: electrically programmable provides erasable
上传时间: 2017-04-09
Auctions are among the oldest economic institutions in place. They have been used since antiquity to sell a wide variety of goods, and their basic form has remained unchanged. In this dissertation, we explore the efficiency of common auctions when values are interdependent- the value to a particular bidder may depend on information available only to others-and asymmetric. In this setting, it is well known that sealed-bid auctions do not achieve efficient allocations in general since they do not allow the information held by different bidders to be shared.
标签: institutions antiquity Auctions economic
上传时间: 2014-07-14
1. This BSP can support 2443EVT0 board. If you want to use EVT0 BSP, set followings. In smdk2443\smdk2443.bat file set BSP_EVT1=1 -> set BSP_EVT1= In smdk2443\src\inc\bsp_cfg.h file #define EVT1 -> #define EVT0 2. Default system tick mode is changed. The value is fixed tick. Fixed tick means that tick interrupt is occurred every 1ms. Variable tick means that timer interrupt period is changed when power mode is in idle. For changing to variable tick In smdk2443\src\inc\bsp_cfg.h file #define FIXEDTICK -> #define VARTICK In smdk2443\src\Common\Timer\Sources file SOURCES= timer_fixedtick.c watchdog.c -> SOURCES= timer_vartick.c watchdog.c
标签: EVT0 followings BSP support
上传时间: 2014-01-27
This article covers many of the fundamentals of analog video. Video is defined for our purposes here as "moving pictures." Still imaging, like what is found in digital still cameras or scanners, is not covered. The requirements for still imaging do have a lot in common with those for video, but the differences are significant enough to be dealt with as a separate discipline.
标签: fundamentals purposes article defined
上传时间: 2013-12-17
This guide is an attempt to compile a lot of that information in here and dummy it down. Perhaps it s a fairly common show, perhaps not. It might have even been a show that you taped. Whatever the case, you want to share it with others bur aren t quite sure how. This guide should be your answer. This guide is geared towards posting a show at SharingTheGroove.org. The instructions contained within are for that site. Other sites hosting BT shows may have slightly different procedures for getting the torrent to them. However, torrent creation will be the same. While this guide is being written with audio concerts in mind, the same holds true for the video section of The Groove.
标签: information Perhaps attempt compile
上传时间: 2013-12-19