Emacs command talbe, Emacs命令全表
上传时间: 2014-01-20
This GUI can be used by entering nu at the MATLAB command prompt. The user can either select a function (f(x)) of their choice or a statistical distribution probability distribution function to plot over a user defined range. The function s integral can be evaluated over a user defined range by using: The composite trapezium, simpsons and gauss-legendre rules. This is useful for calculating accurate probabilities that one might see in statistical tables.
标签: can entering command MATLAB
上传时间: 2016-11-07
ST32 基于(英蓓特)STM32V100的EXTI程序 This example shows how to configure an external interrupt line. In this example, the EXTI line 9 is configured to generate an interrupt on each falling edge. In the interrupt routine a led connected to PC.06 is toggled. This led will be toggled due to the softawre interrupt generated on EXTI Line9 then at each falling edge.
标签: configure interrupt external example
上传时间: 2016-11-17
关于on-line boosting的gradient feature selection的介绍
标签: selection boosting gradient on-line
上传时间: 2016-12-04
c语言怎么编游戏 纯真童趣的《泡泡堂》,还有武林情仇,笑傲江湖的《剑侠情缘on line》.它是e时代常谈的话题,是交互式娱乐的主力军,是一种 高层次的综合艺术,更是一个民族的文化,世界观的全新传播方式 .作为游戏玩家的我们,是不是想设计一个属于自己的游戏呢? 爱玩是人的天性,而C语言是我们计算机专业都要学习的一门基础 学科.一般来说,是比较枯燥的.那么,我们能不能通过编一些小 游戏来提高它的趣味性呢?这样学习程序设计,就不会是一件艰苦 ,枯燥的事,它变得象电脑游戏一样充满好奇,富有乐趣.这正是 我发贴的目的.
上传时间: 2013-12-20
Micron Nand flash Material, including ECC, Nand Command Operation, boot from nand, hamming code. Useful to the nand driver developer.
标签: Nand Operation including Material
上传时间: 2013-12-01
scsi command for usb storage
上传时间: 2016-12-14
Plait distance machine, very friendly of download line, a lot of list slice machine all can total use
标签: machine distance friendly download
上传时间: 2013-12-17
直线搜索:用于不精确直线搜索line search
上传时间: 2013-12-18
Common Flash Interface (CFI) and Command Sets from Intel
标签: Interface Command Common Flash
上传时间: 2017-01-23