% This program calculates radar ranges in a jamming environment. It works % with both Stand-off jamming and self-screening jamming for steady and Swerling type % targets with frequency agility, coherent integration and standard atmosphere/rain % attenuation
标签: environment calculates Stand-off program
上传时间: 2013-12-24
Electromagnetic scattering from the trees above a tilted rough ground plane generated by the stochastic Lidenmayer system is studied by Monte Carlo simulations in this paper.The scattering coefficients are calculated in three methods:coherent addition approximation,tree-independent scattering,and independent scattering.
标签: Electromagnetic scattering generated the
上传时间: 2013-12-06
The GRLIB IP Library is an integrated set of reusable IP cores, designed for system-on-chip (SOC) development. The IP cores are centered around a common on-chip bus, and use a coherent method for simulation and synthesis. The library is vendor independent, with support for different CAD tools and target technologies. A unique plug&play method is used to configure and connect the IP cores without the need to modify any global resources.
标签: system-on-chip integrated designed reusable
上传时间: 2015-11-17
Carrier-phase synchronization can be approached in a general manner by estimating the multiplicative distortion (MD) to which a baseband received signal in an RF or coherent optical transmission system is subjected. This paper presents a unified modeling and estimation of the MD in finite-alphabet digital communication systems. A simple form of MD is the camer phase exp GO) which has to be estimated and compensated for in a coherent receiver. A more general case with fading must, however, allow for amplitude as well as phase variations of the MD. We assume a state-variable model for the MD and generally obtain a nonlinear estimation problem with additional randomly-varying system parameters such as received signal power, frequency offset, and Doppler spread. An extended Kalman filter is then applied as a near-optimal solution to the adaptive MD and channel parameter estimation problem. Examples are given to show the use and some advantages of this scheme.
标签: synchronization Carrier-phase multiplicativ approached
上传时间: 2013-11-28
This project aim was to build wireless software modem for data communication between two computers using an acoustic interface in the voice frequency range (20Hz– 20,000Hz). The transmitting antenna is a speaker (frequency response of: 90Hz – 20,000Hz) and the receiving antenna is a microphone (frequency response of: 100Hz – 16,000Hz). The test files used as information files were text files. This goal was attained both in an incoherent scheme and in a coherent scheme. Build under Matlab code, our modem uses OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) modulation, synchronization by LMS sequence, channel estimation (no equalizer) via pilot tones. The symbols are either PSK or ASK for a constellation size of 2 or 4. To optimize the probability of error, these symbols were mapped using Gray mapping. Report
标签: communication computers software wireless
上传时间: 2014-05-29
Testability is the concern most often voiced by Texas Instruments (TIä ) application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) users. This document is intended to consolidate TI policies into a coherent approach to designing for testability. It is not intended as a specification, but as a guide you can use for developing test strategies when designs are being initiated
标签: Testability Instruments application specific
上传时间: 2016-11-13
We simulate uncoded BER of BPSK modulated data as a function of SNR -in an AWGN channel -in a Rayleigh fading channel -in an AWGN channel when direct sequence spreading is used and compare results to the theoretical ones. We assume coherent receiver and perfect synchronization.
标签: modulated simulate function channel
上传时间: 2014-01-11
What you always wanted to know about networking but were afraid to ask! * How networks and the Internet work * How to build coherent, cost-effective network infrastructures * How to design networks for maximum reliability and availability * What you need to know about data center and application networking * How to secure networks against today?s threats and attacks * How to take advantage of the latest mobility technologies * How virtualizing networks can help businesses leverage their network investments even further * How to combine messaging, calendaring, telephony, audio, video, and web conferencing into a unified communications architecture
标签: networking networks always afraid
上传时间: 2013-12-25
Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) refers to a multiplexing and transmission scheme in optical telecommunications fibers where different wavelengths, typically emitted by several lasers, are modulated independently (i.e., they carry independent information from the transmitters to the receivers). These wavelengths are then multiplexed in the transmitter by means of passive WDM filters, and likewise they are separated or demultiplexed in the receiver by means of the same filters or coherent detection that usually involves a tunable local oscillator (laser).
标签: Multiplexing Wavelength Division
上传时间: 2020-06-01